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QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jul 10, 2006 -> 06:47 PM)
Woke up, got out of bed dragged a comb across my head. Found my way downstairs and drank a cup and looking up, I noticed I was late. Found my coat and grabbed my hat. Made the bus in seconds flat. Found my way upstairs and had a smoke. Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.

That's about it.



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Woke up @ 6:30. Read paper, showered, had breakfast, biked in to school, caught up on 2 weeks worth of news, email, etc., set up a meeting for later in the week, got ready to try another experiment, wasted a lot of the day on Soxtalk, went home, had dinner, went and saw Pearl Jam @ the Forum.

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Woke up. Actually my son woke me up, he kept yelling Dragon Tales. Turned on the dragon tales. Ate breakfast. Went to work. We are moving our datacenter at the end of this month. So I am spending lots of time going between the two facilities. Had a meeting with our cabling contractor, told due to petroleum prices our fiber optic prices have went up 10k. I love how everthing is blamed on the gas prices going up. Chinese food for lunch. Afternoon was fielding dumb calls on why X person was blocked doing X thing that has nothing to do with our business. Wife made a really good dinner one of my favorites, irish bangers/chips/ and white/black pudding. Now suspicious that wife has something up her sleeve because why make one of my favorites on a Monday. Watch home run derby. After watching Howard come back from the dead to beat Dye, Wife shows me new purse that she had bought today....now dinner makes sense. I ask her the price, she tells me it wasnt that much. I then of course check it on the internet. Then decided that was a bad idea after I see the price. Dooney and Burke = evil. Go to Lifetime, run 7 miles while watching Jon Kruk and Harold Reynolds play goofy softball. Get home, go to bed.

Edited by southsideirish71
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Hey, Legend of Pujols, you stole my idea.

I was going to make a post called, "So, How Was Your Day" the exact day you made this. :(


I'll forgive you for robbing me, though. ;)






Breakfast, read some Have a Nice Day, Sox game, grocery shopping, end of Sox game, finished Have a Nice Day, watched some indy pro wrestling online (CZ Dub, CZ Dub -- Someone call 911!!!!!), went for a walk, wrote a few jokes


Were you re-reading it, LCR?

Personally, I love that book. I've read it quite a few times.




My day today was a good deal of fun. I go to the Chicago HS for Agricultural Sciences, and right now I'm taking a mandatory summer course called the "SAE," Supervised Agricultural Experience. It's sort of like work. We've got a farm. My job is to supervise the Freshmen, for the most part.


I took care of the animals -- the cows, horse, pigs, goat and chickens -- and then I went into the hayroom. A friend of mine was relaxing in the barn, and I knocked over a pile of hay on him. Then, I got to the top of a pile on the other side of the room, and dove across, performing a "Coast to Coast" Rob Van Dam-type kick into the hay into him against the wall.


Then, I told all of the Freshmen in the hayroom that their new job was to clean up the mess I made, and they did it. :)


Afterward, I went looking for our Prairie Dog, because she got out of her cage. I put gloves on, found her, and caught her. She tried to bite me, and if she'd caught flesh I'd have been in serious pain, but I was gloved.


I came home, made a post at the Office of the Independent Blogger, browsed here a bit, then fell asleep for about five hours, and reawoke at about six, six thirty, I think. Maybe five, five thirty. I don't know -- all I know is that I was out.


I've been a bit emotionally drained lately, and needed the rest this afternoon, since I haven't been getting enough sleep lately.

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Today was an exciting day. My family and I went to an interview for a house on the lake in the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore. After an intense hour and a half of all that jazz, I came home and went to work. To my dismay, I looked at the new schedule and have 55 hours at Dairy Queen. Luckily I'm a manager now and just boss the trainees around. I'm also working 80 hours at the County Fair in the next two weeks. That's 135 hours in two weeks. It's good money though, that's what motivates me.


At 7, I got to go home because we had too many people working and it was raining so nobody wanted ice cream. Came home and watched the All-Star Game and in the middle of the game we got a phone call. We had won the house, all we have to do now is take it down and move it down the road to a new lot. No property taxes, the house is free, the land is free, and it's all on Lake Michigan. It is our family's house forever, I can't wait to spend my summer's living at the beach. The only catch is that we have to lease it for the first 30 years and technically it will belong to the National Park, but after that it is ours. We also have to host an open house each year because it will be a historic landmark.

