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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 07:21 PM)
Hogan/Orton may not happen at SummerSlam according to WWE.com


Hogan's got a cracked meniscus and may be out of action.


Hogan's running from either doing the j.o.b. or from the Legend Killer Actually, that running from doing the job and passing the torch sometime in the next century may be pretty accurate.


Yeah, unless it would lead to a re-match at WM, there is no reason for Orton to put over Hogan. Last year vs. HBK, I can understand him going over, but this is different.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 07:21 PM)
Hogan/Orton may not happen at SummerSlam according to WWE.com


Hogan's got a cracked meniscus and may be out of action.


Hogan's running from either doing the j.o.b. or from the Legend Killer Actually, that running from doing the job and passing the torch sometime in the next century may be pretty accurate.


woe is me.

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 01:40 AM)
woe is me.

Yeah, Randy Resthold vs the man with all the speed of a tectonic plate and whose skin is so leathery it could be used to make luggage after his death. We're really missing out on a classic


And it isn't like Hogan was going to put him over. It was just a dumb feud so Brooke could get more PR for her stupid album. Somebody get Hogan a grill or something else to shill so he can stay the Hell off my TV set. To paraphrase the great Jim Cornette: Hogan, you're an everyday household word. But so is garbage and it stinks too when it gets old.


Plus, some of the legends Randy gets credit for "killing" aren't all his credit.


Jake Roberts -- Sorry, Randy. Illegal drugs, lots of booze, a dangerously stiff guitar shot to the neck by the Honky Tonk Man and Vince McMahon killing a feud against Hogan for the strap because Jake got cheers did a lot more to kill his career than rKo ever dream.


Sgt. Slaughter -- Wow, he took out a retired road agent! Age had more to do with that than anything.


Kamala -- Now, there's a real notch in the belt. :P


Foley -- Gee, Foley is still on TV and still as popular as ever. Mission failed.


Harley Race -- Wow, you hocked a loogey at him. I don't think that killed the legend of one of the best wrestlers in the biz.


Roddy Piper -- Booze and Father Time have done more to that man than Randy did.


Jerry Lawler -- I'd be impressed if somebody smacked the King firmly and strongly. Unfortunately some fifteen year old girls did it to him without pants just last week so again Randy's actions take a back seat.


Ric Flair -- Alright, that's impressive in the cage. But seeing how Flair is still intensely popular, I don't think he did a good job at killing the legend.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 02:08 AM)
Yeah, Randy Resthold vs the man with all the speed of a tectonic plate and whose skin is so leathery it could be used to make luggage after his death. We're really missing out on a classic


And it isn't like Hogan was going to put him over. It was just a dumb feud so Brooke could get more PR for her stupid album. Somebody get Hogan a grill or something else to shill so he can stay the Hell off my TV set. To paraphrase the great Jim Cornette: Hogan, you're an everyday household word. But so is garbage and it stinks too when it gets old.


Plus, some of the legends Randy gets credit for "killing" aren't all his credit.


Jake Roberts -- Sorry, Randy. Illegal drugs, lots of booze, a dangerously stiff guitar shot to the neck by the Honky Tonk Man and Vince McMahon killing a feud against Hogan for the strap because Jake got cheers did a lot more to kill his career than rKo ever dream.


Sgt. Slaughter -- Wow, he took out a retired road agent! Age had more to do with that than anything.


Kamala -- Now, there's a real notch in the belt. :P


Foley -- Gee, Foley is still on TV and still as popular as ever. Mission failed.


Harley Race -- Wow, you hocked a loogey at him. I don't think that killed the legend of one of the best wrestlers in the biz.


Roddy Piper -- Booze and Father Time have done more to that man than Randy did.


Jerry Lawler -- I'd be impressed if somebody smacked the King firmly and strongly. Unfortunately some fifteen year old girls did it to him without pants just last week so again Randy's actions take a back seat.


Ric Flair -- Alright, that's impressive in the cage. But seeing how Flair is still intensely popular, I don't think he did a good job at killing the legend.


