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Soxtalk's no tolerance policy


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Soxtalk posters,


It's come to our attention, via several avenues, that we need to clean some things up at soxtalk. There have been multiple complaints about the vulgarity and the overall personal attacks on this site. We're losing good posters (among other things behind the scenes that aren't real favorable about this site), and that's not what we want nor do I think you all want that, either.


The game thread on Friday night last week caused a great deal of discussion - and frankly that thread was/is a symptom of a greater problem. The discussions led to what we need to do as admins and moderators to make this place a site we can all be proud of.


As a result of the discussions over the weekend, we have come up with the following policy.


The administrators and moderators of Soxtalk.com have created a new discipline policy for the boards. There are no exemptions to these policies. New posters, long time posters, moderators and administrators will all expected to follow this policy.


Slurs and crude sexual terminology will not be tolerated. There is no reason that people, situations, etc. need to be described in such a disgusting manner on the board.


Personal attacks towards other posters will not be tolerated. People will be treated with respect at all times.


Personal attacks towards players will not be tolerated. You can question a team's/player(s)' performance but not as people themselves. Also, questioning via vulgar methods will not be tolerated.


Soxtalk.com moderators and administrators reserve the right to forego the schedule of offenses if an act is deemed severe enough to warrant.


First offense: Ten (10) day suspension.


Second offense: Thirty (30) day suspension.


Third offense: Sixty (60) day suspension.


Fourth offense: Banned.


We would ask that this site become much more about debate then attacking one's viewpoints. That is what makes Soxtalk great, not the ability to be vulgar. Please follow these guidelines.


How many times have we talked about this before? You all know the drill. Most of the time when we put this up, we have posters who run around looking to say "personal attack!!!11!!!" about poster so and so. Let's all be accountable. There are sniping incidents from the past - no longer. Don't bring it to the boards. Bury your issues, and get along as what we all are, Sox fans. Why do these petty grudges all around even need to be brought up every other day? Frankly, we need your help.


This brings up the point of those of you who have been suspended before. Your time grows short. I'm going to be honest here, it takes a LOT to get suspended from this site. Usually, the mods address things with people out in the open. If you take their lead, you'll be fine. If you keep crossing that line after being talked to (either in the threads, or via PM's), you're going to sit some time. Our intent is not to suspend a bunch of people, we want you all to post. We simply want to promote good discussion, not the other crap that seems to be worming its way into threads in the soxtalk community.


A rule of thumb about the obvious question of "what's acceptable??" will come up. The answer is: if you have to ask, then it's probably too far. Use common sense. And for goodness sake, please don't let emotions get the best of you. As an example, someone uses the :rolly icon. Big deal! Get a thick skin, don't just flame someone for that. It's ridiculous if you feel threatened by something like that. It's not an 'attack' but it might not be 'nice' either. It doesn't, however, warrant a flame war that will ultimately turn personal.


I want to emphasize, NO ONE is exempt from this. If an admin gets booted four times, they get banned. It's that simple.


A lot of you post good stuff. The occasional 'f-bomb' happens... but the idea of soxtalk is to promote open discussion and debate, NOT attacking one another. It stops. Right now. We really want this to be an open place for debate, not people's litter box.


If you all have questions, address them through a mod or an admin. We're not leaving this thread open for people to discuss it. You all know the game, now it's being enforced, no questions asked (in public, this isn't a debate) or no matter who you are.


Let's all clean this place up and make it more enjoyable for all Sox fans. That's not too much to ask, is it?



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I'm back in town and I want to further add a rule or two. I realize we haven't been the tightest run site over the years and I"m not about to say we are going to be harping on every little thing, but respect is something that we've been having a problem with. If you can't treat a poster with respect than you won't be here for long. Whether you've been here 1 day or 4 years, there aren't going to be favors for any posters when it comes to the personal attack policy so its best to not say anything at all if you think its questionable.


Its real simple, talk down to someone and get suspended, I don't care who you are so it would be wise to not go off on someone for making a bad post or anything along those lines.


If you want to test us, fine, but you probably won't be around very long.


In addition to the personal attack policy (which will be held to the highest standard because personal attacks ruin threads and discussion and in general make the experience worse for the vast majority of posters) we will also have a new policy on vulgarity.


No swear words will be tolerated in any post title . A greater amount of age groups read this site and to make this site friendly and tolerable for all, we feel it would be best suited if people don't come to the site and see a ton of curse words in thread titles. We realize the ocassional curse is going to happen (especially in game threads) but make sure its not in a title thread or worded in any way that would be deemed as innapropriate or as a personal attack.


I have opened this thread up for discussion in case people have questions, but one thing I'm going to advice is for people to not come in here and ask dumb questions or try and cause a rucuss. We are doing this for the greater good of Soxtalk and to try to make the Soxtalk Experience as good as it can be for the vast majority of posters.


This is a site that is provided free of charge and will always be free of charge, but at the same time we want everyone to be able to come here and feel comfortable to share points of views and idea's (whether they have 1 post or 30,000 posts) so we feel this will make as welcome and stimulating an enviroment as possible.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 08:34 AM)
and the Armchair Moderating has to stop also ...........


One of my biggest pet peeves: armchair mods.


With that said, shouldn't this thread be in the Diamond Club?! :P

Let the mods take care of it. That's what they're here for!


I have to say, when I first came here I was immediately assaulted by certain posters over everything I said. I stuck it out because you gotta have a thick skin about things like that, especially over the internet. Personal attacks over the internet has to be the most pathetic thing in the world. What made it more pathetic is that grown adults were attacking me. So I am glad to see this policy set into place. But I'd still like to see this site keep the same "rebel" attitude.

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 09:15 AM)
One of my biggest pet peeves: armchair mods.


