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I hate movie critics!


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Look up "Men of Honor", "Pearl Harbor" and Windtalkers"


Three great movies but movie critics hate all three. Whatta buncha crap... :angry:

I remember a couple of years ago I was looking through the TV Guide. You know how they put stars next to movies in there? Well, "Desperately Seeking Susan was on and had 3 stars next to it while "Shawshank Redemption" had only 2 stars. That's a crime!

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Look up "Men of Honor", "Pearl Harbor" and Windtalkers"


Three great movies but movie critics hate all three. Whatta buncha crap... :angry:

All i care about is whether i like the movies. f*** those idiots. Movies are supposed to be enjoyed, not analyzed.

Good point. Thats all I care about too. I love those movies, what some fart thinks really doesnt matter to me...

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I read reviews to get an idea of the plot, and to try to find out from the review if it's well acted or not.

But I don't put much stock in the opinions of reviewers - Roeper's okay, but he's got his own little weirdnesses too. Kinda "too cool for the room" sometimes.

I think Ebert starts his reviews by adding two stars if there are naked tits in the film - that's one horny fat bastard right there!!

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Look up "Men of Honor", "Pearl Harbor" and Windtalkers"


Three great movies but movie critics hate all three. Whatta buncha crap... :angry:

I remember a couple of years ago I was looking through the TV Guide. You know how they put stars next to movies in there? Well, "Desperately Seeking Susan was on and had 3 stars next to it while "Shawshank Redemption" had only 2 stars. That's a crime!

This is the criteria they use to come to "how many stars" a movie gets. *from the mag itself*


Our evaluations are based on a number of factors, including a consensus of leading critics, quality of cast and director, awards earned and box-office performance.


How the hell did Shawshank Redemption only get 2 stars? Hmm You sure you saw that right? :huh:

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Look up "Men of Honor", "Pearl Harbor" and Windtalkers"


Three great movies but movie critics hate all three. Whatta buncha crap... :angry:

I remember a couple of years ago I was looking through the TV Guide. You know how they put stars next to movies in there? Well, "Desperately Seeking Susan was on and had 3 stars next to it while "Shawshank Redemption" had only 2 stars. That's a crime!

This is the criteria they use to come to "how many stars" a movie gets. *from the mag itself*


Our evaluations are based on a number of factors, including a consensus of leading critics, quality of cast and director, awards earned and box-office performance.


How the hell did Shawshank Redemption only get 2 stars? Hmm You sure you saw that right? :huh:

Shawshank didn't do all that well in the theaters, and it didn't win any Oscars or Golden Globes, so maybe that is why they only gave it two stars. If that is why, it's pretty stupid reasoning. It's a five-star movie.

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Shawshank got only two stars? Another reason why movie critics suck.


And I hated Lord of the Rings too. Weee! Were the dwarves and the hobbits! Were goin to find some stupid ring! Woohoo!


Shut the heck up. :headbang

You obviously never read the Lord of the Rings or you would have appreciated the movies a lot more.

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Shawshank got only two stars? Another reason why movie critics suck.


And I hated Lord of the Rings too. Weee! Were the dwarves and the hobbits! Were goin to find some stupid ring! Woohoo!


Shut the heck up. :headbang

You obviously never read the Lord of the Rings or you would have appreciated the movies a lot more.

I saw the movie. I hated it. That retard Tolkien actually thought he lived in the Middle Earth. A real live Don Quijote he was. I read the hobbit in spanish for homework and hated it. It was awful. I think people should have burned the books... :angry:

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Shawshank didn't do all that well in the theaters, and it didn't win any Oscars or Golden Globes, so maybe that is why they only gave it two stars. If that is why, it's pretty stupid reasoning. It's a five-star movie.

Oscars and Golden Globes, f*** that. Same kinda idiots who vote on the All-Star Games. :nono


Shawshank doesn't need any awards to be 5 star classic.

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Shawshank doesn't need any awards to be 5 star classic


Without the s***ty, tacked-on ending, it's a 4 and half star movie. With it, 4 out of 5 is the best it could ever hope for. It ain't THAT original, poignant, compelling or whatever. Be objective for once.


Windtalkers? Deeply mediocre. Men of Honor? Ditto, transparently recycled shclock....

Pearl Harbor deserves it's spot in the Terrible Movies Hall of Fame. 2.5 hours of my life I will never get back; hacks like Ben Smirkfleck and Kate "5 plastic surgeries before 25" Beckinsale didnt help and neither did the stupid music video brat Michal Bay. f***e em all.


You want good war movies? Apocalypse Now, Three Kings, Deer Hunter and Thin Red Line would be a start. Quite American wasn't bad at all...But thene again those flicks weren't made for stupid teenagers like Roman, so who knows...


Movies are made to be enjoyed and not analyzed


BMR, you silly, if you prefer to "enjoy" them on the simplest motor level, you it's your business...but I want movies that are original, dynamic, either intellectually or emotionally stimulating, true, thrilling....all in one if possible. Not everything should be about escapist, lowest common denominator, cartoonish characters and absurt plot gimmicks-driven crap that comprises 90% Hollywood output. Some of us actually have a soul, heart, brain and personality to be able to enjoy "art" and "talent" and "inspired cinematic ideas" and other lofty concepts.....We don't have to like the same things, as if we could, but at some point reasonable people reach a consensus: Freddy Got Findered sucks and so do Vanilla Sky and MIB:2.


As far as "enjoying" part goes...I bet you anything I've had more pure, spontaneous fun watching City of God with my friends than you did 10 Armageddons or Fast and the Furious combined...

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Windtalkers was awesome. So were the other two. I saw the beginning of Thin Red Line and it was so boring, I just couldnt stand it, I had to turn it off. I saw other good battle scenes in it but the beginning was too boring. I have heard good things about Apocalypse Now...

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Windtalkers was awesome. So were the other two. I saw the beginning of Thin Red Line and it was so boring, I just couldnt stand it, I had to turn it off. I saw other good battle scenes in it but the beginning was too boring. I have heard good things about Apocalypse Now...



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