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Manuel going no where


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Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf offered words of encouragement for Manuel while speaking at a luncheon for the Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce this week.


"Casey Stengel could not do anything with the way we've been hitting," Reinsdorf said. "With the new batting coach (Greg Walker), it's coming around now and I feel very optimistic."

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Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf offered words of encouragement for Manuel while speaking at a luncheon for the Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce this week.


"Casey Stengel could not do anything with the way we've been hitting," Reinsdorf said. "With the new batting coach (Greg Walker), it's coming around now and I feel very optimistic."

:finger :fyou :angry:

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Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf offered words of encouragement for Manuel while speaking at a luncheon for the Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce this week.


"Casey Stengel could not do anything with the way we've been hitting," Reinsdorf said. "With the new batting coach (Greg Walker), it's coming around now and I feel very optimistic."

:angry: :angry: :angry:

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Sox Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf offered words of encouragement for Manuel while speaking at a luncheon for the Chicago Southland Chamber of Commerce this week.


"Casey Stengel could not do anything with the way we've been hitting," Reinsdorf said. "With the new batting coach (Greg Walker), it's coming around now and I feel very optimistic."

Seriously, JR and the sox CANT be this stupid. What the hell does JM have on them? Anyone in their right mind would have fired Manuel by now. :huh:

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I wonder if JR is at all concerned about any possible fallout for firing a minority manager. Jesse Jackson would probably be waiting for him at his front door.

We've had this discussion on here before... I think someone somewhere WILL bring in the race card thinking they're bringing up some novel f***ing idea and a fresh view when they are, in fact, completely out of line.

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I wonder if JR is at all concerned about any possible fallout for firing a minority manager. Jesse Jackson would probably be waiting for him at his front door.

we have had this discussion ad naseum before



I am very sick and tired of people playing the race card - get over it and only because I have a lot of affection for the people who created this site am I refraining fJom giving my true opinion on people who keep bringing up jesse Jackson's name - being a very tiny part of the operation here I will hold back my real opinions on this -



but for all the white people out there:



the Sox have hired and let go a black manager before - when JM goes, as all managers go, he will not be the first African American manager we have hired and let go, nor will he be the last - look it up in the Sox history if you are so unaware of reality - there was no big deal about the discharge of our prior black manager nor will there be this time -


the fact that so many are obsessed with color is a sad commentary


JM was not hired as manager for life and he will leave us some day one way or the other and race was not a factor in his being hired nor in his being retained now nor will it be when he is discharged


and why oh why oh why do people keep playing the race card - it is f***ing tiresome


we have a history here people, look it up, learn it, know it - the Sox hire and fire on an equal opportunity absis and that is all people want and that is why when JM goes it will because it is time, and not one minute sooner or later because of his ethnic heritage

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CW, I think you are off here. I don't think anyone is worried about color at all. They are only worried if Jesse Jackson will try to make it out to be something it is not. I don't think it is out of line to say that Jackson has stuck his nose in situations before that seemed completely ludicrous.


No one is saying that being an African-American is why they would let him go. The question was asked is "Could the Sox fear a reprisal from a recently more active Jesse Jackson?". With the All-Star Game approaching, I think it is more than fair to wonder how anything you do would be perceived from a PR status.


The Sox may not even be thinking that way at all, but it seems reasonable to question the possibility.

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I just posted what I thought was the best thing I've ever done here and somehow I erased it!!! I told you I'm the absolute worst typist going. Let me try again. I try real hard to view all posters as human beings and to remember at least a little bit about everyone here. Yes, we've had this discussion before and as new posters arrive who don't know the history of the site we'll have it again and again. Race is the proverbial achilles heel of American society. But like I said on another thread so many Americans are of mixed race heritage and with those numbers increasing exponentially every year some day soon race will be as irrelevant as it possibly be. What CW says is true but it is one side of the coin. The "race card" is played cynically by all sorts of people. That is what I find tiresome. Anybody who knows me knows that althought I'd hardly qualify as what goes for a "liberal" these days I could give two s***s what your race or ethnic status is. In any case, I wish JR would be a real owner and start by firing KW and JM. I think his own ego and stubborness is the main reason he doesn't followed by his loathing to pay people who no longer work for him. Race plays a minor factor here, but I think it is present nonetheless. If that makes me a bad guy so be it. Any way I hope everybody cools it and gets along. The Sox stink big time, the ship is sinking and JR isn't even rearranging the deck chairs.

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They are only worried if Jesse Jackson will try to make it out to be something it is not.  I don't think it is out of line to say that Jackson has stuck his nose in situations before that seemed completely ludicrous.

I disagree with that assessment of Rev. Jackson.


I have known him, I have my own opinion of him which is far more unflattering than you might imagine while I also salute some of the many good things he has done.


The last time the Sox discharged a balck manager, what did Rev. Jackson say?


Oh, not a damn thing?


Precisely my point. Exactly my point.


We have a track record here. We have history here. We have a reocrd to look at.


It is very, very possible that JR has not fired JM for reasons other than what keeps getting suggested ad naseum. Maybe JR thinks JM is doing a good job, or it wasn't JM giving up a grand slam on Wednesday or Thursday, or is too cheap to pay off the rest of the contract, or won't make a change until the end of the year.


I am the biggest proponent here (it seems) of affirmative action and I want KW's ass fired. Lots of reasons to do that and it hasn't been done.


But you know what - just because some message board posters think someone should be fired doesn't make that a fact that that person should be fired - nor does it make it a fact that the only reason that the person who should be fired in posters' opinions is retained because of race.


