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QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 10, 2007 -> 10:27 PM)
Stevie Richards and CM Punk had a top notch match on ECW tonight. Richards is good on the mic and has personality. They should find something more for him.

Viscera made his ECW debut tonight and is shirtless. Not pretty.

I swear thats like the 5th match they've had on ECW, this one being the best. This new Viscera gimmick could work if 2 things happen. 1.Keep Striker or someone else as his mouthpiece. 2. Get him a damn shirt.

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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jul 10, 2007 -> 09:22 PM)
Played a Benoit vs. Eddie Guerrero buried alive match on SVR, does that make me a bad person?


When was that match from? and yes to your second question.


ECW was fun. Vis had bigger tits than most of the women I've been with. Yikes.


and how stupid did Extreme Expose come off as? Yeah, they're all in love with the Miz, who we've seen is a total idiot on Smackdown. I believe that. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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QUOTE(longshot7 @ Jul 11, 2007 -> 03:32 PM)
and how stupid did Extreme Expose come off as? Yeah, they're all in love with the Miz, who we've seen is a total idiot on Smackdown. I believe that. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

I'm guessing how Styles & Tazz were putting him over last night, he's supposed to be "more aggressive" and "edgier". I think the higher-ups think he could be a decent talent.

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My two latest articles:


The Story Continues


Benoit's doctor has been connected to the death of Michael Durham who is known as Johnny Grunge of the old ECW tag-team, The Public Enemy. And yes, Dear Reader, that doctor and others like him are facilitating the destruction of human lives and families because they're willing to give prescriptions by the barrel to professional athletes for extra dollars and in hopes of brushing up with fame for five minutes. There's more important news out, though, and that's that some tests have been completed" on Benoit's toxicology report.


A spokesman for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, John Bankhead, told The Associated Press that his agency was waiting for all the tests to be complete before sharing the results with investigators in Fayette County. "We're going to discuss what we find with local investigators and they can determine what they want to release," Bankhead said. District Attorney Scott Ballard did not immediately return a page to his cell phone seeking comment. Police have said Benoit strangled his wife and son, placing Bibles next to the bodies, and then hung himself on a piece of exercise equipment in his suburban Atlanta home the weekend of June 22.


Authorities found anabolic steroids in Benoit's home, leading officials to wonder whether the drugs played a role in the killings. Some experts believe steroids can cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage." Since the deaths, toxicology tests have been conducted on Benoit's body to determine if steroids or other drugs were present. Blood-alcohol tests also were conducted on his body, and chemical tests were conducted on the bodies of the wife and son, Bankhead said. The wife's body was decomposed, preventing some tests on her body from being done, though Bankhead declined to be specific. The GBI has been handling the testing for general drugs and alcohol, while an outside lab was hired to do the testing for steroids, Bankhead said. He declined to name the lab or say which of the tests have been completed.


"There is going to be some interpretation of what was found," Bankhead said, without elaborating.


The last quote baffles, of course, but I take it to mean: "yes, we found steroids in his system, but a lot of other different, more-consistent-with-rage-and-tempers-and-depression drugs." We'll see what happens when the full reports are out, though, but there's still more news coming out of this story: Doctor Astin's office has been raided a third time for information on his dead patients, and Johnny Grunge's wife has gone out on record to criticize Doctor Astin, as he should be.


There is another bit of news I'd like to touch upon before we head into the media. Famed wrestling reporter Dave Meltzer is saying that a handful (at most) of people at the top of WWE knew about the murder-suicide on the night WWE aired its Tribute Show to Benoit and is criticizing them for claiming not to have known when, he says, he knew by six o clock. I'm not sure what to make of the news -- wrestlers had all sorts of things to say, and Triple H, who is married to the boss' daughter and holds all the politics clout...well, he had nothing negative to say about Benoit, nothing tentative, and so I wonder if it simply isn't true, or if it was all speculation.


Like I've said before, WWE had a short amount of time to make a decision: air a tribute? Tribute show? Let the show go on? Ignore it for a day? Whatever they came to would be criticized heavily, and so I cut them slack in airing an emotional tribute when all the confirmed news they'd known was, "He and his family are dead."


