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2006 Congressional Elections Thread

Rex Kickass

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Virginia Senator George Allen is in hotwater. As is the case, an operative of his opponent's campaign was there with a videocamera to catch any crazy thing that the Senator says. (From my experience in campaigns - just about everyone does this now BTW). The Senator referred to the brown skinned camera man as "Macaca" during a stump speech. Macaca is a type of monkey. It's also a slur sometimes used by White Power afficionados for African Americans in place of the more traditional words.


The story:


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Couple new polls out this week in CT Senate.


Lieberman 45, Lamont 43, Schlessinger 6, Rasmussen


Lieberman 44, Lamont 42, Schlessinger 3, ARG.


MO Senate


Talent (R, Inc) 46, McCaskill (D) 44 Rasmussen

Talent 46, McCaskill 47 Survey USA


MT Senate


Burns (R, Inc) 47, Tester (D) 47


PA Senate


Santorum (R, Inc) 41, Casey (D) 47 Strategic Vision

Santorum (R, Inc) 42, Casey (D) 48 Quinnipiac

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 09:53 AM)
Couple new polls out this week in CT Senate.


Lieberman 45, Lamont 43, Schlessinger 6, Rasmussen


Lieberman 44, Lamont 42, Schlessinger 3, ARG.


MO Senate


Talent (R, Inc) 46, McCaskill (D) 44 Rasmussen

Talent 46, McCaskill 47 Survey USA


MT Senate


Burns (R, Inc) 47, Tester (D) 47


PA Senate


Santorum (R, Inc) 41, Casey (D) 47 Strategic Vision

Santorum (R, Inc) 42, Casey (D) 48 Quinnipiac

On everything but the PA...KICKA**!!!

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Internal poll Here, so take with a grain of salt (usually there's some level of truth to internal polls that are relased, but only the good internals actually are released), but it is quite consistent with a recent Rassmussen poll showing the race dramatically tightening.


Yesterday evening, I posted exclusive numbers on a new poll that came out showing Congressman Ford coming now leading Bob Corker, after being down by 7 points in the last round of polling.


Ford now leads Corker 44% to 42%, with 13% of the electorate remaining undecided.


Further, Ford's favorable ratings have soared in the past two months. As the polling memo noted:


Since June, Congressman Ford’s favorable rating rose from 47% favorable/31% unfavorable to 55% favorable/29% unfavorable. During the same period, Mayor Corker’s favorable rating rose from 43% to 48% and his unfavorable rating more steeply – from 16% to 26%.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 01:58 PM)
Internal poll Here, so take with a grain of salt (usually there's some level of truth to internal polls that are relased, but only the good internals actually are released), but it is quite consistent with a recent Rassmussen poll showing the race dramatically tightening.

I said it a few weeks ago. Ford will win. Book it.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 16, 2006 -> 09:49 AM)
Canditiate Southsider is almost official. I have my petition to be put on the ballot for the School Board election, and am in the process of getting the 10 signatures and notary stamp to make it "official".


It is now official. :cheers

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 08:20 AM)
Nice!!! What school board? And do you have a campaign website?


The website is currently under construction, and I already own the domain name. I am going to set up a blogspot here today, if I have time, to get some thoughts down and out out for public consumption.


I am running for one of the two At Large Rep positions on the Michigan City School Board.

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Former Chattanooga Mayor Bob Corker on Thursday received a subpoena to allow attorneys to take his deposition in an environmental lawsuit, according to Hamilton County Chancery Court records.


Mr. Corker, Republican U.S. Senate nominee, is scheduled to testify at 9 a.m. on Oct. 18 in Chattanooga. The case involves the construction of an access road to the Brainerd Wal-Mart Supercenter...



Environmental activist Sandy Kurtz, the Coalition for Responsible Progress and Tennessee Environmental Council Inc. filed the lawsuit in 2003. Along with Corker Group Inc., other defendants are Bright Par 3 Associates, Osborne Building Corp., Wal-Mart Real Estate Business Trust, Chattanooga and DBS Corp., the construction company for the project.


