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so whats left to talk about........

Guest hotsoxchick1

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Guest hotsoxchick1

ok the season sucks.... we need a complete overhaul.......besides rick white (him being number one on most lists) who else do we get rid of...... im open for suggestions...... :huh:

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ok the season sucks.... we need a complete overhaul.......besides rick white (him being number one on most lists) who else do we get rid of...... im open for suggestions...... :huh:


ive watched maggs come up through the system and have always loved him.. he is my favorite.......mark buehrle comes in second.......and olivo is my third... ive also had the chance to see those two come up as well...........4th would be loz.. hes been the best aquisition we have had thus far.......whats not to like about him.......after that frank, valentin and rowand.....and the rest well it just doesnt matter theres no ranking beyond that  ..........

These were the guys I was going to suggest we get rid of ;)

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Maybe we can do like the Cleveland Browns did and ship this team off somewhere else, and get a brandnew expansion team in exchange.

even in jest, I dislike that suggestion.


We have been close to losing the Sox before and their is no guarentee that at that we would ever get a team back and if so it wouldn;t be ur Sox and who wants a what, decade wait at best for something that is not guarenteed. I know you posted in green but even in jest that suggestion is not what I need to hear this morning after the trip in and back to see my team.

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even in jest, I dislike that suggestion.


We have been close to losing the Sox before and their is no guarentee that at that we would ever get a team back and if so it wouldn;t be ur Sox and who wants a what, decade wait at best for something that is not guarenteed.  I know you posted in green but even in jest that suggestion is not what I need to hear this morning after the trip in and back to see my team.

If Chicago loses the White Sox the city will not get another ML team soon if ever. Chicago is not the monster city and metro area it was when I was a kid. You know the LA area has 16 million people, about twice the Chicago total. Some have proposed a third major league team for the Riverside-San Bernadino area, the fastest growing counties in greater LA. Some baseball owners like Peter Angelos have stated that Chicago is no longer a viable two team market. The football Cardinals left the south side after the 59 season. They've yet to be replaced. The White Sox were ticketed for Milwaukee in the late 60's. MLB was going to move the team to Seattle in 76 to settle a lawsuit with that city until Bill Veeck came out of nowhere to buy the team again. This franchise has been on the edge too many times in its history. Before I get old I'd like to see them established as a premier ML franchise. In Chicago.

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even in jest, I dislike that suggestion.


We have been close to losing the Sox before and their is no guarentee that at that we would ever get a team back and if so it wouldn;t be ur Sox and who wants a what, decade wait at best for something that is not guarenteed.  I know you posted in green but even in jest that suggestion is not what I need to hear this morning after the trip in and back to see my team.

If Chicago loses the White Sox the city will not get another ML team soon if ever. Chicago is not the monster city and metro area it was when I was a kid. You know the LA area has 16 million people, about twice the Chicago total. Some have proposed a third major league team for the Riverside-San Bernadino area, the fastest growing counties in greater LA. Some baseball owners like Peter Angelos have stated that Chicago is no longer a viable two team market. The football Cardinals left the south side after the 59 season. They've yet to be replaced. The White Sox were ticketed for Milwaukee in the late 60's. MLB was going to move the team to Seattle in 76 to settle a lawsuit with that city until Bill Veeck came out of nowhere to buy the team again. This franchise has been on the edge too many times in its history. Before I get old I'd like to see them established as a premier ML franchise. In Chicago.

Great posts.


I'd just like to mention one thing. Do you know what will happen if the Cubs win the series before the Sox?


I'd have to say that it would pretty much be the end of the Sox.

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even in jest, I dislike that suggestion.


We have been close to losing the Sox before and their is no guarentee that at that we would ever get a team back and if so it wouldn;t be ur Sox and who wants a what, decade wait at best for something that is not guarenteed.  I know you posted in green but even in jest that suggestion is not what I need to hear this morning after the trip in and back to see my team.

Sorry dude I really didn't mean to offend you. I like to say silly things sometimes just to losen up the mood a little bit.