Briefly, I'd like to direct you to the Larry King transcript, where he interviewed John Cena of WWE, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Ted DiBiase and Steve Blackman, even. He asked fair questions and got fair, straight up answers. It's how an interview should be done -- without an agenda, without pointed questions. He asked about steroids and made other points, but he didn't scream at his guests -- "DON'T YOU KNOW HE WAS TAKING ENOUGH STEROIDS TO GROW A HIPPO? ISN'T THAT CONVINCING AND SHOCKING?!"


And since we're on the subject, we should touch upon Fox' continuing coverage of Chris Benoit's death, as it's just as important as the Larry King show.


On Friday Night’s “Hannity and Colmes,” wrestlers “Leaping” Lanny Poffo, “Superstar” Billy Graham, and Jacques Rougeau were interviewed on the program. Here are the highlights:


- Alan Colmes mentioned the survey from the U.K. that states that 104 wrestlers, under the age of 50, have died in the last decade. Colmes read a WWE response, “We are in the process of reviewing this list and the many others that are circulating around the internet. We intend to comment on these lists in the near future.”


- Colmes butchered Lanny Poffo’s name, but he corrected him. Poffo said he met Chris Benoit on three different occasions, and spoke to friends Rick Martel and Nora Greenwald about Benoit, and they said he was the last person they’d expect to do something like this. Lanny said he was torn up that a seven year old boy is gone in this tragedy.


- Rougeau said he knew Benoit in WCW, and puts the blame, “100% on steroids.” He said he was in the WWF for 10 years, and says it’s a rough life when you are away from your family 25 days out of each month. He said lots of guys go to the bars after the matches, and mix alcohol with other drugs they are using.


- Poffo said there is an epidemic out there, called “it’s not my fault syndrome.” He said to make it in life you must be yourself and be unique. Poffo said he was proud of his 21 year career, and traveled all around the world.


- Rougeau said he never used steroids, but for ten years was around guys that used them. For an example, Rougeau brought up the Road Warriors. He said Hawk pushed him up against the wall after a match, but apologized five minutes later. Jacques said if a wrestler weights 250 in June, and then weights 265 in July, you know what’s going on.


- Graham joined the program and defended Road Warrior Hawk by saying he was using a large amount of cocaine, in addition to his steroid use and use of other drugs.


- Graham mentioned Dean Malenko’s comments on Raw, how Chris Benoit had a knack of disappearing from conversations. He said Benoit was devastated by the death of his friend Eddy Guerrero, and literally cried on his shoulder about what is wrong with this world. He said that was insight into his mental issues.


- Poffo was asked about steroids in wrestling and if they are necessary, and Poffo said it is important to be unique, because that’s what people will pay to see.


- Jacques said when he started in wrestling 30 years ago, he had 19 ½” arms, and today, he has 19” arms. He said the Rougeau family has done well without using steroids. He talked about his successes in the ring including defeating Hulk Hogan, and said he never needed steroids.


- Jacques said it’s the night life that has killed a lot of guys.


- Graham said it’s a matter of choice. He said he choose to use steroids, starting in 1966. He said he enjoyed taking steroids.


- Colmes asked Graham about Daniel, and wondered if he had Fragile X Syndrome. He said he isn’t a doctor, but knew he was shy. Graham said he could have been undersized. He said undersized kids have been prescribed human growth hormone to help them grow.


- Graham said the Bibles at the scene showed anguish by Benoit. He felt Benoit was taking himself and his son to another place.


- Poffo said he almost declined the offer to do the show because he thought he’d get too emotional. He said Benoit didn’t leave a suicide note, so we can only speculate what was going through his mind. He gave a message to the kids, “if you play, you must pay.” He said you must know the Consequences for everything you do.


- Jacques ended the segment by saying “stay away from steroids.”


It was a much better show than the rest of what's been on Fox, but I take exception with Rougeau's comments. I'll accept them as having less an agenda than the media's, though, as he was a wrestler, but I think he's as wrong as can be. "100%" blame on steroids? No way.