The lawsuit centers on the alleged breaking of a conservation easement to build Greenway View Drive, an access road to the shopping area from Brainerd Road, records show. A conservation easement is a contract that limits property development and transfers development rights to a municipality.


Mr. Corker began to receive environmental approvals to develop the site in 2000 before he was elected mayor.


"All of his actions were completely ethical and consistent with the public good," Mr. Mitchell said.


A company that Mr. Corker owned sold the property in 2003 for $4.66 million to Bright Par 3 Associates.


In June 2003, then-city Public Works Administrator William C. McDonald agreed to modify the easement after Osborne sought a five-lane road across the property.

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Zogby polls from the Wall Street Journal.


18 Senate Races Polled


AZ - Sen

Kyl (R, I) 48

Pederson (D) 44



Lieberman (C4L, I) 49

Lamont (D) 39

Schlessinger ® 2



Nelson (D, I) 52

Harris ® 33



Cardin (D) 50

Steele ® 41



Stabenow (D, I) 49

Bouchard ® 45



Klobuchar (D) 50

Kennedy ® 42



Talent (R, I) 50

McCaskill (D) 45



Ensign (R, I) 48

Carter (D) 45



Menendez (D,I) 43

Kean ® 41



Bingahaman (D, I) 59

McCulloch ® 31



Clinton (D,I) 55

Spencer ® 34



Brown (D) 47

DeWine (R, I) 39



Casey (D) 51

Santorum (R, I) 42



Corker ® 48

Ford (D) 44



Hutchison (R, I) 55%

Radnofsky (D) 37%



Webb (D) 48%

Allen (R, Inc) 47%



Cantwell (D, I) 51%

McGavick ® 42%



Kohl (D, I) 51%

Lorge ® 33%


Not polled, races in MT and VT.


MT - Burns v Tester in what will be a close race.

VT - Bernie Sanders (Independent who caucuses with Dems) will win easily.


Here's the tracking for the Senate.

GOP - 49

DEM - 47

Toss Up - 4

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Rex, have you seen anything on the Braley-Whalen matchup in Nussle's vacated seat? It's like the only contested seat NE Iowa has seen in 10 years with Nussle, plus Grassley and Harkin having those seats for as long as they want, it seems.

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Hutchison (R, I) 55%

Radnofsky (D) 37%


I have watched her and I do like Hutchinson. She seems to be well informed (great staffers). Of course I disagree with many of her votes, but by election time will probably vote for her reelection. We know what a softy I am for GOPerheads

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Arizona Senate

Kyl (R, Inc) 46

Pederson (D) 36 (Arizona State University Poll)


California Senate

Feinstein (D, Inc) 56

Mountjoy ® 34 (Survey USA)


Washington Senate

Cantwell (D, Inc) 48

McGavick ® 43 (Strategic Vision)


Michigan Senate

Stabenow (D, Inc) 49

Bouchard ® 42 (Strategic Vision)


Who will win the World Series? (Rasmussen)

Yankees 26

Tigers 18

Cardinals 11

Mets 10

White Sox 8

Red Sox 8

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 06:17 PM)

Hutchison (R, I) 55%

Radnofsky (D) 37%


I have watched her and I do like Hutchinson. She seems to be well informed (great staffers). Of course I disagree with many of her votes, but by election time will probably vote for her reelection. We know what a softy I am for GOPerheads

I've met Kay Bailey once - just in passing. She seems like she's very sharp.

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I still think Jim Peterson can pull the upset of Kyl here in Arizona his very pro Bush record is coming back to hurt him. And his huge pro big oil record of getting them tax breaks and all of the money he has received from the oil companies while AZ residents are paying close to $3.00 a gallon isn't sitting well. Also governor Napolitano is leading the democratic ticket and is uber popular so she will bring democratic voters to the polls as well.

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