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You didn't offend me and no apology needed. As SI1020 pointed out, it can be a sensitive topic, as he didn't say, for people of a certain age like me (and him) who remember how close we have come to losing the Sox a few times and the departure of the not yet replaced Cards. I know you were kidding.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
even in jest, I dislike that suggestion.


We have been close to losing the Sox before and their is no guarentee that at that we would ever get a team back and if so it wouldn;t be ur Sox and who wants a what, decade wait at best for something that is not guarenteed.  I know you posted in green but even in jest that suggestion is not what I need to hear this morning after the trip in and back to see my team.

If Chicago loses the White Sox the city will not get another ML team soon if ever. Chicago is not the monster city and metro area it was when I was a kid. You know the LA area has 16 million people, about twice the Chicago total. Some have proposed a third major league team for the Riverside-San Bernadino area, the fastest growing counties in greater LA. Some baseball owners like Peter Angelos have stated that Chicago is no longer a viable two team market. The football Cardinals left the south side after the 59 season. They've yet to be replaced. The White Sox were ticketed for Milwaukee in the late 60's. MLB was going to move the team to Seattle in 76 to settle a lawsuit with that city until Bill Veeck came out of nowhere to buy the team again. This franchise has been on the edge too many times in its history. Before I get old I'd like to see them established as a premier ML franchise. In Chicago.

Great posts.


I'd just like to mention one thing. Do you know what will happen if the Cubs win the series before the Sox?


I'd have to say that it would pretty much be the end of the Sox.

the scrubs winning before the sox.... thats a scarrier thought than your ralley monkey that seems to be bothering everyone here lately.......... ;) if the scrubs were lucky enough to squeek by with a big win then we would never be heard about again.......and i would definately move out of chicago faster than i had originally planned.. this place would be flooded in blue.....ukkkkkkkkkkk..... :puke

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You didn't offend me and no apology needed.  As SI1020 pointed out, it can be a sensitive topic, as he didn't say, for people of a certain age like me (and him) who remember how close we have come to losing the Sox a few times and the departure of the not yet replaced Cards.  I know you were kidding.

Oh yeah, I remember the whole St Petersburg Sox thing all too well, and how late Midnight can actually be. ;)

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Only thing I hated about deal is how ILLINOIS taxpayers got f***ed making JR a bigger millionaire than he already was , ala Bears stadium deal. :fyou If you own you BUILD the f***ing stadium not taxpayer who gets nothing out of it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Only thing I hated about deal is how ILLINOIS taxpayers got f***ed making JR a bigger millionaire than he already was , ala Bears stadium deal. :fyou If you own you BUILD the f***ing stadium not taxpayer who gets nothing out of it.

lol your right.. the best thing i have seen there besides the 93 and 2000 sox is the stones concert................ :D other than that weve got nothing out of it yet......... :D

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Some baseball owners like Peter Angelos have stated that Chicago is no longer a viable two team market.

He's right. And we have only one person to thank for that..... J-f***in'-R. f***ing asswipe has killed the White Sox in Chicago and, my Sox bias aside, the "Contract the White Sox BandWagon" has alot of valid points in their suggestion that the White Sox..... not the Minnesota Twins..... be contracted. Minnesota has all but agreed to build the Twins a new stadium if MLB guarantees not to contract the team. Meanwhile, JR has all but designed the albatross that White Sox fans will have to endure with for, hopefully, another 50-60 years. Excuse me if I don't get excited about the prospects for this team's future :puke .

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I remember all that moving talk too. St Petersdump I don't think so. There is nothing wrong with Chicago and Sox fans that a WINNING TEAM won't cure.

That is the one point that nobody seems to be able to grasp.... except for us Sox fans. You know, the sceptics that don't believe the hype until they prove it on the field .... and won't settle for "competitive" or mediocre. The ones that have lived and died with this team with out even smelling a World Series... Oh, we came close a few times, but still 44 years without being in one stinking World Series!!!! Damn, I'm on rant here.... sorry.

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