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Page 2 article on Jenks


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Bobby Jenks, All-Star berth and the rumors around him, sent me to the therapist office.


Doc: Got your message. Sounded important.


AG: It is, sort of. Had a mild revelation of sorts. Good things happen when you do your own thinking. I got to thinking about it when I heard Bobby Jenks made the All-Star team.


Doc: I've heard of that guy. Plays for the White Sox, right? Bit of a folk tale, isn't he? I've heard some things about him. He's like some kind of mountain man who grew up in some log cabin somewhere.


AG: Yeah, something like that. You know I met him about four years ago.


Doc: I didn't know that.



Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images

Jenks leads the AL at the All-Star break with 26 saves.

AG: Yeah, I'd heard some things myself. Heard he was a white supremacist, a skinhead. So I went to Spirit Lake, in northern Idaho, where he's from. It's close to this Aryan Nation up there in the mountains. You know, one of those militia-friendly environs. It's one of those places where the Ford pickup truck, with accompanying shotgun rack, long the measure of hillbilly largesse, is the vehicle of choice. Gotta tell you, in the 2 minutes and 15 seconds it took me to pass through Spirit Lake, five such trucks rolled by.


Doc: So what did you think of him?


AG: Actually, let me tell you the back story first. I met this agent, Matt Sosnick, a Jewish guy from San Francisco. He had heard some things about Jenks, too. He heard the kid was 6-foot-3, 230 pounds, and threw some serious heat, like 100 mph-type stuff. And if he signed him and represented him, Sosnick stood the chance to make some long dough. Sosnick sent the kid a Fed Ex package, but it came back marked "undeliverable." Seems the kid lived too far in the sticks to even get mail. So after that, Sosnick went to Idaho. Like I said, Sosnick had heard the rumors, too. He'd heard he was a skinhead, a drug addict, all kinds of stuff. But Sosnick does his own thinking. So for professional, and of course, personal reasons, Sosnick had to ask: "Are you a white supremacist?" Jenks replied with his own question: "If I was, would I hire a Jew to represent me?"


Doc: So I take it none of it was true.


AG: Well … Jenks did hire Sosnick and they were together on draft day when the Angels picked Jenks in the fifth round of the 2000 draft. I spoke to this guy named Jack Uhey, a pitching coach for the Angels who convinced the organization to draft him even though Jenks was about as raw as they came. Uhey told me, "You can read between the lines. Bobby needs guidance." Angels manager Mike Scioscia had his own thoughts too. "Bobby Jenks has the highest upside of any young pitcher I've ever seen," he said.


Doc: So why didn't he make it with the Angels?


AG: Well, there were signs the kid just wasn't getting it. He drank. A lot. While he was in Arkansas in Double-A, he brought beer onto the team bus and when scolded, told Travelers manager Doug Sisson to f--- off. And after a time, Sosnick says Jenks would refer to him as "D.J.," short for "Dirty Jew." Jenks fired Sosnick a while back and has since been through a bunch of agents.


Doc: What do you think about Jenks using such terms? Did he ever say anything like that to you?


AG: You mean did he call me the "N" word?


Doc: Well …


AG: Come on. Not even the biggest, most stupid, socially retarded moron is gonna drop the "N" word right off the get. But I base my opinion of Jenks on the day I hung out with Jenks and his wife, Adele, in Little Rock. He invited me to hang out with them and their then 4-month-old daughter, Cuma. When I got lost on the way to the apartment, he called me and politely gave me directions.


Doc: You think it was an act? I mean, do you think he was putting on a good show for the sake of publicity?


AG: He could have been, I suppose. But when I got there, he didn't set off the radar.


Doc: Radar?


AG: Yeah, I always know when I'm talking to a racist. There's a feeling I get at the base of my spine. It's when the white person you're talking to does his or her best to mask the translucent vapors of condescension swirling about their heads.


Doc: Well, there was no chance of that with this guy, was there? He's the quintessential dumb jock, isn't he? So how could he be condescending?


AG: That's true. But it also brings up a good point about racists, too.


Doc: No, we don't need to talk about that today. I really want to hear more about Bobby Jenks.


AG: No, it's important. See, even if Bobby Jenks was a dyed-in-the-wool, string 'em up by the neck lyncher, he wouldn't bother me at all. I mean, I wouldn't kick it with him or anything. But he wouldn't bother me.


Doc: But you absolutely abhor racism.


AG: Indeed. I hate educated people with power who are racists. But Bobby Jenks has no power.


Doc: OK, I got it. So what did you guys talk about?


