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Official "Squared Circle" Thread

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 07:04 PM)
must. find. torrent.

YouTube's got some of the old ToD matches.


I highly suggest the Zandig vs Sick Nick Mondo match from ToD 2. It's the match that cut Mondo's career short after he took a Mother F'n Bomb off a roof through tables and a few light tube log cabins (well actually, Zandig went through most of the tables so Mondo had little to nothing to break his fall)


Of course, after the spot, they continued the match.


Their Cage of Death shows are also really crazy and really entertaining.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 06:30 PM)
I haven't been able to see the matches, but I did find out that (highlight to see winner) Nick Gage won the whole thing.


It was a few three way dances in the beginning and then set up for the final four way match in the finals.


Some of the spots included:

*light tube shots and barbed wire ropes

*suplexes into a barb wire spider web

*an eyebrow ring being cut out via scissors

*hip toss off a moving truck through four tables

*2 wheedwhacker shots (the string part) to the gut

*cannonball senton off of a moving truck onto two other wrestlers through plate glass and tables


I thought this was a wrestling thread. This stuff sound horrible.

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 10:26 PM)


LCR, I've heard alot about this guy...is the hype true?

He was pretty solid in the matches I've seen and had a penchant for taking truly insane bumps like this:




And then continuing the match. He had to retire in the wake of that spot because his back had gotten a puncture wound in it and he was already wrestling that match with a broken hand. Plus, he was ready to go back to school and knew he could probably never top that spot with John Zandig, so he retired as a result of the injuries and getting back to school.


I really enjoyed what he did in the ring. If you can find the 200 lighttubes match between he and Wifebeater. It was the finals of the 2002 Tournament of Death -- actually it's right here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suc-DSxDtYo...ch=nick%20mondo


Here's a few clips:


Assault Driver off a moving truck through tables/light tubes



Zandig vs Sick Nick Mondo - 2 of 3 falls (the match with that roof spot)



Sick Nick Mondo vs Messiah (Messiah legit had been attacked in his home weeks before the show and had his thumb cut off by some thugs...yet still wrestled the match)



Sick Nick Mondo Tribute Vid


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QUOTE(Brian @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 10:34 PM)
I thought this was a wrestling thread. This stuff sound horrible.

It's got a strong niche.


CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling) brings a bit of the "ultraviolent" to the wrestling sphere. A lot of their matches are very good technically with quality moves and ring psychology plus the big spots that come in. Their feud with ROH is pretty damn good as well.


The annual Tournament of Death is the showcase of just how hardcore they can get (not to mention the Cage of Death in December with team rules). It's like a Japanese King of the Deathmatch tournament. If we're going to get soft and fuzzy for Foley and Funk putting their bodies on the line in a poorly heated, poorly attended and poor sized paycheck match for them, the same should be said for these guys. But the wrestlers can obviously get it on very well in the ring with and without weapons or the notably judgmental Philly fans wouldn't have given it such a cult following.


From the technical standpoint, you may like their Best of the Best show more than the ToD. Some of the CZW alumni are Justin Credible, Alex Shelley, Roderick Strong, Jay Lethal, Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt and Homicide so they can do some good technical wrestling as well as put on a hardcore spot-fest show.


The final spot of ToD 5 (spoilers!)


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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Jul 30, 2006 -> 11:54 PM)
How long has CZW been established?

I believe they started in 1999. They've had a lot of homegrown stars like the H8 Club (Justice Pain and Nick Gage), Lobo, Nick Mondo etc. plus bringing in some indy guys like Strong, Shelley, Dutt to round out a pretty strong roster.


They've been working a feud with ROH as well which is turning out to be pretty interesting. It's got the "purist, hand shake before the match, no cheap shots" ROH vs the "Chairs, thumbtacks, tables and anything that isn't nailed down" CZW. But they both can go technically in the ring and make highly entertaining matches.

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Look what I found...the Punjabi Prison Match! Ask for that top rate five star wonderful, technically sound, spot-fest match Critic and you shall receive! :lolhitting


Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:



If nothing else the commentary between JBL and Cole is something quite funny to behold. They work well together.

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This week's ECW was actually pretty good. Hilarious that the mikes were so inaudible tonight because that crowd at the Hammerstein was hot.


