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Aaron Rowand


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Its' funny how they sent Joe Bourchard down and brought Aaron Rownd up, but haven't played him, but one game. What a waste. Another fine example of the managment disorder on this team. This is a team going nowhere fast. So fast, they had to hitch a ride with a tortouise to pick up the speed.


HSC, KW is still GM,


Remember me?

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Rowand was on a Chicago radio station yesterday, and in the interview, he said that Greg Walker had found a glitch in his swing, and Rowand also said that he was swinging as good as he ever has.


We'll never find out unless he plays.

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The adjustment they made in his swing was they dropped the starting position of his hands about 5 or 6 inches. He was starting them right around his shoulders, now he is starting them letter high. It took that long loop out of his swing, now everything is hit on a line.

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Aaron played and hit a homer. Rios played Friday and hit a homer. It's great to see offense from that CF'er position. I would almost expect them to platoon and hopefully both can contribute.

Our CF position still blows. Time for JR to shell out some cash and sign a real CF'er :rolleyes:

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Our CF position still blows. Time for JR to shell out some cash and sign a real CF'er  :rolleyes:

I'd rather see JR dish out LESS cash and bring in a top-flight GM and manager.That would have greater benefits-turn this Titanic away from the oncoming iceberg.That,in itself,would turn this thing around faster than any washed up,waiver wire outfielder that KW would reward us with.


KW doesn't shop in the finest places-he's always shopping the dollar stores and dumpsters for bargains.Give me someone who'll shop at Tiffany's for us........




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Guest hotsoxchick1
Its' funny how they sent Joe Bourchard down and brought Aaron Rownd up, but haven't played him, but one game.  What a waste.  Another fine example of the managment disorder on this team.  This is a team going nowhere fast.  So fast, they had to hitch a ride with a tortouise to pick up the speed.


HSC, KW is still GM,


Remember me?

lol i see your still an asshole troll boy......the more things change somethings just stay the same................. babysitting service is done here, now run along little troll boy your mommy needs to change your diapers...........

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Its' funny how they sent Joe Bourchard down and brought Aaron Rownd up, but haven't played him, but one game.  What a waste.  Another fine example of the managment disorder on this team.  This is a team going nowhere fast.  So fast, they had to hitch a ride with a tortouise to pick up the speed.


HSC, KW is still GM,


Remember me?

Ar is a joke , he should not even be on roster

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Its' funny how they sent Joe Bourchard down and brought Aaron Rownd up, but haven't played him, but one game.  What a waste.  Another fine example of the managment disorder on this team.  This is a team going nowhere fast.  So fast, they had to hitch a ride with a tortouise to pick up the speed.


HSC, KW is still GM,


Remember me?

lol i see your still an asshole troll boy......the more things change somethings just stay the same................. babysitting service is done here, now run along little troll boy your mommy needs to change your diapers...........

You're a pretty brave little girl behind a keyboard. And you think you own quite a lot. The only thing you own is your own finger where it doesn't belong. I think you are the troll. Your insider information is so out of touch you must be a troll. By the way, I ain't going nowhere. Tell your buddy, you know, the one who thinks he owns the MLB board. Mr Security board Guard.

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I am missing something here - AR played a couple of innings on Wednesday, and played Thursday and Friday - so when is AR not playing?

So, do you suppose that is why they brought him back up to sit the bench and play 2 innings a game? I'd rather see Bourchard. I like the left handed bat in the line up and he hit a home run too.


Rios is a joke, and it proves again this management doesn't know what the other hand is doing. They need a CF, othewise they are going nowhere in the standings. Willie Harris isn't a CF either. So again, Rowand sits and doesn't get at bats. Send him back down and let him finish his career where he at least plays everyday.


Manuel can't play the same line up two days in a row and that has hurt this team the most. He isn't a good Manager. he may be a good coach, but not a manager.

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Manuel can't play the same line up two days in a row and that has hurt this team the most.

