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Hizbollah mortar hits UN position


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Hizbollah fire wounds 3 UN peacekeepers in Lebanon

06 Aug 2006 11:15:36 GMT

Source: Reuters


BEIRUT, Aug 6 (Reuters) - Three Chinese soldiers in the United Nations peacekeeping force were lightly wounded on Sunday when a mortar round fired by Hizbollah hit their base in southern Lebanon, a spokesman for the UNIFIL force said.


"A mortar round from Hizbollah impacted inside the headquarters of the Chinese contingent in the al-Hinneyeh area," the spokesman said.


"They received medical treatment in position. Their condition is stable and they were not evacuated."


An Israeli air strike killed four U.N. military observers at their base in southern Lebanon on July 25. Other Israeli shells have hit UNIFIL positions and wounded peacekeepers during the 26-day-old war between Israel and Lebanese Hizbollah guerrillas.


In 1996, during Israel's Grapes of Wrath campaign in Lebanon, Israeli bombed a UNIFIL compound in the southern village of Qana, killing 106 civilians sheltering inside.


UNIFIL was created in 1978 after Israel's first major invasion of southern Lebanon and has been there ever since.


The United Nations has called for a bigger, more robust and better armed force in the area as part of expected resolution for a lasting ceasefire.


C'mon Kofi, why the silence? Hell, for that matter, why doesn't China speak up too! Oh wait, it wasn't the JOOOOOOOOZ that did it, it was the poor Palastinian terrosists freedom fighters.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 02:02 AM)
Hezbollah isn't Palestinian. It's shia.

Geeze, enough with the nitpicking already. Do you get the point, or just feel like being a nitpicking ass? Why no outrage over the latest UN position to be hit?

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 09:15 PM)
Geeze, enough with the nitpicking already. Do you get the point, or just feel like being a nitpicking ass? Why no outrage over the latest UN position to be hit?


Because Kofi Annan is actively campaigning for the destruction of Isreal. Duh! :P

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 09:28 PM)
im sure this will be all over the BBC, as soon as their Hezbollah Wins Hearts story isnt current anymore. what news bias?


1. That article is from July 21st.


2. I've read it previously, and frankly, I fail to see the bias. You may not LIKE what is reported there, but I saw nothing in the article that falls under the category of media bias. Hezbollah is indeed winning the hearts and minds of many in the Gaza, right or wrong aside. It is reality.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:33 PM)
1. That article is from July 21st.


2. I've read it previously, and frankly, I fail to see the bias. You may not LIKE what is reported there, but I saw nothing in the article that falls under the category of media bias. Hezbollah is indeed winning the hearts and minds of many in the Gaza, right or wrong aside. It is reality.


oh i know the article isnt on their frontpage right now. ive been saving it for a while because its so rediculous. guess i shoulda put it in green, but it was a good opportunity to drop it in (at least i thought it was).


i guess we disagree as to the content. i think the article a joke. reading that title for the first time...all i could say was wow. the bbc is terrible. just my opinion.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 10:15 PM)
Geeze, enough with the nitpicking already. Do you get the point, or just feel like being a nitpicking ass? Why no outrage over the latest UN position to be hit?


It's not nitpicking. There's a big difference between Palestinians and religious shia. It's like saying Malaysia and Indonesia is the same thing because they both end in -sia.

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6 August 2006 – Three members of the Chinese contingent serving with the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) were lightly wounded today when a mortar round from the Hizbollah side impacted inside their headquarters, according to the Force's preliminary reports.


The three received medical assistance inside the position, and their condition is stable, UNIFIL said in a press release.


Since the outbreak of hostilities, four UN military observers, one UNIFIL international staff member and his wife were killed. Eleven others have been wounded.


Heavy exchanges of fire continued unabated throughout the UNIFIL area of operation in the past 24 hours. Hizbollah fired rockets from various locations, while the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) continued intensive shelling and aerial bombardment across the south.


There were four incidents of firing from the Israeli side close to UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura, and positions in the general area of Bayt Yahun and Hula (2). There were three incidents of Hizbollah firing rockets from the vicinity of UNIFIL positions in the general area of Tibnin, At Tiri and Bayt Yahun. UNIFIL strongly protested all these incidents to the Israeli and Lebanese authorities respectively.


