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2006 Congressional Elections Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 01:46 PM)
Your angry words about those patriotic Americans who were only doing their duty proves once again how much you hate America.


Its all liberal media bias. I love America.... and puppies.


QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 01:46 PM)
Southsider has Joementum!


Of course that could be a very bad thing.



Just wait until I have Joemama, then things will really get going! :bang

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QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Aug 2, 2006 -> 02:05 PM)
GA-04 Dem Primary Runoff (Insider Advantage)

Johnson 49

McKinney (Incumbent) 34


I wonder if she'll run as an independent since the party is leaving her.


FL Senate (Rasmussen)

Nelson (D, Incumbent) 61%

Harris ® 33%

If she went Green, I'm sure she'd get plenty of Republican support :D .

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 07:03 AM)
I know its not Congress, but I should find out about my chances for filling a vacated school board term today... I am not holding my breath as there are 12 people looking for one spot, and among them are some way over-qualified politicians, but I am definately proud of my first jump into the political realm. Having gone through it and still feeling pretty good about myself and my abilities, I am seriously considering a run in the election this fall.




I didn't get picked as a finalist for the position, but I am pretty sure I am still going to run for the full term.


QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ Aug 1, 2006 -> 04:48 PM)
But you should see what he does with kittens. :crying


That's nothing compared to what Mel and I are going to do to the Jews



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You planning on having Kap as your campaign treasurer? I'll bet there could be some really cool campaign posters. Let's have a Soxtalk, send Mike to the School Board contest :lol:


I believe you would be excellent as a shool board member, you've been boaring us for years

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 3, 2006 -> 08:10 AM)
You planning on having Kap as your campaign treasurer? I'll bet there could be some really cool campaign posters. Let's have a Soxtalk, send Mike to the School Board contest :lol:


I believe you would be excellent as a shool board member, you've been boaring us for years


that gives me a fun thread idea... :ph34r:

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Governor, not congress

Iowa Governor: Culver, Nussle in Toss-Up

Culver (D) 41% Nussle ® 38%

August 3, 2006


Secretary of State Chet Culver

Secretary of State Chet Culver (D) continues to edge out Congressman Jim Nussle ® in Iowa's race for Governor. In the previous Rasmussen Reports election poll, Culver was six percentage points ahead. Now, as the nominee, Culver leads Nussle by just three points, 41% to 38%.

Their match-ups have been close all year. But except in January—when they each drew 40% support—Culver has always managed to scratch out at least a one-point lead.

Nussle reportedly has the edge financially, but Culver has proven adept at fundraising and has over a million on hand, despite having weathered an expensive primary campaign.

In response to a jobs training scandal here, Culver is proposing several ethics reforms, which would include killing lavish bonuses for program managers. But he says his proposals are not meant to criticize Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack, a Democrat who is dreaming of the 2008 Presidential campaign. Nussle, whom Culver rebukes for being a longtime participant in Washington DC's "culture of corruption," has countered with similar proposals.

The two candidates have comparable favorable numbers. Nussle is viewed favorably by 52%, Culver by 50%. Each is unknown to about 12% of voters.

Governor Vilsack's job performance is viewed with approval by 56%, disapproval by 43%.

President Bush's approval rating is 40%, the same as the national average right now. Fifty-nine percent (59%) of Iowa voters disapprove of the job the President is doing, 45% "strongly."

Corruption is a number one issue to many voters (14%), but many more (34%) are most concerned about the economy.

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Iowa’s likely voters say the Bible is literally true, versus 39% who say it is not. Meanwhile, 54% are pro-choice, 40% pro-life.

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  Rex Kickass said:
NJ Senate (Rasmussen)

Menendez (D, Incumbent) 44%

Kean ® 38%



I think Kean has a good shot of pulling the upset in this race. I think the republicans will likely gain seats in the house and senate

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I live in NJ so I'll disagree here. Kean has 1/4 the funds of Menendez, and his name recognition is primarily that of his dad's. The more people see Junior, the less they like him....


His upside is that Menendez will have a lot of baggage - because he's a bit of a thug politically and that neither side is going to run a particularly stellar campaign.... So although it seems a toss-up, there's no Kean momentum in NJ. This race is polling stable with Menendez increasing his lead a point or two in each poll.

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  Rex Kickass said:
I live in NJ so I'll disagree here. Kean has 1/4 the funds of Menendez, and his name recognition is primarily that of his dad's. The more people see Junior, the less they like him....


His upside is that Menendez will have a lot of baggage - because he's a bit of a thug politically and that neither side is going to run a particularly stellar campaign.... So although it seems a toss-up, there's no Kean momentum in NJ. This race is polling stable with Menendez increasing his lead a point or two in each poll.



Yeah I was thinking of another race in Michigan not NJ.

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QUOTE(mr_genius @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 11:41 PM)
"McKinney, a six-term Democrat and outspoken critic of the Bush administration, suffered her second defeat in four years. Before the day was out, the incumbent was complaining of voting irregularities"




of course!



I heard they investigated one claim of a malfunctioning electronic voting machine and concluded that the woman voting had finger nails that were so long, they actually cast a vote for Johnson. Nevermind the fact that you have to verify who you vote for after you select a candidate. That requires reading. It is easier to complain and blame the GOP for your loss.

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