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How do people get off like this?


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Woman released from jail, thrown back in after picking up belongings

By Chris Hubbuch | Winona Daily News


An Altura, Minn., woman was charged with her fourth crime of the week and jailed Friday, one day after getting out of jail.


Ashley Marie Von Rohr, 23, was arrested on suspicion of assault when she came to the jail Friday to pick up her belongings after having been released from custody Thursday.


Police investigated an assault complaint against Von Rohr on Friday after a woman in the 250 block of East Third Street told police Von Rohr had hit, kicked, scratched and spit on her.


On Tuesday, police stopped Von Rohr on suspicion of driving under the influence with three young children in her vehicle.


Later that day, police charged her with trespassing at Target, which banned her after a March shoplifting incident.


On Thursday, police arrested her on suspicion of stealing a carton of cigarettes from Hyvee and violating probation.


She resisted arrest and kicked a squad car door and an officer. She was released later that day.

I'm deciding on going for the record, 5.

Edited by MinnesotaSoxFan
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Haha thats hilarious.. i got banned from Oshmans Sporting Goods back in like 1996 but that place has since closed.. My mom and grandma tell me that I was so bad when I was little that restraunts told us not to come back

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