Look at the record. The Sox have discharged a black amnager before. Nothing was said about that by anyone - not anyone - damm it all to helll, not anyone - not by Rev Jackson who was then based in Chicago nor by anyone else -


the Sox have a good record here and unless yout hink JM was hired to be manager for the rest of his lifespan, you migfht want to admit that someday he is going to go and the Sox knew that when they hired him - do you remember Rev Jackson saying a f***ing god damned word when Baylor was fired? Did Rev Jackson say a f***ing god damned thing when Baylor was fired let alone the Sox prior black manager whose name I don't mention bcause I want some people to look it up and learn Sox history. Did Rev Jackson say a god damned thing when Frank Robinson was fired, or Alou, or anyone else you can think of?


No? he didn't?




The everyone STFU everyone about Rev Jackson and race in regards to why or why not JM is still managing.


All Jackson has said - and all I want - is equal opportunity in hiring, which means, inclusive interviews. Everyone knows everyone hired gets fired in baseball.


But until someone can show me what Jackson said when Baylor was fired or when the Sox discharged a prior black manager, quit playing the f***ing god damned race card.


Now excuse me, I have some games to go to.

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I agree that race should not be an issue and that it may not even be one. It may have nothing to do at all with what goes into the decision-making process and I truly hope it is not.


But I do think that it is fair to wonder aloud if it does have any bearing, especially with a Major event that will shine the public light directly on the Sox and the city of Chicago. That's what PR departments do. They discuss all possible ramifications of an action, whether right or wrong, politically correct or incorrect, reasonable or ridiculous. Then decisions are made.


So whether the Sox are basing anything on that concept or even discussing it, I feel it is reasonable to think it is possible.


Do I think that would be the only factor in a decision, one way or the other?? NO

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I agree that race should not be an issue and that it may not even be one.  It may have nothing to do at all with what goes into the decision-making process and I truly hope it is not.


But I do think that it is fair to wonder aloud if it does have any bearing, especially with a Major event that will shine the public light directly on the Sox and the city of Chicago.  That's what PR departments do.  They discuss all possible ramifications of an action, whether right or wrong, politically correct or incorrect, reasonable or ridiculous.  Then decisions are made.


So whether the Sox are basing anything on that concept or even discussing it, I feel it is reasonable to think it is possible.


Do I think that would be the only factor in a decision, one way or the other??  NO

Question asked and I hear you:


so what did happen when Baylor was fired - same major market, this time owned by a major corporate news machine - with a hell of a lot higher attendance than the Sox - now if Jackson was going to make an issue, why not then?


Or why not when Jackson was still building a name for himself in chicago in his young radical days and the Sox let go of a black manager?


That is answer.




Hell, most days I want Wally B or someone else to amnage and I want KW's ass out of here. Firing is not the problem. And as it has not been for Jackson, nor will it be now.

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I agree that race should not be an issue and that it may not even be one.  It may have nothing to do at all with what goes into the decision-making process and I truly hope it is not.


But I do think that it is fair to wonder aloud if it does have any bearing, especially with a Major event that will shine the public light directly on the Sox and the city of Chicago.  That's what PR departments do.  They discuss all possible ramifications of an action, whether right or wrong, politically correct or incorrect, reasonable or ridiculous.  Then decisions are made.


So whether the Sox are basing anything on that concept or even discussing it, I feel it is reasonable to think it is possible.


Do I think that would be the only factor in a decision, one way or the other??  NO

Question asked and I hear you:


so what did happen when Baylor was fired - same major market, this time owned by a major corporate news machine - with a hell of a lot higher attendance than the Sox - now if Jackson was going to make an issue, why not then?


Or why not when Jackson was still building a name for himself in chicago in his young radical days and the Sox let go of a black manager?


That is answer.




Hell, most days I want Wally B or someone else to amnage and I want KW's ass out of here. Firing is not the problem. And as it has not been for Jackson, nor will it be now.

Could be lost of things.


Perhaps because it was well known that when the Cubs fired Baylor their first choice was Baker??


Why did Jackson try and get involved in the decision of the hiring of the football coach at Alabama? Do you think Sylvester Croom asked Jesse to champion his cause?


If you want answers to why Jackson does what he does, and how he chooses his spots, you'll have to ask him.


But to completely ignore the possible ramifications of a situation he could potentially get involved in is naive. There is nothing wrong with wondering if he could become an issue.

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I sat and looked at my screen for quite awhile before adding my reply. Here it is:


Race isn't the issue nor should it be. In baseball, as in life, you should be judged on your values and whether your actions mirror those values and additionally by your performance. Race is nowhere to be found. In the end all it boils down to is are you doing the job or not. If Jerry Manuel gets axed, or Kenny Williams does, or if they don't for that matter, it all will come down to the opinion of the boss whether they are doing the job or not.


There are people of both sides of the argument and hopefully someday we can just go about our lives as members of the human race accepting of our differences, but living for what's important.


In this case what's important is for the Sox to win baseball games.

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Oh, not a damn thing?


Precisely my point.  Exactly my point.

Actually, I'm pretty sure he did say something when the Cubs fired Baylor and hired Kimm. He just didn't throw the Jacksontonian caniption (sp?) fit that he has become known for..... ala, getting "arrested" trying to get a handful of criminals and miscreants re-enrolled in a Decatur HS after they started a gang fight at a HS football game :rolleyes: . I'm almost positive he did.

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Wow, that was quite a rant there. I assume you're talking about Larry Doby. My goodness, that was like 30 years ago!!! Since blacks in sports management wasn't too common or fought for, it doesn't surprise me that Mr. Jackson was silent. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts he'd be a little more outspoken this time. The Alabama football hiring gives credence to that.


Finally, if anyone is tired of seeing Jesse Jackson's name brought up all the time, the one to complain to is Jesse Jackson. That's his goal, to get his name mentioned and to become a threat to people who hire someone other than an African-American. That's his thing, and God bless him for it.

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