:lol: i do get where you're going with this, but i think it's just to signify the fact that he's beaten all of these guys, perhaps we can call him the "legend beater" but that doesnt have the catchiness of "legend killer"


Besides it's not like he's beat any other "legends" No 'Taker, no Hogan (wouldn't happen unless hell is freezing over), he's never going to face Bret Hart, Not like the Ultimate Warrior is gonna come back (an orton/warrior match would be pure comedy though), No Luger, he's too busy forgetting the name of the promotion he's wrestling for, the macho man is probably trying to rap again...


perhaps he should try and "kill" these legends.....that is if the WWE will have them again





davidarquette.jpgHe was a former champ :huh

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Seems like Randy Orton is doing a hell of a job by making you guys hate him.

If you hate him because he uses a head lock every once in awhile, that's shame. Just because he doesn't do high spot after high spot, doesn't make him a bad wrestler. They guy has ring psychology mastered and knows how to sell moves.

Say what you want about his mic work, but I think he does a good job. He has that heel tone down pat. And don't reference the horrible Orton Knows Best segment this past Monday. I doubt he had much input into it.

Maybe more people would like him if he fell onto some lightbulbs and jumped off a roof through a table. The fact is he doesn't need to do that stuff to get over. Where is TRU to have my back?

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do you guys want me to rename this thing to "the wrestling thread" or something? it seems like this is what it turned into.


BTW, reading this really makes me want to break out the nintendo 64 and play some wrestlemania 2000

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QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 12:49 PM)
do you guys want me to rename this thing to "the wrestling thread" or something? it seems like this is what it turned into.


BTW, reading this really makes me want to break out the nintendo 64 and play some wrestlemania 2000


How about "The Squared Circle Thread"? Ah ha ha!


And you need to get Smackdown vs. Raw for PS2. Awesome game. The new version comes out in Nov. I think.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 12:39 PM)
Seems like Randy Orton is doing a hell of a job by making you guys hate him.

If you hate him because he uses a head lock every once in awhile, that's shame. Just because he doesn't do high spot after high spot, doesn't make him a bad wrestler. They guy has ring psychology mastered and knows how to sell moves.

Say what you want about his mic work, but I think he does a good job. He has that heel tone down pat. And don't reference the horrible Orton Knows Best segment this past Monday. I doubt he had much input into it.

Maybe more people would like him if he fell onto some lightbulbs and jumped off a roof through a table. The fact is he doesn't need to do that stuff to get over. Where is TRU to have my back?

He just bores me.

I wouldn't (didn't) like him as a face either, so at least for me it's not his gimmick or "role" that makes me dislike him.

I've just never enjoyed anything he's done, and whenever he appears I want him off my TV screen as soon as humanly possible.

For all the talk I hear about what a great athlete he is, you'd think he'd develop something unique to him and not steal the Diamond Cutter for his finisher.

For me, he's just too dull on the stick and dull in the ring.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 12:39 PM)
Seems like Randy Orton is doing a hell of a job by making you guys hate him.

If you hate him because he uses a head lock every once in awhile, that's shame. Just because he doesn't do high spot after high spot, doesn't make him a bad wrestler. They guy has ring psychology mastered and knows how to sell moves.

Say what you want about his mic work, but I think he does a good job. He has that heel tone down pat. And don't reference the horrible Orton Knows Best segment this past Monday. I doubt he had much input into it.

Maybe more people would like him if he fell onto some lightbulbs and jumped off a roof through a table. The fact is he doesn't need to do that stuff to get over. Where is TRU to have my back?

Orton gets Conway heat from me.


He's got athleticism and talent but he hasn't shown more/improvement since he came in to the 'E. He's content to cruise along -- mainly because of the push he was given before earning his stripes.


I'm a big fan of technical wrestling (Misawa vs Kawada, Joe vs Kobashi, anyone?) but Orton is just a bore. Side headlock, chin lock, chin lock, side headlock...zzzz. The buildup to a high spot is necessary and good but then the high spot needs to come, not some cheap knockoff of the Diamond Cutter. Joe and Kobashi made a three minute fest of knife edge chops edge of your seat entertainment.


His mic skills are of no help. Heels need excellent mic skills or a manager with excellent skills on the stick -- so we fans can get pulled in to legitimately not liking the heel and feeling involved in the storyline. He always seems disinterested in his storylines/angles. If he can't get into it, then why should I?


Orton gets little to no live real heel heat. He gets the "Oh, it's an Orton segment. Time to go pee and get some popcorn." heat. His only fans in the crowd seem to be teenage girls who think he is "hawt".


