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June 11 PTC winner

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Last nights winner would have been Rowand with his 3 run HR, but no one picked him so the winner ends up being Jose Valentin


Pickers were ElrockinMT and Rofacosta


The interesting thing about last night was the top players all had zero points last night. Frank, Maggs, Jimenez and Lee all had goose eggs. The bench guys contributed with Daubach getting 3 points, as did Josh Paul. Crede also had two points.

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elrockinMT a winner? Thank you, thank you very much.


Question though: we don't have to pick a starter as our pick-to-click right? Someone could have picked Rowand, and even though he came off the bench, still have won because I take it production is what counts, correct?

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elrockinMT a winner? Thank you, thank you very much.


Question though: we don't have to pick a starter as our pick-to-click right? Someone could have picked Rowand, and even though he came off the bench, still have won because I take it production is what counts, correct?

Yup. That is why we make people pick just one person, because say someone takes Rowand, but then saids they will take Maggs if he doesn't play or start. See how big of a mess that would have been?

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elrockinMT a winner? Thank you, thank you very much.


Question though: we don't have to pick a starter as our pick-to-click right? Someone could have picked Rowand, and even though he came off the bench, still have won because I take it production is what counts, correct?

Yup. That is why we make people pick just one person, because say someone takes Rowand, but then saids they will take Maggs if he doesn't play or start. See how big of a mess that would have been?

Yes. Yes, I do. Thanks for the clarification.

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