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Where is the Red Cross?


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Just a thought: why haven't any of these organizations demanded access to the Israeli soldiers being held prisoner by Hezbolla and whever? Since the international community seems hell bent on giving terrorist rights under the Geneva Convention, why don't they try to visit the prisoners that these same terrorosts have? Certainly the soldier taken into Gaza is the responsibility of the quasi-Palestinian state and deserving of Geneva protections. Hezbollah while not a state or has at least as much stature as Al Qaeda and it seems that the international community believes that Geneva extends to Al Qaeda's representatives. So, why would it not also extend to uniformed soldiers held by Hezbollah which, has basically declared itself to be at war with the state of Israel? C'mon, I want to see the reports on how lovely the Hezbolla prisoner camps are treating their guests. Let's see the care and dignity they are providing the prisoners under their watch.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 15, 2006 -> 09:56 PM)
Just a thought: why haven't any of these organizations demanded access to the Israeli soldiers being held prisoner by Hezbolla and whever? Since the international community seems hell bent on giving terrorist rights under the Geneva Convention, why don't they try to visit the prisoners that these same terrorosts have? Certainly the soldier taken into Gaza is the responsibility of the quasi-Palestinian state and deserving of Geneva protections. Hezbollah while not a state or has at least as much stature as Al Qaeda and it seems that the international community believes that Geneva extends to Al Qaeda's representatives. So, why would it not also extend to uniformed soldiers held by Hezbollah which, has basically declared itself to be at war with the state of Israel? C'mon, I want to see the reports on how lovely the Hezbolla prisoner camps are treating their guests. Let's see the care and dignity they are providing the prisoners under their watch.



Hypocrites. All of them are a bunch of f***ing hypocrites.

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Amnesty International Press Release, 7/13/06.


Israel / Lebanon: End immediately attacks against civilians

Press release, 07/13/2006


The Israeli and Lebanese governments, and Hizbullah, must take immediate steps to end the ongoing attacks against civilians and civilian objects. Such attacks are a blatant breach of international humanitarian law and amount to war crimes.


It is vital at this time of rapidly rising tension that all parties observe the requirements of international humanitarian law, and that other governments take all appropriate steps to insist that they do so.


“Israel must put an immediate end to attacks against civilians and against civilian infrastructure in Lebanon, which constitute collective punishment. Israel must also respect the principle of proportionality when targeting any military objectives or civilian objectives that may be used for military purposes,” said Malcolm Smart, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East Programme.


“Hizbullah must stop launching attacks against Israeli civilians and it must treat humanely the two Israeli soldiers it captured on 12 July and grant them immediate access to the International Committee of the Red Cross,” said Malcolm Smart.


The organization also called on the Lebanese government to take concrete measures to ensure that Hizbullah complies with these obligations under international law.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 04:36 AM)
Balta, get out of here with your facts. What we need is more baseless accusations and declarations of hypocricy!



Nah. What we need is for them to stop paying lip service to people on our side and actually do something. If organizations like this expended a small fraction of the effort they expended on coddling the terrorist savages who are behind this to get people on our side freed then Id be impressed.

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I will appluad them for at least getting off their collective butts and SAYING something about it, now lets see them try and DO something about it. talk is cheap. And they weren't 'baseless'. Up to this point, I don't believe they have EVER said anything towards either of those groups. On a side note, now that they HAVE issued this demand to see the prisoners, maybe we will find out if they are alive or dead already.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 08:39 AM)
Nah. What we need is for them to stop paying lip service to people on our side and actually do something. If organizations like this expended a small fraction of the effort they expended on coddling the terrorist savages who are behind this to get people on our side freed then Id be impressed.

And precisely how much time have you spent learning about what Amnesty International does? Their specific cases? My guess is a total of under 5 minutes.


In my opinion, Amnesty does more in the countries that we don't/won't help. To help ease your ignorance, here's a link to their website: http://www.amnesty.org/ I recommend you look at it before you talk about what you don't know about.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 12:03 PM)
And precisely how much time have you spent learning about what Amnesty International does? Their specific cases? My guess is a total of under 5 minutes.