UNIFIL Hospital in Naqoura provided medical treatment to two wounded Lebanese civilians from the village. The Force also provided medical assistance to the internally displaced people in the village of Ibil as Saqi.


UNIFIL provided water to the hospital in Tibnin and to the village of Ibil As Saqi, and dispatched three humanitarian convoys and distributed food donated by the Maronite Archbishop of Tyre and the French Government to civilians in Dibil, Al Jibbain and Alma ash Shab yesterday.

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There were four incidents of firing from the Israeli side close to UNIFIL Headquarters in Naqoura, and positions in the general area of Bayt Yahun and Hula (2). There were three incidents of Hizbollah firing rockets from the vicinity of UNIFIL positions in the general area of Tibnin, At Tiri and Bayt Yahun. UNIFIL strongly protested all these incidents to the Israeli and Lebanese authorities respectively.


So even the UN admits that Hezbollah is firing missles from close to UN positions... It doesn't take a big leap to get that they are trying to get Israel to target the UN positions to further their PR campaign again.

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Aug 7, 2006 -> 09:37 PM)
oh i know the article isnt on their frontpage right now. ive been saving it for a while because its so rediculous. guess i shoulda put it in green, but it was a good opportunity to drop it in (at least i thought it was).


i guess we disagree as to the content. i think the article a joke. reading that title for the first time...all i could say was wow. the bbc is terrible. just my opinion.

I'm going to pry on this one. Where in that article do you see anything remotely resembling bias? This chorus of whining from the right is seriously getting on my nerves. SHOW ME in the article what is said that is slanted, untrue, exagerrated, doctored or otherwise altered due to bias of any kind. I think you are confusing media bias with media reporting things you don't like.


Now, the Reuters photos discussed elsewhere is another story. That is just slimey as hell, you don't have to sell me on that. Its embarrasing journalism, and it shows a clear bias. Case closed.


But I want you to tell me that you think Hezbollah isn't winning hearts and minds. 'Cause I'll guaran-goddamn-tee they are.



QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 07:25 AM)
I'm just shocked... no wait...

You too. Show me.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:26 AM)
You too. Show me.


Show you what?


The lack of screaming headlines as Hebollah hits a UN site? The lack of screaming headlines when Hezbollah fires missles at Israel from too close to UN positions, full well knowing that that Israel will target those missle fire sites for retailiation? The lack of front page headlines over the one line retraction associated with a death toll dropping from 40 to 1 in one incident, when the incident itself provoked front page outrage itself? The lack of calls for Hezbollah to quit violating the Geneva conventions by being ununiformed and hiding in civilian areas, while showing repeated scenes from southern Lebannon taking Israel to task for their violations of the same treaty? Its hard to "show you" something that doesn't exsist.


See this is the hard thing. I believe Israel has a lot of fault for what is happening today. I believe they have overreacted in a lot of what they have done, but at the sametime I feel like an Israel apologist because I feel like very few are telling the whole story here.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:38 AM)
Show you what?


The lack of screaming headlines as Hebollah hits a UN site? The lack of screaming headlines when Hezbollah fires missles at Israel from too close to UN positions, full well knowing that that Israel will target those missle fire sites for retailiation? The lack of front page headlines over the one line retraction associated with a death toll dropping from 40 to 1 in one incident, when the incident itself provoked front page outrage itself? The lack of calls for Hezbollah to quit violating the Geneva conventions by being ununiformed and hiding in civilian areas, while showing repeated scenes from southern Lebannon taking Israel to task for their violations of the same treaty? Its hard to "show you" something that doesn't exsist.


See this is the hard thing. I believe Israel has a lot of fault for what is happening today. I believe they have overreacted in a lot of what they have done, but at the sametime I feel like an Israel apologist because I feel like very few are telling the whole story here.

Now, I do agree that Kofi, and many countries in that region and elsewhere, do indeed have a definite dislike of Israel.


But in regards to the things you see as lacking, many of those things sound like normal war reporting to me. Of course death tolls drop precipitously in areas with no government in place. How do you think they get the estimates of 40 to begin with? Those people on the ground are clueless, and have every reason to exagerrate, but they are the only source available (since the Lebanese government is pretty much worthless at this point). Is that media bias? No, its pandemonium combined with biased locals being the only data source.