He's got the tools to put together a decent heel run. He just hasn't for reasons of either not knowing how to do it effectively or simply not wanting to do so since he's getting pushed anyway.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 05:56 PM)
I :wub Colt Cabana and ROH.


This is a hysterical promo. I marked out so hard laughing for the last one on Colt's list.



This is one of my favorites. It seems to taken down off YouTube pretty frequently though.

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sounds like a pretty solid show (again) tonight from ROH...i'm getting pumped for 8/26


Joe apparently had Dragon in a submission and the time limit came up right after Dragon's arm hit the mat the second time.


Ring of Honor: Fight of the Century

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Edison, New Jersey


ROH returns to Edison, New Jersey, on Saturday, November 25.


Pre-Show Results:


1) Derrick Dempsey defeats Pelle Primeau via submission. Dempsey gets the win with the Orange County Stretch.


"Fight Of The Century" Results:


2) Colt Cabana defeats Sal Rinauro via submission.


3) Top Of The Class Trophy: Shane Hagadorn defeats Bobby Dempsey via submission. Hagadorn wins "in 3 seconds", after an immediate brass knuckle shot and crossface submission.


- Adam Pearce called out BJ Whitmer. From behind, Steve Corino attacked BJ Whitmer.


4) Nigel McGuinness wins Four Corner Survival. Nigel pins Claudio Castagnoli after a lariat in a match also featuring Jay Lethal and Christopher Daniels.


Gotten word that the fans have been chanting "Change the Channel" during a Hagadorn promo.


5) ROH World Tag Team Championships - Ultimate Endurance - Austin Aries & Roderick Strong defeat Matt Sydal & Jack Evans

- Irish Airborne eliminates Jay & Mark Briscoe!

- Roderick Strong eliminates Dave & Jake Crist when Dave taps to the stronghold.

- Austin Aries pins Matt Sydal after a 450 Splash to retain the titles.


- Post match, Austin Aries wondered what happened to the stolen tag team championships. The former Generation Next teammates all shook hands after the match.




- Adam Pearce & Steve Corino in the ring. Steve Corino is ripping on fat people and then turns his attack on Green Lantern Fan's father.


6) BJ Whitmer & Homicide defeat Steve Corino & Adam Pearce via disqualification. The Briscoe brothers attacked Homicide and destroyed his arm, this causing a DQ finish.


7) KENTA defeats Davey Richards. Davey Richards kicked out of the busaiku knee kick before finally dropping to the Go 2 Sleep.


No sign of 'Europe'. "The atmosphere is intense."


8) ROH World Championship: Samoa Joe vs Bryan Danielson ends in a Time Limit Draw. "MOTYC" (Note: We've heard that enough). Joe and Dragon go 60 minutes. Afterwards, they teased giving the fans 5 more minutes, but Danielson refused. KENTA came out to confront Dragon, but the Briscoes attacked. Homicide and Samoa Joe made the save.

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Big news from ROH.


The main event of ROH's debut in the UK on Saturday in Liverpool will see the World and Pure Title unified. There is a press conference in the next ROH Video Recap that will name the rules. Here is a preview:


-The bout will feature ROH World Champion Bryan Danielson vs. ROH Pure Champion Nigel McGuinness.


-The match will be contested under Pure Title rules so the rope breaks will be in effect and the Pure Title can change hands on DQ and countout, but the World Title can also change hands on a DQ or Countout.


-There will be no time limit.


-In the event of a double DQ or double countout, the match will be restarted.


ROH will never be the same after Liverpool. The first title change of 2006 is GUARANTEED to take place on this event.


Looks like they're going to get rid of the Pure Title at this show.


It seems like an interesting gimmick belt:

Matches for the Pure Championship are conducted under three simple Pure Rules:


* Each wrestler has three rope breaks to stop submission holds and pinfalls during the match. After a wrestler exhausts his rope breaks, submission and pin attempts under the ropes by the opponent are considered legal.

* There are no closed-fist punches to the face allowed in a Pure match, only open-handed slaps or chops to the face are allowed. Punches to other parts of the body (save for low-blows) are permitted. The first use of a closed fist will get a warning, and the second will cause the wrestler to be penalized a rope break. If he is already out of rope breaks, he will be disqualified.

* A wrestler is subject to a twenty count by the referee if the wrestler goes to the floor.


While not a rule itself it is worth noting that unlike other championships the Pure championship can change hands on a disqualification or count out.



