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Hideki Matsui


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Hey about this guy, Hideki Matsui. He is a center fielder and a lefty power hitter. He plays in the Japanese league and he is a free agent. He hits homeruns from 20-40+ per year. I think he is 28 years old and has nicknamed "GODZILLA". I read that the Yanks are one of the teams interested in him. I hope the SOX make a run to get this guy. He can make our outfield one of the best in the league with Borchard, Hideki, and Maggs. We could really use his lefty power and good batting average. With his success in Japan, he should be able to attract a lot of people the way Ichiro does for the M's. So what do you think guys. I wish we can get him but as a Sox fan, we can only hope!!!

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I hear the Yanks are going to offer him 10-12 million per year over 2 years.


I'd love to sign this guy to play center for us and then deal for a starting pitcher then would come to us cheaply. If JR wanted to draw fans he'd bring in the top foreign player in the world. This guy hit 50 homers last year in Japan and the Major Leaguers that are seeing him in the tour against the Japenese All Stars have all raved about him.


Please JR GET HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

The other Matsui would be an awesome pickup for us.  He's the top japanese shortstop and is supposed to be a very very good offensive player as well as a great defensive player.


I would like Kaz, but he'll probably command too much money. But since the Yanks don't need a SS, it will allow someone else to get him.

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Is there a way to tell JR try to get this guy. Is the SOX being aggressive on the market because I havent heard anything.


Matsui would be great as a player and help the SOX promote the team. Comiskey was packed when the M's came here. If we get him its a win-win deal. The SOX will be one of the best teams and the seats will be all packed. Chicago is a very diverse city and the sox can market on this. Why cant JR try to sign a player this big and give us SOX fans something to be very excited about in the up coming seasons. I havent heard anything about Kaz but I read an article by P. Gammons that Kaz might come out a much better player than Hideki. Whoever it is from the Matsui's, we better get one of them.

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From what I know KW is looking soley at acquiring a pitcher or two pitchers and thats what his concentration will be at the Winter Meetings.


He seems happy with the offense so I doubt we get either, although picking up a stud shortstop or centerfielder would be sweet.


Of course we all know I'd love the Shortstop cause it would mean we could dump Manos.

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Originally posted by bulokis Is the SOX being aggressive on the market because I havent heard anything. 


Is the pope Jewish? The answer to that query will tell you how aggressive the Sox have been and will be during this offseason. Keep dreaming. This ain't ever gonna happen.

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Originally posted by Mr. Showtime

Yanks got him.


That totally blows my mind! :eek


They can't make it official until Wednesday, but it's almost certain he will go there. He wants to play on the East Coast and for a "perinnial contender". Even if JR was willing to spend the money, he wouldn't come here... :mad:

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