AG: We talked about life, about his legend, about how he met his wife. First he set me straight about his pedigree. "No, I'm not a skinhead, and no, I'm not a member of the Aryan Nation." He told me he got Adele's attention by pulling up to her Honda Civic and blasting Charlie Daniels' "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" through the back window of his pickup truck.


Doc: Charming. Why are you telling me this?


AG: Because Jenks and the White Sox are a perfect fit. They're a bunch of people who, for better or worse, tune out the world and do their thing. Ozzie Guillen is clearly a great manager despite having that Andrew Dice Clay thing. At times you don't know whether or not to take him seriously, but you always know he doesn't care what you think.


Doc: You respect that, don't you?


AG: Yeah, I do. Same applies to Ken Williams, the Sox's general manager. Three years after becoming only the third black GM in baseball, he hires crazy Ozzie. Talk about being your own muse. Then last year, he picks up Jenks off waivers and Jenks is on the hill for the last out of the World Series. Now Jenks is an All-Star.


Doc: Yeah, but all of this could have gone another way. In fact, it still can.


AG: Oh yeah. Guillen could most certainly self-destruct, Williams could go down with him, and Jenks could drink himself out of the league.


Doc: And if that's the case?


AG: Gotta ask them. Sure they have their own thoughts.


Doc: OK, so bottom line: Where do you stand on Jenks?


AG: I don't know if he's smart enough to know that if we do get to know him we won't like him, or he just doesn't give a crap.


Alan Grant is a regular contributor to ESPN.com and ESPN The Magazine. He is a former NFL defensive back who played college football at Stanford.




honestly the worst article I have ever read

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 10:15 PM)
Can you imagine the outrage if they wrote something like this about the Red Sox, the Yankees, or even the Cubs?


Can you imagine the outrage if someone wrote a similar type article about a young black pitcher who successfully made it out of a gang infested neighborhood in the inner city?


It seems Grant is bigoted against white rural people. He even refers to them with the "H word".


And what is the point of this article at this particular time? Is Jenks' success with the White Sox getting under their skin at ESPN?

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So, we have an article that tries to find out who the real Bobby Jenks is; they actually talk to him as he refutes every unproven rumor out there on him; and they conclude it by saying they still don't know who he is.


Why did they even bother talking to him if they were just going to shove everything he said under the rug?

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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:37 PM)
So, we have an article that tries to find out who the real Bobby Jenks is; they actually talk to him as he refutes every unproven rumor out there on him; and they conclude it by saying they still don't know who he is.


Why did they even bother talking to him if they were just going to shove everything he said under the rug?


Well said my friend. It's filled with half-truths, half-heards, and rampant speculation.


If I was Jenks, I would seek any avenue of legal recourse available. It's borderline slander, and I at least think an apology is in order.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 10:42 PM)
Well said my friend. It's filled with half-truths, half-heards, and rampant speculation.


If I was Jenks, I would seek any avenue of legal recourse available. It's borderline slander, and I at least think an apology is in order.


Its definitely slander. You throw words like "skinhead", "racist", "white supremecist" and "drunk" around like that, you should have some proof behind it. This article has absolutely no evidence behind these claims, and doesn't even conclude to anything. So basically, you have an article that had nothing to say other than Bobby Jenks might be a really bad person, with absolutely nothing to prove it.


Not sure how much stock the national media puts into s*** posted on Page 2, but if this started circulating around, Jenks should definitely seek legal action.

Edited by KevHead0881
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I know the kind of crap they usually write on page 2 (other then the humorous sports guy, and maybe 1 or 2 other guys, one of which is deceased) but this is very very low level writing this time by a guy who's view of life shouldn't be allowing him to comment on anything revolving race. If I'm bobby (whom has for all purposes been completely a model citizen, if not close to it for about a year now) I'm taking this, as another poster says, as very near borderline slander and would be on the phone with espn to see how much they really are "behind this writer" and see if I could get him a mariotti'esqe suspension ala his sun-times articles lately. Its just sad this was written and I suspect bobby will just shrug it off so it doesn't distract his team, like he does with most stories about him for the past year.




quite honestly it reads like the author is racist even though he is questioning someone being a racist. sad and confusing article by AG

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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 10:51 PM)
Its definitely slander. You throw words like "skinhead", "racist", "white supremecist" and "drunk" around like that, you should have some proof behind it. This article has absolutely no evidence behind these claims, and doesn't even conclude to anything. So basically, you have an article that had nothing to say other than Bobby Jenks might be a really bad person, with absolutely nothing to prove it.


Not sure how much stock the national media puts into s*** posted on Page 2, but if this started circulating around, Jenks should definitely seek legal action.

technically libel

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QUOTE(daa84 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:20 PM)
technically libel


Yah, thats it. :)


If I remember correctly, wasn't it an ESPN magazine piece that came out a few years ago that started all the speculation about Bobby's character? I remember hearing that Bobby was quite pissed about that article.