This looks to be an excellent match.

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I've seen highlights of Guiness and liked some of his stuff. I could see him going over near his hometown. Too bad ROH can't get a TV deal, maybe they don't want one. Lots of matches I have seen are top notch.

Anyone ever see anything from Pro Wrestling Guerrilas?


The Human Tornado is quite entertaining.


Edited by Brian
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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 10:31 PM)
I've seen highlights of Guiness and liked some of his stuff. I could see him going over near his hometown. Too bad ROH can't get a TV deal, maybe they don't want one. Lots of matches I have seen are top notch.

Anyone ever see anything from Pro Wrestling Guerrilas?


The Human Tornado is quite entertaining.

Indeed about the Human Tornado. I always laugh in a mark fashion at his gimmick hometown (can't post it here without getting in trouble but available on his Wiki site -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Tornado) Plus, he's good in the ring.


Edit: Fun factoid of the night: CHIKARA kayfabe commisioner is...::drum roll:: Bob Saget. Yes, the Bob Saget.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 5, 2006 -> 12:39 PM)
Seems like Randy Orton is doing a hell of a job by making you guys hate him.

If you hate him because he uses a head lock every once in awhile, that's shame. Just because he doesn't do high spot after high spot, doesn't make him a bad wrestler. They guy has ring psychology mastered and knows how to sell moves.

Say what you want about his mic work, but I think he does a good job. He has that heel tone down pat. And don't reference the horrible Orton Knows Best segment this past Monday. I doubt he had much input into it.

Maybe more people would like him if he fell onto some lightbulbs and jumped off a roof through a table. The fact is he doesn't need to do that stuff to get over. Where is TRU to have my back?


Im totally with you man..


I love Randy Orton, I think hes a great heel and plays the part well..


Also, I doubt that Orton chose to "rip off the Diamond Cutter" im sure that when Orton was pushed it was the move he was given as his "finisher" the wrestlers dont just think up moves to use as them. Gimmicks/Moves and such are usually decided for them by the powers above.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 10:42 PM)
Indeed about the Human Tornado. I always laugh in a mark fashion at his gimmick hometown (can't post it here without getting in trouble but available on his Wiki site -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Tornado) Plus, he's good in the ring.


Edit: Fun factoid of the night: CHIKARA kayfabe commisioner is...::drum roll:: Bob Saget. Yes, the Bob Saget.

He's a fun character, but the whole "Steel Nuts" thing is KINDA hard to believe, even for wrestling. Even the dumbest rasslin fan knows that getting hit in the balls hurts. Take that basic truth of life away from them and NOTHING will make sense anymore.


And if that Human Tornado kid ever wants to make it in the business, he better start hitting the gym, with or without 'roids. He's got quite the Boom Boom Washington/JJ Walker look going on there....

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 6, 2006 -> 10:42 PM)
Indeed about the Human Tornado. I always laugh in a mark fashion at his gimmick hometown (can't post it here without getting in trouble but available on his Wiki site -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Tornado) Plus, he's good in the ring.


Edit: Fun factoid of the night: CHIKARA kayfabe commisioner is...::drum roll:: Bob Saget. Yes, the Bob Saget.


:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:


Where did you get that avi?

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 12:14 PM)
From this wrestling board that I frequent. They have some amazing avatars including one of my favorites since I loathe Scott "Poster Boy for Roids" Steiner.



But if that scene kept going, you'd have seen the DEVASTATING ankle injury Steiner delivered to his opponent!!! He TOTALLY did that flop on purpose, it only LOOKED clumsy and amateurish!!!


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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 12:14 PM)
From this wrestling board that I frequent. They have some amazing avatars including one of my favorites since I loathe Scott "Poster Boy for Roids" Steiner.




Yes, we all hate Scott Steiner. I think we can agree on that.


I'm glad someone else has decided to sport Perfect in their avitar. He was so easily my favorite wrestler of all time.


BTW, who is he perfect plexing there?


EDIT: And what's this website? I'd like to lurk around there to see all this stuff.

Edited by Milkman delivers
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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 12:29 PM)
Yes, we all hate Scott Steiner. I think we can agree on that.


I'm glad someone else has decided to sport Perfect in their avitar. He was so easily my favorite wrestler of all time.


BTW, who is he perfect plexing there?

I'm pretty sure its the Giant/Big Show.

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