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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 12:56 AM)
Fail,who said I give a crap about the Mexican National team?

Nice try though thinking that because I'm Mexican-American I must root for Mexico like all Irish-Americans going for Ireland or all Polish-Americans going for Poland,right?Wrong!

By the way,Soccer is as exciting as watching paint dry,I rarely watch it cept when nothing else is on.:D


Whereas Team USA choking saddened you guys,I couldn't care less who goes or doesn't go to the WC :lolhitting


Then what the f*** is the point in posting here? Do you get your jollies by reveling in other people being upset? Good for you then. And it's not far fetched at all to believe someone who

has "Mex" in their name would have pride in where they're from.


And people who believe the US choked are so ignorant.


Seriously, if people don't like soccer why the hell are they posting here? It seems some people just "hate" the sport so much without knowing anything about it they just say stupid stuff trying to be funny or make themselves feel better all the time. I can't stand WWE and think it is the beyond to dumb to actually follow it. Therefore I never go into that thread, and if I did the last thing I would post is "OMGz the WWE is so dumb!! hAhaha"...Odd concept huh?

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Manchester City offer Eto'o 'stratospheric' deal


Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet but this came out about a week ago.


Reports suggest the Catalan giants have accepted a €30m (£25.5m) bid from City and Laporta believes the temptation of a mega salary would prove too much for Eto'o.


"Eto'o has a stratospheric offer from City, which would convert him into the best-paid player in the world," he told the Catalan radio station iCat FM.


"It's starting to become clear that he has this monster offer. He wants to stay but an offer like this is very difficult to refuse. If Eto'o accepts this stratospheric offer we will have to bring in someone."


"He will do the pre-season with us, and then Pep [Guardiola, the Barça manager] will decide if he stays."


Manchester City making a bid to turn the 'Big 4' into the 'Big 5' it seems

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jul 7, 2009 -> 11:44 AM)
The younger US players looked really good against Grenada.


Play Honduras next.


Nice to see Holden and Rogers get their first goals.


In other US soccer news, Oguchi Onyewu signed with AC Milan. Always good for our guys to face better competition.

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Is it sad that I've watched all 8 Gold Cup match so far? So far its been really lackluster but I guess thats because of the lack of star power. The US looked nice but it was Grenada. Wasnt too impressed with Adu. Hopefully it was just rust. Rogers looked good.


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Adu needs to play. It can't be surprising he hasn't progressed much when he doesn't play all the time at Benfica and outside of the Olympics (where I thought he looked good) hasn't had a major role on any team yet. He's 20. I still believe he has enough talent and promise to become a mainstay for the US eventually.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 11:44 PM)
Did 80,000 people really show up in Madrid just to see Ronaldo get introduced? Wow



They'll try to get Xabi Alonso now and Barcelona want Mascherano from Liverpool also.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 08:37 AM)
Adu needs to play. It can't be surprising he hasn't progressed much when he doesn't play all the time at Benfica and outside of the Olympics (where I thought he looked good) hasn't had a major role on any team yet. He's 20. I still believe he has enough talent and promise to become a mainstay for the US eventually.




He looked good also in the U-20? World Cup in Canada too a few summers ago.


Guy just needs some PT this upcoming season. Maybe that will lead to some minutes off the bench in 2010. But I'm not holding my breath on Adu contributing much between now and then.

Edited by zenryan
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Adu doesn't deserve the stick he's been getting. He's still 19 and hasn't gotten much time at Monaco. You can tell he's slightly off the pace, he dribbles at people but he can't really beat them all the time. It's due to him not being match fit. To say he peaked at a young age is laughable. How in God's name can one peak at 17?

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QUOTE (Nokona @ Jul 9, 2009 -> 01:03 PM)
Adu doesn't deserve the stick he's been getting. He's still 19 and hasn't gotten much time at Monaco. You can tell he's slightly off the pace, he dribbles at people but he can't really beat them all the time. It's due to him not being match fit. To say he peaked at a young age is laughable. How in God's name can one peak at 17?

He's 20 and players have stopped improving in that age range before. I didn't say he peaked at 17. I'm saying he's undersized and not as talented as the hype. I'd rather have a guy like Robbie Rogers or Charlie Davies. Granted, both are older than Adu, but Adu isn't making the progress of the original hype.

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Anyone see the Mexico/Panama match tonight? It was f***ing nuts.


The Mexican coach kicked a Panama player who was running down the sideline . Of course the coach got a red card.


Then a guy from Panama got a red card during what turned out to be a 10 minute delay. And it wouldnt be a soccer game involving Mexico if it wasnt for their stupid fans throwing anything they could get their hands on at the players from Panama. At one point a Panama player was hurt and laying on the sidelines and fans were chucking cups and water bottles at him. Pathetic.

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QUOTE (dbaho @ Jul 8, 2009 -> 10:07 AM)


They'll try to get Xabi Alonso now and Barcelona want Mascherano from Liverpool also.


ugh i hope Real Madrid absolutely flops at the champions league. This is a more extreme version of when my Chelsea started buying good players to win trophies.. But does Real Madrid have the manager to manage the superstar personalities on the team?

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QUOTE (zenryan @ Jul 10, 2009 -> 12:11 AM)
Anyone see the Mexico/Panama match tonight? It was f***ing nuts.


The Mexican coach kicked a Panama player who was running down the sideline . Of course the coach got a red card.


