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2006 Congressional Elections Thread

Rex Kickass

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No but he was being interviewed in Ohio about the Maryland Senate Race. Maybe Steele found the right place to send him afterall.


Transcript of an actual political ad running on urban radio in 10 states.


"If you make a little mistake with one of your ‘hos,' you'll want to dispose of that problem tout suite, no questions asked," one of the men says.


"That's too cold. I don't snuff my own seed," the other replies.


"Maybe you do have a reason to vote Republican," the first man says.



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QUOTE(Heads22 @ Oct 13, 2006 -> 08:00 PM)
Anyone else been checking electoral-vote.com during the elections? Seems to have a slight democratic lean, but it's got bright colors and graphs, which makes my eyes happy. :D



Slight?! I remember after Bush won the author of the site revealed his political affiliation.......then proceeded to savage President Bush and say the country was heading straight to hell.


Needless to say I wont be visiting that site ever again.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 21, 2006 -> 08:41 PM)
Yea, but he's a Democrat, save one issue.


Anyone want to bet that if Congress ends up 50-50 that Joe gets coerced into becoming a Dem again?



Nah. If they couldn't coerce him into bowing out he surely wont listen to anything like that.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 22, 2006 -> 06:57 AM)
That's pretty naive thinking if you ask me. It's all about power.

Which is why, if it winds up 50-50 or 51-49 Dems, Lieberman will be caucusing with the Republicans...because thanks to the fact that they have the tiebreaking vote, they have the most to offer him, in exactly the same way Jeffords flipped in 2001 because the Dems had the most to offer him.

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A 51-49 Senate would most likely consist of Joe as a Democrat. Because his life would probably be very difficult in his home state if he didn't.


Polls in CT are all over the place and I don't know if any of them are accurate. A lot of factors are in play here when it comes to actual election day. Will Republican voters vote for Joe or stay home? Will Lamont's labor walkers really work for Lamont? Will the state dem party help the turnout?


Ultimately, it will come down to ground game... And there Lamont has an edge - he has an established party behind him and the support of most local party leaders to boot.


Unless the GOP has a ground game in place in CT for Joe, Lieberman ought to be worried about November 7th, because that 17 point poll isn't realistic. I think Lamont is behind and has a better than average chance of losing, but its votes that matter and not polls in the end.

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James Webb is still running neck and neck with Senator George Allen (The Macaque guy) in Virginia. But it seems that Sen. Allen is going to be getting one heck of a big hand courtesy of some voting machines.


U.S. Senate candidate James Webb's last name has been cut off on part of the electronic ballot used by voters in Alexandria, Falls Church and Charlottesville because of a computer glitch that also affects other candidates with long names, city officials said yesterday.


Although the problem creates some voter confusion, it will not cause votes to be cast incorrectly, election officials emphasized. The error shows up only on the summary page, where voters are asked to review their selections before hitting the button to cast their votes. Webb's full name appears on the page where voters choose for whom to vote.


Election officials attribute the mistake to an increase in the type size on the ballot. Although the larger type is easier to read, it also unintentionally shortens the longer names on the summary page of the ballot.


Thus, Democratic candidate Webb will appear with his first name and nickname only -- or "James H. 'Jim' " -- on summary pages in Alexandria, Falls Church and Charlottesville, the only jurisdictions in Virginia that use balloting machines manufactured by Hart InterCivic of Austin.



Every candidate on Alexandria's summary page has been affected in some way by the glitch. Even if candidates' full names appear, as is the case with Webb's Republican opponent, incumbent Sen. George F. Allen, their party affiliations have been cut off

Vote for James H. Jim! Edited by Balta1701
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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 02:51 AM)
James Webb is still running neck and neck with Senator George Allen (The Macaque guy) in Virginia. But it seems that Sen. Allen is going to be getting one heck of a big hand courtesy of some voting machines.


Vote for James H. Jim!

And the article says that it effects both candidates... I'm going to start calling you the "Drive By Media"... LMAO.

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I have a feeling there will be a lot of close races come 11/7, and with them, a lot of voting controversies. The only good news that way is, with a lot of close races, some will likely fall each way, thus sort of cancelling out any feeling of national conspiracy.


But, if one party or the other seems to win all the really close ones, watch out.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 08:25 AM)
I have a feeling there will be a lot of close races come 11/7, and with them, a lot of voting controversies. The only good news that way is, with a lot of close races, some will likely fall each way, thus sort of cancelling out any feeling of national conspiracy.


But, if one party or the other seems to win all the really close ones, watch out.



It doesn't matter who wins, the other side will yell "CONSPIRACY!!!!!" no matter how clean the voting might be.


One thing that would really be amusing about the GOP holding on to both houses ( I know its unlikely ) would be to hear the shrill cries of leftist bloggers crying bloody murder and saying we "stole" the election.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Oct 25, 2006 -> 10:36 AM)
It doesn't matter who wins, the other side will yell "CONSPIRACY!!!!!" no matter how clean the voting might be.


One thing that would really be amusing about the GOP holding on to both houses ( I know its unlikely ) would be to hear the shrill cries of leftist bloggers crying bloody murder and saying we "stole" the election.


I don't think it's that unlikely. And as it is now I can't see the Democrats winning the Senate.

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