In my opinion, Amnesty does more in the countries that we don't/won't help. To help ease your ignorance, here's a link to their website: http://www.amnesty.org/ I recommend you look at it before you talk about what you don't know about.


Its not terribly hard to determine what they do really. They like to give great big hugs to terrorists, murderers and other assorted scum who have no business wasting the oxygen of this planet. They spend their time and energy whining about how the scum of the world is treated when those they would defend deserve to be having the last shovelfuls of dirt thrown on their grave already. Come to think of it, based on their activities they too are a waste of oxygen as well.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 01:47 PM)
Its not terribly hard to determine what they do really. They like to give great big hugs to terrorists, murderers and other assorted scum who have no business wasting the oxygen of this planet. They spend their time and energy whining about how the scum of the world is treated when those they would defend deserve to be having the last shovelfuls of dirt thrown on their grave already. Come to think of it, based on their activities they too are a waste of oxygen as well.

Wow, that comment is so incredibly devoid of actual facts that I can't even comment on it. Good job tiger.


I, for one, totally hate the impoverished women and children terrorists of peru, and those little girls terrorists that get their genitals mutilated in africa.


Oh, f*** it. Nevermind. Why do I bother? You don't read or care about any opinion but your own. Nevermind.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 12:51 PM)
Wow, that comment is so incredibly devoid of actual facts that I can't even comment on it.



Hardly. Those who would defend terrorists and criminals are perfectly deserving of the comment "waste of oxygen".

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 01:57 PM)
Hardly. Those who would defend terrorists and criminals are perfectly deserving of the comment "waste of oxygen".

SHOW me where Amnesty International supports terrorists. SHOW ME.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 05:59 PM)
SHOW me where Amnesty International supports terrorists. SHOW ME.

Not gonna jump between you two on that one, but they DO suppost abortions.


Following in the steps of Amnesty International branches in the United Kingdom and New Zealand, AI Canada voted at its annual general meeting to have the organization move into abortion advocacy.
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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 12:59 PM)
SHOW me where Amnesty International supports terrorists. SHOW ME.

Don't you watch Fox News? Brit Hume was saying that Amnesty and the Supreme Court just want to let them all go. :P


Soxy, they want to stop the KUBARK style psychological torture that goes on at Guantanamo and other military prisons being run by the US because torture is antithetical to human dignity and the American values we claim to fight for. Not to mention that they question the guilt of people being held and have said that some of them are innocent -- which the military has eventually said as well.


So they obviously hate the US, love the Islamofascists and keep asking those pesky questions that get in the way of Bush's carefully scripted feel good reality. They cause problems by not falling in harmonious lockstep behind our infalliable and wonderful leader, Chairman Bush.


And I find this thread amazing --

It starts with the "Well, HAW HAW HAW, Amnesty and the Red Cross aren't saying anything! Hypocrites!" Then they find out that something has been said and their point was destroyed.. Then the bar gets raised -- "Well, who cares if they said something, they're not doing anything!" in an attempt to revive a point that was already DOA.


But let's knock that new point out as well. They've done a lot of stuff in the Mid East and other areas -- symposiums, meetings with government officials, conferences, campaigns to heads of governments from the public, etc. You should really read up on the group you want to attack before you go off on it.

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QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 06:13 PM)
Don't you watch Fox News? Brit Hume was saying that Amnesty and the Supreme Court just want to let them all go. :P


Soxy, they want to stop the KUBARK style psychological torture that goes on at Guantanamo and other military prisons being run by the US because torture is antithetical to human dignity and the American values we claim to fight for. Not to mention that they question the guilt of people being held and have said that some of them are innocent -- which the military has eventually said as well.


So they obviously hate the US, love the Islamofascists and keep asking those pesky questions that get in the way of Bush's carefully scripted feel good reality. They cause problems by not falling in harmonious lockstep behind our infalliable and wonderful leader, Chairman Bush.