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Today, woke up at 12:30, fed my fish, ate some Rice Krispies cereal, filled a couple sig requests, worked out on my Total Gym for an hour, watched the Bulls summer league game, watched most of the All Star Game, ate dinner, browsed the internet for a while, then my dad came over, let him borrow some tools, then he left, then I continued browsing the internet, then I watched City Slam and the Funkmaster Flex show on ESPN, and now I'm here...and now I'm going to bed.

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Yes, Gregory Pratt -- both Have a Nice Day and Foley is Good are both re-reads. In fact, I'm such a fanboy that my copy of Foley is Good was actually autographed by the hardcore legend himself (I got it as a HS graduation gift) The books are so funny and awesome which makes them so good.


Today I woke up at the asscrack of dawn and went to a workshop on co-teaching practices. It was good stuff because not only did we get effective strategies for co-teaching/discipline etc., it was a good time for the staff to gel together with all the newbies like myself.


Got back and then it was dinner, having a beer, nap, reading and now it is some intense exercise before crashing.

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The cow couldn't miss what wasn't there.




(It mainly caught me in the stomach, smartass. :D)


QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:33 PM)
Yes, Gregory Pratt -- both Have a Nice Day and Foley is Good are both re-reads. In fact, I'm such a fanboy that my copy of Foley is Good was actually autographed by the hardcore legend himself (I got it as a HS graduation gift) The books are so funny and awesome which makes them so good.


Today I woke up at the asscrack of dawn and went to a workshop on co-teaching practices. It was good stuff because not only did we get effective strategies for co-teaching/discipline etc., it was a good time for the staff to gel together with all the newbies like myself.


Got back and then it was dinner, having a beer, nap, reading and now it is some intense exercise before crashing.


Ah, yes, I have both those books, and SIGNED. I've met Mick a couple of times at his signings, and once after a WWE show many and many a year ago.


Serves you right for insulting a cow's mother during a world cup game.


Are you talking about Bruce Arena?!

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I went out today with SoxFan1 and SoxAce. It was incredibly fun. we went down to the park and played baseball and soccer, but mainly baseball.


I totally owned them both. Slav was so afraid of my bat that he wouldn't pitch to me over the plate, but when he did, BOOM! Gerry would pitch to me like a sidewinder to try and confuse me, but I blasted off of him. And, as far me pitching to them, let's just say I had them looking silly.




(Actually, for the most part, Slav owned me pitching-wise, and I was having trouble getting my pitches over the plate, but I've got a shoulder injury, so that accounts for that. I did hit a few good ones early, but not too many. And Gerry? He was on fire hitting-wise.)


At one point, though, Slav threw an inside pitch to me that got away and nearly struck my head. I narrowly dropped out of the way, but they say I almost fell into it. Good thing I didn't!


When we were playing soccer, Gerry kicked the ball onto the park batting cage, which was roofed with ropes. I climbed to the top, and wound up falling through the ropes, as the ropes gave way. So I fell about ten feet, landed sort of on my feet and scraped myself only a little. I was okay, though. It was actually a lot of fun, and then climbing out was fun, too.


My cats are currently fighting. They're amusing, but when they get too violent, I tell them to cut it out.

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I totally owned them both. Slav was so afraid of my bat that he wouldn't pitch to me over the plate, but when he did, BOOM!

By BOOM! he means, pop ups in the infield.


Gerry would pitch to me like a sidewinder to try and confuse me, but I blasted off of him. And, as far me pitching to them, let's just say I had them looking silly.

Most everything he threw was about 4 above everyone's head.


(Actually, for the most part, Slav owned me pitching-wise, and I was having trouble getting my pitches over the plate, but I've got a shoulder injury, so that accounts for that. I did hit a few good ones early, but not too many.

After I snapped my elbow throwing curveballs to Gerry, I actually pitched better and my velocity went up. I did have Mr. Pratt looking a bit silly though. At first, I was throwing a bunch of hanging curves a la Freddy Garcia then as I got more tired, I slowed down and starting hitting spots with my fastball. And when I threw an occasional curve, I made them look goofy. Greg ended up fouling one staright back and getting it stuck in the backstop and Gerry just missed.