And as for where are the "screaming headlines as Hezbollah hits a UN site", maybe you aren't looking for them - because I see them. Hezbollah isn't being looked at as much more than a terrorist organization outside the Arab world, which is as it should be. Not exactly big news that they are firing rockets indiscriminately, which has been reported DAILY.


There is also another dynamic at work here, one more insidious. Ironically, those who claim to be semi-neutral in all this or even those who support a democratic Lebanon and/or want a ceasefire, are all displaying an underlying core of hatred and bigotry of all things Arab or Islamic. How, you might ask? Part of it is exactly what you pointed to - there is a higher level of expectation of conduct from Israel than from other nations in the region. The EXPECTATION is that, whether it be Hezobollah or any nation or sect or group in the region, they will behave in an inhumane, illogical fashion. In the case of Hezbollah, part of that (the inhumane part) is often true. But not so of the others, necessarily. That expectation is also centered on the absurd technological superiority of Israel's weaponry. The end result may indeed be more international outrage at Israel's conduct - which we are seeing. But the MEDIA is reporting what is going on - including all the world's biases, their reactions, etc. - which are news.


All that aside though, I was referring to THAT article, which you and SC expressed in one way or another was biased in some fashion. I want to see that bias.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 08:58 AM)
Now, I do agree that Kofi, and many countries in that region and elsewhere, do indeed have a definite dislike of Israel.


But in regards to the things you see as lacking, many of those things sound like normal war reporting to me. Of course death tolls drop precipitously in areas with no government in place. How do you think they get the estimates of 40 to begin with? Those people on the ground are clueless, and have every reason to exagerrate, but they are the only source available (since the Lebanese government is pretty much worthless at this point). Is that media bias? No, its pandemonium combined with biased locals being the only data source.


And as for where are the "screaming headlines as Hezbollah hits a UN site", maybe you aren't looking for them - because I see them. Hezbollah isn't being looked at as much more than a terrorist organization outside the Arab world, which is as it should be. Not exactly big news that they are firing rockets indiscriminately, which has been reported DAILY.


There is also another dynamic at work here, one more insidious. Ironically, those who claim to be semi-neutral in all this or even those who support a democratic Lebanon and/or want a ceasefire, are all displaying an underlying core of hatred and bigotry of all things Arab or Islamic. How, you might ask? Part of it is exactly what you pointed to - there is a higher level of expectation of conduct from Israel than from other nations in the region. The EXPECTATION is that, whether it be Hezobollah or any nation or sect or group in the region, they will behave in an inhumane, illogical fashion. In the case of Hezbollah, part of that (the inhumane part) is often true. But not so of the others, necessarily. That expectation is also centered on the absurd technological superiority of Israel's weaponry. The end result may indeed be more international outrage at Israel's conduct - which we are seeing. But the MEDIA is reporting what is going on - including all the world's biases, their reactions, etc. - which are news.


All that aside though, I was referring to THAT article, which you and SC expressed in one way or another was biased in some fashion. I want to see that bias.


I think what Evil's talking about is Kofi's lack of outrage at the intentional bombing of the U.N. people by the Hizbollah terrorists.

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QUOTE(Cknolls @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 11:24 AM)
I think what Evil's talking about is Kofi's lack of outrage at the intentional bombing of the U.N. people by the Hizbollah terrorists.

But the original posts that I was replying to were talking about media bias. I asked for evidence that the article in question contained such bias. There appears to be none.

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QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 05:06 PM)
But the original posts that I was replying to were talking about media bias. I asked for evidence that the article in question contained such bias. There appears to be none.

No, not in the articles themselves, but CERTAINLY on what is CHOSEN to be reported on, there's bias.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 8, 2006 -> 10:27 PM)
No, not in the articles themselves, but CERTAINLY on what is CHOSEN to be reported on, there's bias.

That is certainly possible. Hard to judge that, though, without being on the ground. Thing with that is, I actually happen to be close to someone who has spent a lot of time on the ground in Iraq as a journalist. I can't speak for Lebanon, but in the case of Iraq, I've gotten a strong impression that if anything, the picture we get from there is actually prettier than the reality.

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