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Stupid Like a Fox


Fox News advertised Linda McMahon, wife of Vince McMahon, as a guest on The O’Reilly Factor tonight. The problem with that was, Linda is in China, and there’s no way she could make it (not that she had agreed to — she hadn’t, as far as I can tell, and it wouldn’t make sense for her to agree to when she’s in China and knew she would be for months now). Now, what do you think Fox News did (and, as far as I can tell, intend to do right from the beginning)? If you answered, “They aired an interview of her from 2002 and mixed it with clips of ‘Backyard Wrestling,’ (which is not representative of professional wrestling and has absolutely nothing to do with Benoit’s murder-suicide unless we’re going down the “Wrestling Creates Monsters!” route) you’d be right!


I guess Shrill O’Lielly didn’t get the memo from Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes and Douglas Feith: It’s Steroids, Stupid! which is still the wrong message, but at least it’s their message, consistent and true (for them) even if it should be: It’s Journalism, Stupid! Treat It As Such. Worship It. Treasure It. Before Someone Takes It Away.


On case-related news,


WAGA-TV in Atlanta has just reported that federal investigators have seized all medical records of Dr. Phil Astin and patients Larry Pfolhl (Lex Luger), Marcus Bagwell, Mark Jindrak, Bob Howard (Bob Holly), Chris Benoit, Nancy Benoit, Mike Durham (Johnny Grunge) and Oscar Gutierrez (Rey Mysterio). The station also reported that M.J. and O.G., the two wrestlers involved in the indictment of overprescribing pain killers were, as speculated, Mark Jindrak and Gutierrez.


That Doctor is a bad man.

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jul 11, 2007 -> 01:52 PM)
I'm guessing how Styles & Tazz were putting him over last night, he's supposed to be "more aggressive" and "edgier". I think the higher-ups think he could be a decent talent.


If so, they should have kept him as a heel. People (men) don't want to cheer him. And he can't be both.


I'm sick of all the washed-up wrestlers like Lanny Poffo & Jacques Rougeau commenting on this Benoit/steroid stuff. Hannity & Colmes can't find CURRENT stars to comment? Mr. Kennedy had a GREAT rant about this on his blog.



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QUOTE(longshot7 @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 04:29 PM)
If so, they should have kept him as a heel. People (men) don't want to cheer him. And he can't be both.


I'm sick of all the washed-up wrestlers like Lanny Poffo & Jacques Rougeau commenting on this Benoit/steroid stuff. Hannity & Colmes can't find CURRENT stars to comment? Mr. Kennedy had a GREAT rant about this on his blog.




Current wrestlers are generally not being allowed to comment by WWE, so there's some reason for it, but I'm sure Fox isn't breaking down the WWE's doors for credible sources.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 12, 2007 -> 07:35 PM)
Current wrestlers are generally not being allowed to comment by WWE, so there's some reason for it, but I'm sure Fox isn't breaking down the WWE's doors for credible sources.

Finlay is going to be on Nancy Grace tonight to feed Marc Mero his own opportunist ass. Mero is so pathetic, using this to get his 15 minutes of fame.


Eric Bischoff with a great commentary on the issue.


Get the hook!

Not because of the horrific act of an obviously troubled individual, who until a few weeks ago was a respected part of the sports-entertainment business. I don’t believe that the Benoit tragedy is representative of the business, or more importantly the people who are a part of it. Chris Benoit had psychological problems. The root cause of those problems will debated for months to come. As well they should be.


By experts.


Not by the parade of clowns who are fighting for their last 60 seconds of fame on cable news programs that are clearly sensationalizing and exploiting this situation for one reason and one reason only: ratings. If there was any doubt about that, one need only look back at the list of idiots that have covered this story. Nancy Grace…give me a break. Or how about Bill O’ Reilly? “Hard Hitting Interview”? Since when is a half decade old out of context interview newsworthy? Can anyone seriously argue that news networks are not exploiting and spinning the sad death of a wife, son, and father for one reason and one reason only?

But I’m not embarrassed by the obvious ethical/professional lapse of the cable news industry. I’ve never been in that business. Besides, we see it all the time.


The most embarrassing thing for me over the past ten days has been watching the likes of Debra Marshall-Williams-McMicheals-Whoeversheisgoingtotaketothecleanersnext, Marc Mero, Lanny Poffo, et all fighting like a bunch of addicts at a crack festival, trying to become the spokesperson for an industry in which they have been irrelevant for years. If it were not for the painful circumstances surrounding this issue, these three would have a regular gig on Saturday Night Live.


