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GAME THREAD 7-6-06 SOX vs Orioles

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QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 07:14 PM)
All-Star #12 is calling a good game, no? ;)


Why would the O's trade for this guy? More walks than K's? A .330 OBA? Wow, what a joke!

Because Leo Mazonne made him a 20 one game winner before.

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Let's go Baby Face! Get us going!


Ya know what? Cintron kind of looks like A-Rod too when he swings. That's who it is!




Vazquez and Ortiz both with 12 through 1.


This ump sucks. I really liked last nights home plate umpire.


I guess it's a one man show tonight on this forum.

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QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 07:40 PM)
wasn't Ortiz's era like 7 something when this game started?


2 scoreless innings has brought it down to 4.26

Arizona sure quit on him early this year.

His Real ERA is 6.83. His ERA with the O's is 4.26. This is his second game with them. First one he gave up 3 in 4. So he now has 3 in 6 or something.

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QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Jul 6, 2006 -> 07:29 PM)
I'm enjoying watching Vasquez's era drop with every out...


one or two more scoreless innings and he will be back under 5.00.


I hope you know I am putting all of the blame on you. Nice work!

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Jul 7, 2006 -> 12:51 AM)
I'm done fantasizing over Vazquez's potential, or "stuff."


He can't locate worth a s*** tonite. It's ridiculous. When's the last time he threw a curveball which didn't hang?


Several more years of this, huh?


Maybe it's me, but I'm not blown away by his stuff. As you said, his curve is more of a hanger than anything else. His fastball stinks now, especially as his control has been off.

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