Then a guy from Panama got a red card during what turned out to be a 10 minute delay. And it wouldnt be a soccer game involving Mexico if it wasnt for their stupid fans throwing anything they could get their hands on at the players from Panama. At one point a Panama player was hurt and laying on the sidelines and fans were chucking cups and water bottles at him. Pathetic.


I watched that game and I agree that the Mexican side and their fans showed no class but that little snide remark suggesting that Mexican futbol fans are always classless was out of line,you want to talk rowdy classless fans?Mexican fans are lightweights compared to pissed off Argentines,Scots,Germans,Italians,Dutch,English,Irish etc...Mexico hardly has the market cornered on s***ty fan behavior and since you seem to be a knowledgeable soccer fan I bet you know Mexican fans are not even in the top 10 of hooligan fans...



I've seen some of your soccer posts and you don't waste any opportunity to slam Mexico every chance you get...you seem to have a bug up your butt about Mexico...do you also dislike CQ since his folks are Mexican?

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I agree with you but zenryan's remark about it's not a Mexico game without s***ty fan behavior is an exaggeration...


You don't see the security detail in cities Mexico plays in unlike some European teams that have actually had all of their fans banned during matches in Euro Cup competition.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 11, 2009 -> 11:42 AM)
I agree with you but zenryan's remark about it's not a Mexico game without s***ty fan behavior is an exaggeration...


You don't see the security detail in cities Mexico plays in unlike some European teams that have actually had all of their fans banned during matches in Euro Cup competition.


correct me if i am wrong but i believe that last season, fans from AS Roma and Napoli (of the italian serie A) were banned from going to each others stadiums to watch their teams play each other.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 11, 2009 -> 01:12 PM)
I watched that game and I agree that the Mexican side and their fans showed no class but that little snide remark suggesting that Mexican futbol fans are always classless was out of line,you want to talk rowdy classless fans?Mexican fans are lightweights compared to pissed off Argentines,Scots,Germans,Italians,Dutch,English,Irish etc...Mexico hardly has the market cornered on s***ty fan behavior and since you seem to be a knowledgeable soccer fan I bet you know Mexican fans are not even in the top 10 of hooligan fans...



I've seen some of your soccer posts and you don't waste any opportunity to slam Mexico every chance you get...you seem to have a bug up your butt about Mexico...do you also dislike CQ since his folks are Mexican?




When did I ever say something bad about the country of Mexico? I do have a problem with their soccer team and fans though. I love how youre trying to imply something with the CQ comment.


Mexican soccer fans arent hooligans but they are classless. I really liked back in 2003? when the fans started chanting "Osama! Osama!"


For someone who claims not to be a soccer fan, you sure spend a lot of time in this thread.





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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 2, 2009 -> 12:56 AM)
Fail,who said I give a crap about the Mexican National team?

Nice try though thinking that because I'm Mexican-American I must root for Mexico like all Irish-Americans going for Ireland or all Polish-Americans going for Poland,right?Wrong!

By the way,Soccer is as exciting as watching paint dry,I rarely watch it cept when nothing else is on.:D



QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jul 11, 2009 -> 01:12 PM)
I watched that game and I agree that the Mexican side and their fans showed no class but that little snide remark suggesting that Mexican futbol fans are always classless was out of line,you want to talk rowdy classless fans?Mexican fans are lightweights compared to pissed off Argentines,Scots,Germans,Italians,Dutch,English,Irish etc...Mexico hardly has the market cornered on s***ty fan behavior and since you seem to be a knowledgeable soccer fan I bet you know Mexican fans are not even in the top 10 of hooligan fans...



I've seen some of your soccer posts and you don't waste any opportunity to slam Mexico every chance you get...you seem to have a bug up your butt about Mexico...do you also dislike CQ since his folks are Mexican?


You mean when he bashed Mexico in response to you bashing the US team?


And how would you even know what their fans are like compared to others? I mean since you don't care about soccer and all.


Odd that you seem to know and care so much when you hate the sport and would rather watch paint dry...


And yeah, Mexico will carry that rep for a while because it is true. The "Osama, Osama" incident is right up there in the most classless actions ever argument.

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QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jul 13, 2009 -> 07:38 AM)
You mean when he bashed Mexico in response to you bashing the US team?


And how would you even know what their fans are like compared to others? I mean since you don't care about soccer and all.


Odd that you seem to know and care so much when you hate the sport and would rather watch paint dry...


And yeah, Mexico will carry that rep for a while because it is true. The "Osama, Osama" incident is right up there in the most classless actions ever argument.


I never bashed the US team,how is goofing on them for losing after being up 2-0 "bashing"?Did I talk bad about the players or coaches or fans of Team USA?The fact that I believe they choked is an opinion of them not being able to hold a 2 goal lead after outplaying Brazil in the first half,not a bash on them...


I do believe soccer is boring but that doesn't mean I don't know anything about the sport...I lived almost 10 years in Mexico,a little knowledge of the sport rubbed off on me.

I don't care for NASCAR or golf but I know a little of each sport,I watch ESPN.


No argument of the Mexican crowd yelling Osama as a classless and ignorant chant here but what a bunch of idiots did in a soccer match doesn't mean everyone in Mexico felt that way,in case you didn't know,the Mexican press and general public blasted those who chanted that during the game,it was called classless and unecessary in any forum,much less a soccer game.


One more thing,Mexico had their flags at half mast for a few days in solidarity with America after 9/11,but I bet you didn't know that.

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