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since Bill Simmons got his own page on ESPN and isn't really considered as Page 2 and Ralph Wiley died, I don't read Page 2 at all. if something interesting is pointed out to me by someone I'll read it, but otherwise I steer clear.

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QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 10:42 PM)
Well said my friend. It's filled with half-truths, half-heards, and rampant speculation.


If I was Jenks, I would seek any avenue of legal recourse available. It's borderline slander, and I at least think an apology is in order.


That would be a terrible idea... just let this stuff die...


sure he might make some money... but if there is any truth behind the rumors, you can bet your ass the muck rakers will find it.


Bottom line is Bobby is damn fine ball player, living in a very diverse city, playing in a very diverse club house, and his superiors are a Latino, an African American, and a Jew. Any racist views he may have had are obviously in his past... he should just continue to let his actions speak to his defense... and this crap will just die.




QUOTE(AirScott @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:56 PM)
since Bill Simmons got his own page on ESPN and isn't really considered as Page 2 and Ralph Wiley died, I don't read Page 2 at all. if something interesting is pointed out to me by someone I'll read it, but otherwise I steer clear.


Hunter S. Thomson and Bill Simmons are the only writers I liked...

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Typical. If a white person is a victim of discriminitory remarks, he's supposed to let it go. If it's a black or as we have recently seen, a homosexual, then the whole damn world wants to decapitate whoever said the remarks.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 11:34 PM)
Isn't Alan Grant the same guy who called Ricky Williams a "breathe of fresh air" and wrote about 20 articles calling Notre Dame racist for firing Ty Willingham?


I could have sworn Alan Grant was a Paleontologist who got sucked into going to an island with dinosaurs on it not once, but TWICE


for the record, Bobby Jenks is now my hero after reading this stuff..

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 01:34 AM)
Typical. If a white person is a victim of discriminitory remarks, he's supposed to let it go. If it's a black or as we have recently seen, a homosexual, then the whole damn world wants to decapitate whoever said the remarks.


Because in our country's relatively short history white people haven't been discriminated against (one of the benifites of not being a minority)... Hillbilly is basically synonomous with ignorant, it doesn't carry the same history as F** or N*****... A black man or a homosexual walking in an unfamiliar neighborhood hear those words and they immidiately fear for there safety...


I'm not saying its right, but thats the way it is. The best way for Bobby to handle this is to ignore it and don't give it the credibility of a response. If he wants to sue this asshole... do it in the offseason... I don't want Bobby thinking of anything other then the next batter.

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QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 02:14 AM)
Because in our country's relatively short history white people haven't been discriminated against (one of the benifites of not being a minority)... Hillbilly is basically synonomous with ignorant, it doesn't carry the same history as F** or N*****... A black man or a homosexual walking in an unfamiliar neighborhood hear those words and they immidiately fear for there safety...


I'm not saying its right, but thats the way it is. The best way for Bobby to handle this is to ignore it and don't give it the credibility of a response. If he wants to sue this asshole... do it in the offseason... I don't want Bobby thinking of anything other then the next batter.


Any word that lumps a group of people together and has negative stereotypical connotations, ie hillbilly = ignorance, is discriminitory. One discriminitory term should not be more acceptable than another.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ Jul 13, 2006 -> 03:38 AM)
Any word that lumps a group of people together and has negative stereotypical connotations, ie hillbilly = ignorance, is discriminitory. One discriminitory term should not be more acceptable than another.


Shouldn't be YAS, but you and I both know that its not the case...just the way our society has evolved.

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QUOTE(KevHead0881 @ Jul 12, 2006 -> 10:51 PM)
Its definitely slander. You throw words like "skinhead", "racist", "white supremecist" and "drunk" around like that, you should have some proof behind it. This article has absolutely no evidence behind these claims, and doesn't even conclude to anything. So basically, you have an article that had nothing to say other than Bobby Jenks might be a really bad person, with absolutely nothing to prove it.


Not sure how much stock the national media puts into s*** posted on Page 2, but if this started circulating around, Jenks should definitely seek legal action.



It's not slander, nor libel. He didn't call him those things. The direct quote is "He had heard all the rumors...." And the comment about him being a WS is accompanied by a DIRECT QUOTE from Bobby... and a quite witty one at that. There is no denying that there are a ton of rumors about Bobby and his lifestyle. And there's nothing preventing anyone from asking or commenting about those rumors. Hell, if there were, I could likely sue, and win hands down, 75% of the posters here for slander and libel.

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