I'm starting to like this gimmick of the hardcore icons vs Heyman's (read: Vince's) vision for ECW. The finish was booked pretty well to get extra heat for Heyman, put over Dreamer despite the job + make Test seem a little extreme via using the barb wire. It could get real good. CM Punk getting a win tonight was pretty cool. Although it would have been great to see him do the Pepsi Plunge (basically a pedigree from off the turnbuckle) Angle got a nice "welcome back" from the fans and put on a nice MMA style squash. I'm also getting into this Sabu vs Show feud. Instead of giving us the match real fast, they're making there be anticipation for it and the crowd is clearly marking for Sabu every time he interferes with a chair and gets the better of Show like he did. It made Show look vulnerable and Sabu came out looking pretty strong. All around, a pretty solid wrestling show.


Although some of the chants during the Batista/Show match were comical (i.e. "You both suck!" etc.) Dave was really out of his element tonight. Granted he knew it was Tuesday, but it wasn't a SmackDown! audience.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 31, 2006 -> 05:29 AM)
Look what I found...the Punjabi Prison Match! Ask for that top rate five star wonderful, technically sound, spot-fest match Critic and you shall receive! :lolhitting


Part 1:


Part 2:


Part 3:


Part 4:



If nothing else the commentary between JBL and Cole is something quite funny to behold. They work well together.



wow that's a terrible ending

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 11:34 PM)
Looks like I actually missed a good ECW show, looks like i'll have to get the torrent


WWE.com posts matched from the ECW on their site on Wed nights. I wanna see the CM PUnk debut.

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 11:34 PM)
Looks like I actually missed a good ECW show, looks like i'll have to get the torrent

Big Show has become the epitome of hyperbole. Thanks to Vince fed lines, Big Show now has a "medicine ball" head, "skillet-like" hands "arms like peoples' legs" and "legs the size of people".


During the main event, the crowd started in with some really harsh chants that got acknowledged by Tazz and Styles, which surprised the Hell out of me that they'd acknowledge them


From "You can't wrestle" to "You both suck!" to my personal favorite -- "Change the channel!"


During the "Change the Channel" chant, Tazz said: "Why? We love it here on Sci Fi..." and then went silent as he figured out what the chant meant. They also let loose with some boring chants that Styles and Tazz had to cover over saying "This is anything but boring."


The main event was crap and Dave sucked major league. The bright spot of the main event (outside of the crowd's negative chants which were difficult to hear due to the low sounding mics at the Hammerstein, kthx WWE) was the Sabu run-in and the multiple top rope chair shots Show took before taking a table spot to end the show.


Punk did well with chain wrestling against Credible and Credible did pretty damn well himself -- the old school wrestling of picking out a body part and dissecting it with moves.


Angle's squash was expected. The Dreamer/Sandman vs Knox/Test match was pretty good with a nice blade job by Dreamer and worked well to get everybody over a bit in the building of the feud.


Outside of the main event, they did pretty good getting over most everybody and constructively built on some long term feuds.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 2, 2006 -> 11:11 AM)
Bet money that one of the guards with a helmet will be revealed as RVD when he returns.

Would be a mistake to try and make RVD a heel, but ya never know.


Actually, that might make for a pretty good angle...it sure as hell would be a much needed twist in today's wrestling world.

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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 2, 2006 -> 11:11 AM)
Bet money that one of the guards with a helmet will be revealed as RVD when he returns.

Would be a mistake to try and make RVD a heel, but ya never know.

I've read it's the Basham Brothers as those guys under the helmets, but that doesn't mean they couldn't be someone else when they reveal them.

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Anybody been following the Kevin Nash vs. X-Division angle in TNA? Great stuff in Nash's promo's and vignettes. Well done angle as well.

Here is the latest vignette:


Edited by Brian
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QUOTE(Brian @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 03:05 PM)
WWE has re-signed Jeff Hardy.


Good move, IMO. Not a great wrestler, but provides a lot of excitement and is a very good seller. He was always super over.


I wonder if he kicked the drug habit at all

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QUOTE(MHizzle85 @ Aug 4, 2006 -> 04:51 PM)
I wonder if he kicked the drug habit at all


The article says he did and I believe Matt Hardy said he did on that shoot interview he did with RF Video.

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Hogan/Orton may not happen at SummerSlam according to WWE.com


Hogan's got a cracked meniscus and may be out of action.


Hogan's running from either doing the j.o.b. or from the Legend Killer Actually, that running from doing the job and passing the torch sometime in the next century may be pretty accurate.

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