As far as hitting, when he did get it over the plate, I pretty much blasted them deep into the gap. I even pulled a Happy Gilmore and ran up to one. I got under quite a few then got my swing straight and started hitting some bombs. Gerry tried an Ichiro but missed horribly.


At one point, though, Slav threw an inside pitch to me that got away and nearly struck my head. I narrowly dropped out of the way, but they say I almost fell into it. Good thing I didn't!

Yeah, my Shingo impersonation didn't go so well this time. I tried throwing a submarine curveball and it was way up and in then kept dropping. It was about 1/2 inch from popping Greg in the noggin.


When we were playing soccer, Gerry kicked the ball onto the park batting cage, which was roofed with ropes. I climbed to the top, and wound up falling through the ropes, as the ropes gave way. So I fell about ten feet, landed sort of on my feet and scraped myself only a little. I was okay, though. It was actually a lot of fun, and then climbing out was fun, too.

I pretty muched owned you while you were taking PK's though.


Overall, we had a great time, and now I am extremely tired. Me -> :fight

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QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 07:37 PM)
By BOOM! he means, pop ups in the infield.


Hahaha, I didn't swing the bat too well today.

Ah, well, at least I blasted off of Gerry a couple of times.


Most everything he threw was about 4 above everyone's head.


Nah, that was Gerry.

My pitches were below your knees, and just above the ankles, if not in the dirt.

And you were swinging at it!

That's how hard my curve breaks! :P


After I snapped my elbow throwing curveballs to Gerry, I actually pitched better and my velocity went up. I did have Mr. Pratt looking a bit silly though.


Yeah, well, everyone has an off day...


...I hate you.


As far as hitting, when he did get it over the plate, I pretty much blasted them deep into the gap. I even pulled a Happy Gilmore and ran up to one. Gerry tried an Ichiro but missed horribly.


Hahahaha, that was grand. Not as good as falling through the top of a batting cage, though!


Yeah, my Shingo impersonation didn't go so well this time. I tried throwing a submarine curveball and it was way up and in then kept dropping. It was about 1/2 inch from popping Greg in the noggin.


It came that close? Near-ouch.


I pretty muched owned you while you were taking PK's though.

Well, we were so tired from that that it doesn't count. :P


Overall, we had a great time, and now I am extremely tired. Me -> :fight


Oh, man, it was a long ride home for me. I'm exhausted.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 07:42 PM)
Nah, that was Gerry.

My pitches were below your knees, and just above the ankles, if not in the dirt.

And you were swinging at it!

That's how hard my curve breaks!

Thats who I was referring to. And as far as swingin at eveything, it's because Gerry said he thought I'd be like Vlad Guerrero and just swing at everything. So I did... :lol:

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Both of them know that I can hit and field (made a web gem on Slavko's line drive.) I really enjoyed the time. Meeting fellow soxtalk posters is always a thrill and to know what you have basically in common, it's even better. I'm sure we are all tired as hell from playing baseball and soccer. We should definitely do this again, maybe with more posters here hopefully. BTW, Greg is a real daredevil. Didn't think he would climb the fence, or go in the sprinklers with me to cool off. Slavko is a real class act himself. He did suck in hitting today.. :lol: but he can pitch with that big 6+ foot frame of his. Both are cool brothas and hopefully we can do this again, or maybe go to a whitesox game in the near future.

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QUOTE(SoxAce @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 07:48 PM)
Both of them know that I can hit and field (made a web gem on Slavko's line drive.) I really enjoyed the time. Meeting fellow soxtalk posters is always a thrill and to know what you have basically in common, it's even better. I'm sure we are all tired as hell from playing baseball and soccer. We should definitely do this again, maybe with more posters here hopefully. BTW, Greg is a real daredevil. Didn't think he would climb the fence, or go in the sprinklers with me to cool off. Slavko is a real class act himself. He did suck in hitting today.. :lol: but he can pitch with that big 6+ foot frame of his. Both are cool brothas and hopefully we can do this again, or maybe go to a whitesox game in the near future.

WEB GEM!?!?!? You caught a line drive right at you and fell. :lol:


I didn not suck at hitting. I rocked you, then Greg came in throwing his junk at my ankles. I did hit a line drive off the bounce though.


And he did not go into the sprinklers....he gently carressed the water! :lol:

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