And I find this thread amazing --

It starts with the "Well, HAW HAW HAW, Amnesty and the Red Cross aren't saying anything! Hypocrites!" Then they find out that something has been said and their point was destroyed.. Then the bar gets raised -- "Well, who cares if they said something, they're not doing anything!" in an attempt to revive a point that was already DOA.


But let's knock that new point out as well. They've done a lot of stuff in the Mid East and other areas -- symposiums, meetings with government officials, conferences, campaigns to heads of governments from the public, etc. You should really read up on the group you want to attack before you go off on it.

How about reporting it accurately. I did start off asking why they haven't said anything, because up to now, THEY HAVEN'T. Or if they have, it sure didn't get as much play as their frequent and multiple condemnations of Israel. Then you, with way to much time on your hands, google searched to find an article that says they did. I applauded such words coming from them, as they have been a long time coming.

I will appluad them for at least getting off their collective butts and SAYING something about it, now lets see them try and DO something about it. talk is cheap. And they weren't 'baseless'. Up to this point, I don't believe they have EVER said anything towards either of those groups. On a side note, now that they HAVE issued this demand to see the prisoners, maybe we will find out if they are alive or dead already.
That is not a 'who cares' attitude, it is a 'lets see where that goes, if anywhere' comment. Because truely, talk is cheap. That's not raising the bar because my 'point was destroyed'. Get off your high horse, get a life, and get it straight.
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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 02:47 PM)
How about reporting it accurately. I did start off asking why they haven't said anything, because up to now, THEY HAVEN'T. Or if they have, it sure didn't get as much play as their frequent and multiple condemnations of Israel. Then you, with way to much time on your hands, google searched to find an article that says they did. I applauded such words coming from them, as they have been a long time coming. That is not a 'who cares' attitude, it is a 'lets see where that goes, if anywhere' comment. Because truely, talk is cheap. That's not raising the bar because my 'point was destroyed'. Get off your high horse, get a life, and get it straight.

Seriously, you're really off base here EM.


She didn't google search it. It's on the front page of the Amnesty International website. It was released less than 24 hours after the escalation between Israel and Hezbollah started. And their call to end civilian casualty is about as much as our own government has done to quell the situation.


As of 7/14, Tony Snow as much as admitted that the US Government hadn't even had any serious contact with Israel regarding the situation.


This is the second time in as many months that someone has said "look what AI hasn't said a word about." And then I go to the front page of the AI website and there's an official position and call to action on their website. I don't really know what you would expect AI to do in a situation like this. What, go visit the kidnapped? If we knew where they were, Israel would have them home already. That was kind of the point to begin with.


I know we live in an era of poor leadership, but if even you are looking to organizations like Amnesty International for leadership for Stability and Peace in the Middle-East, instead of our government, that's really really sad.

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 02:29 PM)
I know we live in an era of poor leadership, but if even you are looking to organizations like Amnesty International for leadership for Stability and Peace in the Middle-East, instead of our government, that's really really sad.


We do not live in an era of poor leadership. We live in an era with leadership that has the balls to stand up and do something about it when it's threatened. I know that is disturbing to you but peace at any price is no peace at all.



QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 01:13 PM)
And I find this thread amazing --

It starts with the "Well, HAW HAW HAW, Amnesty and the Red Cross aren't saying anything! Hypocrites!" Then they find out that something has been said and their point was destroyed.. Then the bar gets raised -- "Well, who cares if they said something, they're not doing anything!" in an attempt to revive a point that was already DOA.



Why is it not surprising to me that asking for deeds and not words in helping soldiers captured while fighting Hezbollah is raising the bar a little too high for you.



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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 04:01 PM)
Why is it not surprising to me that asking for deeds and not words in helping soldiers captured while fighting Hezbollah is raising the bar a little too high for you.



How, exactly could AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL do anything to free the soliders. I'm not aware of their standing army. Just let me know WHAT AI could physically do.

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QUOTE(Soxy @ Jul 16, 2006 -> 03:04 PM)
How, exactly could AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL do anything to free the soliders. I'm not aware of their standing army. Just let me know WHAT AI could physically do.



Absolutely nothing. Which brings us back full circle.........waste of oxygen.

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