Hopefully accurate information will come out soon that will allow for a meaningful discourse surrounding this issue. In the meantime, somebody get the hook and get these clowns off the stage.


Go Bisch.


And oh yeah, Lacey is a really good wrestler and manager in SHIMMER/ROH. Her stuff with Lacey's Angels and the feuds of Jimmy Jacobs/BJ Whitmer and Jimmy Jacobs/Colt Cabana are must sees for high quality wresting and storytelling.

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Like I said, LCR, WWE was generally banning wrestlers from speaking, and I believe it was a "three week" decree.




Here's my latest:


Reporting Grunge


Nancy Grace showed footage of Nancy Benoit and Miss Elizabeth from their WCW days. You’re familiar with Nancy Benoit, but Miss Elizabeth was married to “The Macho Man” Randy Savage in real life (as well as on the air) until they divorced and she wound up in a relationship with another wrestler named Lex Luger. She died of a drug overdose a couple of years ago and some have blamed Luger for it, and that’s a brief look at her personal public history. Her public public history was as one of the great female managers in wrestling history. One thing she wasn’t in public or private, though, was Johnny Grunge’s wife.


Grace seems to think so, though, as she referred to her as such.


All of these incidents? The media allowing the Ultimate Warrior to testify, the misleading “Young Death” numbers, the other interview deaths, the steroid commentary, Shrill O’Lielly’s attack on an edited Linda McMahon video, Nancy Grace’s inability to identify the people she’s talking about? Remember them next time Dick Morris is telling you that Condi Rice is going to run for President on Fox and CNN is reporting whatever it is they’re reporting.

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I saw Nancy Grace as well tonight. What a cluster of a show. They would comeback from commercial for 30 seconds than go back to commercial.


The worst was when they showed the list of dead wrestlers and she tried to say they were a result of steroid use and I saw about 5 suicides, a couple of car wrecks, and more heart attacks.


What a bag of wind. No credibility and so closed minded.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 13, 2007 -> 10:01 PM)
I saw Nancy Grace as well tonight. What a cluster of a show. They would comeback from commercial for 30 seconds than go back to commercial.


The worst was when they showed the list of dead wrestlers and she tried to say they were a result of steroid use and I saw about 5 suicides, a couple of car wrecks, and more heart attacks.


What a bag of wind. No credibility and so closed minded.

How'd Finlay come off?


I'd expect Nancy "demotion from the Four Horsemen to Raw" Grace look like a total idiot with a complete lack of research and knowledge of the product though. Funny how many critics of the product end up being the most uniformed and unprepared to discuss the product.

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QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jul 10, 2007 -> 07:35 PM)
Dont know if this has been posted, but its very interesting. Chris Hero goes after some fans.




i cant decide who was more ignorant, im leaning towards Hero

Being the A+ #1 Chris Hero mark here at Soxtalk.com, (Chris is awesome clap clap clapclapclap!) here's the story from wrestlinggonewrong.com to get a fuller understanding of what happened there.


During the match, Chris Hero, playing the part of the heel, started antagonizing the crowd. One group of fans, however, became a little to involved with giving his character heat.


Hero walked to the edge of the ring where one of the men spit water on him from their front row seat, while another one acted as if he was going to jump the guard rail. Hero walked to the outside and asked one of the fans to hit him in a mocking tone. The fan tap-slapped Hero's face, which caused Hero to sucker-punch the fan moments later breaking that fans nose.


While no racist remarks are heard on the footage, the fan started claiming that Hero used racist terms on him and that Hero hit him because the fan was black.


Moments later, while Hero and M-Dogg were on the outside near those fans, the same one slapped Hero on the back, then a second fan tried a knife-edge chop on Hero. He finally had enough and started swinging at the fan as a security guard pulled him back. Hero was able to throw a chair at the fan before the match continued.


Chris Hero told SlamWrestling


"I wasn't completely in the right, but I know I wasn't in the wrong. A fan hit me. Fans should never hit a wrestler. I'm never going to go out of my way and hit a fan for doing nothing. But once he put his hands on me, (I felt he had) crossed the line. I know two wrongs don't make a right, but I think I was justified in what I did. But I hope, and I don't think it will happen again next time."

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