With that said, shouldn't this thread be in the Diamond Club?! :P

Let the mods take care of it. That's what they're here for!


I have to say, when I first came here I was immediately assaulted by certain posters over everything I said. I stuck it out because you gotta have a thick skin about things like that, especially over the internet. Personal attacks over the internet has to be the most pathetic thing in the world. What made it more pathetic is that grown adults were attacking me. So I am glad to see this policy set into place. But I'd still like to see this site keep the same "rebel" attitude.




Funny stuff.


And no this shouldn't be in the diamond club. What it should be is a closed thread with the rules of the site from those who make them, and not open for discussion. This is a privately owned site. I don't see why anyone's opinion but the law makers matters. Don't like it... don't let the door hit ya.


I know I was one of the ones you decided attacked you, but in all fairness - recall the circumstances correctly and factually and you will recall that you were not the target of everyone's anger, but put yourself in the line of fire.


rangercal - ditto.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 09:27 AM)
Funny stuff.


And no this shouldn't be in the diamond club. What it should be is a closed thread with the rules of the site from those who make them, and not open for discussion. This is a privately owned site. I don't see why anyone's opinion but the law makers matters. Don't like it... don't let the door hit ya.


I know I was one of the ones you decided attacked you, but in all fairness - recall the circumstances correctly and factually and you will recall that you were not the target of everyone's anger, but put yourself in the line of fire.


rangercal - ditto.



Yeah, shes referring to me. But Sox76 shouldnt be assualted, simply for sticking up for whats right "keep your nose elsewhere" comments are uncalled for. But Yes, no armchair moderating, or quoting of "rules". We all know the rules, let the mods do their jobs.

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:05 AM)
Yeah, shes referring to me. But Sox76 shouldnt be assualted, simply for sticking up for whats right "keep your nose elsewhere" comments are uncalled for. But Yes, no armchair moderating or quoting of "rules". We all know the rules, let the mods do their jobs.




You don't like it, but yet you are so good at it.


Just a tad bit hypocritical.


As I said previously. Delete all of this crap but the rules and close it. It is what it is and if you don't like it tough. This should not be open for discussion.

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I'll tell you what ... both of you need to knock it off. This is exactly the type crap we don't want around here. Let it go. Walk away. Don't think you have to get the last word. It's not worth it.



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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:34 AM)
I'll tell you what ... both of need to knock it off. This is exactly the typr crap we don't want around here. Let it go. Walk away. Don't think you have to get the last word. It's not worth it.




I was just going to say, I moved on. I'm not going to dwell on things that happened in the past. After all, we're all Sox fans.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:34 AM)
I'll tell you what ... both of need to knock it off. This is exactly the typr crap we don't want around here. Let it go. Walk away. Don't think you have to get the last word. It's not worth it.






With all due respect.. they why the call for comments/questions?


And how is my suggestion to let the words of the mods and admins be law "crap"?


If what kap and jason - in agreement with the other mods and amins I assume - have laid out were in it's truest effect, this stuff would never - as ranger stated above - have started 2 years ago.

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:38 AM)
lol I don't think he meant you...




Why not? Why not anyone who is questioning the 'rules'? Seriously Sleepy... shouldn't the laws be the laws and be good enough? Let the mods, mod, right? Sounds good, yet here are additional suggestions??? Seems like a slap in the face to me.


QUOTE(mreye @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:39 AM)


An arguement in a policy thread. Classic! :lol:



Poetic, isn't it.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:40 AM)
Why not? Why not anyone who is questioning the 'rules'? Seriously Sleepy... shouldn't the laws be the laws and be good enough? Let the mods, mod, right? Sounds good, yet here are additional suggestions??? Seems like a slap in the face to me.


Are you seriously knocking making suggestions while you continually make the suggestion that they close the thread? :huh:

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QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 02:41 AM)
I really hope this is the end of the "Eat s***" era...


I'm really not crazy about the "eat s***" era either. Personally, I think those posts add absolutely nothing and just serve as gratuitous nonsense.


Looking back at some of the "historic" threads from last year (WS, Clinching division, etc.), the eat s*** posts really lower the level of discussion. Frankly, when the sox won the world series, I was just so overjoyed it never even occurred to me to mock the astros, angels, red sox, etc.


This is nothing personal against the individual who tends to post these most frequently... I just don't think those posts elevate the discourse on baseball very much.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:40 AM)
Why not? Why not anyone who is questioning the 'rules'? Seriously Sleepy... shouldn't the laws be the laws and be good enough? Let the mods, mod, right? Sounds good, yet here are additional suggestions??? Seems like a slap in the face to me.

Poetic, isn't it.


heads and kap told me they WANTED discussion about the new rules - see what we posters thought... so... thats why the discussion was set up.


now who's questioning their decisions?

Edited by Reddy
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:44 AM)
Are you seriously knocking making suggestions while you continually make the suggestion that they close the thread? :huh:



Apples and oranges. I am not questioning the rules, nor making suggestions incinuating that what they've proposed isn't good enough. This is a privately owned site and the rules set forth should not be questioned.


It's not rocket science.




QUOTE(Reddy @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:46 AM)
heads and kap told me they WANTED discussion about the new rules - see what we posters thought... so... thats why the discussion was set up.


now who's questioning their decisions?




Me, of course. ;)

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:38 AM)


I know who you were referring to, but I had some little problems at first. I got banned for 3 days at one point for trying to defend myself. I've been here like a month.

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jul 14, 2006 -> 10:50 AM)
I know who you were referring to, but I had some little problems at first. I got banned for 3 days at one point for trying to defend myself. I've been here like a month.


Defend yourself in a more civil manner. I don't remember the circumstances of your suspension, but err on the side of caution. Just consider this friendly advice.

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