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Mark Buerhle

Harry Chappas

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Guest hotsoxchick1
hmmmm.....who to believe, illinibob or hsc...hmmm :huh:

quite frankly i dont care who you believe.. i have stated my position... i have been involved in many a discussion about marks contract with people who know it better than anyone on the boards ever will (besides cw who was also involved in that discussion) and the little tid bits the press put out there make mark look like the bad guy here when he in fact isnt........but thats the press around here.. always 1/4 the story and never the whole story...........as for the st. louis comment.. big freakin deal, the whole thing is blown way out of purportion.. how many times a player has said yeah i would love to play for my hometown or where i grew up or whatever.. its only natural.......who cares.. it doesnt mean hes playin footsie with them.. if in fact mark wanted out of here that badly it would have happened......or could have happened......there are ways of making things happen and he would have been gone before the season started if he were playing FOOTSIE with anyone.........

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The problem is we draw so few fans the players can hear each boo individually.


I don't blame Mark B. He's like the average worker who never gets praised when he does well by his bosses and takes mega s*** when he fails.


That condition of humankind does suck.


A lot of his tremendous victories the past couple years in his mind were taken grant of, but I feel I can speak for most of us in saying we respected each and every one of those outings.

Mark B had me shaking my head the past two years as he piled up victory after victory.


I agree with Yasny that he doesn't deserve boos at this time.

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Buehrle is exactly right with his comments.  The past 3 or 4 times out, he's pitched well and hasn't gotten any run support.  Therefore, he should maybe have 6 losses at the most.  You don't boo a guy who's had the success Buehrle has this early in his career, give him a break.


As far as your comment about him being the number one reason we aren't in contention, you are definitely wrong about that.  I would put a number of offensive players ahead of Buehrle if you are going to place the blame somewhere, but you lose as a team and you win as a team.  I am sure that if the Sox were in first place and Buehrle was 10-2, you wouldn't be posting that he is the reason we are in first.  Instead, you take this opportunity to rip him because he's an easy scapegoat.  That's all fine and well, just get your facts straight.


I still love ya MB and will never rip you even if you lose 100 games. :cheers

MB's job is to win games not pitch well. All you are doing is providing a defense for something that is not defendable. Shame on you. Let the guy defend himself. If you want to defend him then why is Loaiza 9-2 and Buehrle 2 and 10. Buehrle is / was supposed to be the ace and Loaiza the one trying to earn a spot. And yet your quality start sydrome doesn't explain why he continues to lose. Excuses. He hasn't performed because he isn't putting forth the effort to win. He just wants to pitch well and give a quality start. Do you think his velocity and curve ball are as good as last year? Why would that be? :o

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quite frankly i dont care who you believe.. i have stated my position... i have been involved in many a  discussion about marks contract with people  who know  it better than anyone on the  boards ever will (besides cw who was also involved in that discussion) and the little tid bits the press put out there make mark look like the bad guy here when he in fact isnt........but thats the press around here.. always 1/4 the story and never the whole story...........as for  the st. louis comment.. big freakin deal, the whole thing is  blown way out of purportion.. how many times a player has said yeah i would love to play for my  hometown or where i grew up or whatever.. its only natural.......who cares.. it doesnt mean hes playin footsie with them.. if in fact  mark wanted out of here that badly it would have happened......or could have happened......there are ways of making things happen and he would have been gone before the season started if he were playing FOOTSIE with anyone.........

The St. Louis deal is not blown out of proportion. You and your friends are all blown out of proportion. You and your contacts, suck.


Remember me? :o

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Guest hotsoxchick1
The St. Louis deal is not blown out of proportion.  You and your friends are all blown out of proportion.  You and your contacts, suck.


Remember me? :o

yeah the st. louis deal is blown out of proportion............and you and your opinions suck..... little fellow go back to the mlb boards theres no room for you and your trash talking here troll boy :fyou .......

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as for the st. louis comment.. big freakin deal, the whole thing is blown way out of purportion.. how many times a player has said yeah i would love to play for my hometown or where i grew up or whatever.. its only natural.......who cares..


HSC, the fans care! And I'm sure his teammates care too. Saying he wanted to play for St. Louis once was bad enough but to say it again the very next year was just plain stupid. It's an insult to the fans (those of us who actually care of this team) and to his fellow teammates.


I think you would have a different opinion if you weren't so close to Mark and his family. If the exact situation occurred with any other player, like D'Angelo Jimenez or Paul Konerko, you'd probably be just as pissed as we all are.


Mark was wrong for those comments, plain and simple.

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Mark needs to shut his trap. I cant wait until this guy is gone. Hopefully hell lose 20 and never appear in baseball again. Hell go down as one of the biggest flukes in baseball history. When a pitcher sucks as much as he has, hes gonna get booed. Maybe if he pulled his head outta his butt and started pitching like a man, he wouldnt suck and he wouldnt get booed. If JM doesnt bench him and just lets him go down the road to 20 losses, he will win my support back completely...

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HSC, the fans care!  And I'm sure his teammates care too.  Saying he wanted to play for St. Louis once was bad enough but to say it again the very next year was just plain stupid.  It's an insult to the fans (those of us who actually care of this team) and to his fellow teammates.


I think you would have a different opinion if you weren't so close to Mark and his family.  If the exact situation occurred with any other player, like D'Angelo Jimenez or Paul Konerko, you'd probably be just as pissed as we all are.


Mark was wrong for those comments, plain and simple.

He can go to St Louis. Im just not sure theyre gonna deal much money to a 20 game loser! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

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If Mark was 2-10 with a 3.50 ERA, I, and Im sure other bashers, would support him. But hes not. Hes 2-10 with a 5.18 ERA! Thats unacceptable. Remember how I was bashed for comparing Mark to TR? Yeah, well, once again, it looks like Im going to be right... HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bang :bang :finger :finger

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Roman I'm surprised you are that upset at Mark B.


If you read all his comments, they are not that vicious or controversial, don' t you think?


I mean I guess he could have just said no comment or "I deserve to be booed," but he showed some life which I can't say for most of our inept players.

I mean the guy had 2 great years and now is sucking like the rest of this lifeless team.


I haven't seen that many games, so maybe you've seen laziness in Mark's performance or something.

I'm sure you have your reasons, but I am not nearly as upset as you about his comments about the booing.

What bothers you the most bout Mark B.

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If it wasnt for him, wed be a decent team. Hes sucked and hes taken most of the team with him... :angry:

Shut the f*** up. This team is 5 under .500 and 7-8 games out of first place because of a myriad of things..... one of which is Mark Buehrle. But to say the White Sox are where they are only because of MB is shortsighted to say the least. Have you been seeing how many runs this team has been scoring lately? Is it JG's fault that the Sox lost 1-0 to one of the worst teams in baseball and a no-name pitcher today? You should refrain from posting anymore because you're making yourself sound stupid.

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Without MB wed be 29-27. But we cant just make him disappear completely. So lets say him, or another pitcher in his spot, went 5-5 (and for Mark thats still pretty lame), wed be atleast 34-32. Wed be in second, not far from the Twins. But no! Hes 2-10! With that were 31-37 and we dont have a chance...

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Without MB wed be 29-27. But we cant just make him disappear completely. So lets say him, or another pitcher in his spot, went 5-5 (and for Mark thats still pretty lame), wed be atleast 34-32. Wed be in second, not far from the Twins. But no! Hes 2-10! With that were 31-37 and we dont have a chance...

What's the team's record in games that MB has started?

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