I think that's a big part of it. It's hard for a group of players to get on a roll when they 1) don't know for sure if they're gonna be playing and 2) don't know where they'll be hitting in the lineup. They're grown men, but at the same time they need a sense of consistency in order to feel fully comfortable, and that consistency has been severely lacking.

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I'd rather see JR dish out LESS cash and bring in a top-flight GM and manager.That would have greater benefits-turn this Titanic away from the oncoming iceberg.That,in itself,would turn this thing around faster than any washed up,waiver wire outfielder that KW would reward us with.


KW doesn't shop in the finest places-he's always shopping the dollar stores and dumpsters for bargains.Give me someone who'll shop at Tiffany's for us........




Its hard to shop at Tiffany's when you don't have any money. KW is strapped financially by JR penny pinching. Therefore, that means there are certain players that KW just can't go after because of their salary. If your Brian Cashman and Steinbrenner gives you 150 million to play with chances are you are going to put together a better roster then KW with his 50 million. The big market teams still rule this game, and although the Sox are in a big market JR hasn't shown the willingness to spend the money needed to improve these team. There is little parity and small market teams like Oakland and Minnesota are exceptions and not the norm. I am one of the few KW supporters, or to put it better I don't think he is as bad as most Sox fans make him out to be. Everyone points to the Ritchie trade(which was a terrible trade), but forget the little moves that have worked out(Loaiza, Jimenez, Colon, Olivo, ect.). The fact is that KW has put together a talented enough roster to challenge for the division, but unexpected slumps have hurt this team. Is the players struggles KW fault? Give the guy a break he has been better then most people give him credit for.

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I'd rather see JR dish out LESS cash and bring in a top-flight GM and manager.That would have greater benefits-turn this Titanic away from the oncoming iceberg.That,in itself,would turn this thing around faster than any washed up,waiver wire outfielder that KW would reward us with.


KW doesn't shop in the finest places-he's always shopping the dollar stores and dumpsters for bargains.Give me someone who'll shop at Tiffany's for us........




Its hard to shop at Tiffany's when you don't have any money. KW is strapped financially by JR penny pinching. Therefore, that means there are certain players that KW just can't go after because of their salary. If your Brian Cashman and Steinbrenner gives you 150 million to play with chances are you are going to put together a better roster then KW with his 50 million. The big market teams still rule this game, and although the Sox are in a big market JR hasn't shown the willingness to spend the money needed to improve these team. There is little parity and small market teams like Oakland and Minnesota are exceptions and not the norm. I am one of the few KW supporters, or to put it better I don't think he is as bad as most Sox fans make him out to be. Everyone points to the Ritchie trade(which was a terrible trade), but forget the little moves that have worked out(Loaiza, Jimenez, Colon, Olivo, ect.). The fact is that KW has put together a talented enough roster to challenge for the division, but unexpected slumps have hurt this team. Is the players struggles KW fault? Give the guy a break he has been better then most people give him credit for.

I certainly do think it's KW's fault that for the past 3 seasons we've had a line up consisting, basically, of DH's that have to wear gloves every half inning. Even the players who are fairly decent defensively, are basically the same type of players offensively. We have too many right handed pull hitters in the lineup. Too many guys that can't run the bases very fast or very well. Too many guys that are adaquet, at best, defensively. You'd think that somewhere along the line he'd realize we need a least one LH power/RBI guy in our everyday lineup. Damn right it's KW's fault.

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1) Most of the offense was in place before KW became GM. Thomas, Konerko, Durham(until this year), Valentin, Lee, Maggs. It is not as if this is the offense that KW wanted or put together himself. Same can be said about the defense and running game considering most of these guys make up both.


2) Why change something that isn't broken? The Sox ranked 1st in runs scored in 2000, 6th in 2001, and 3rd last year. I didn't hear people complaining about the offense then, but everyone desides to go into a season long slump and perform under expectations and that is KW's fault? Give me a break Yasny. You are just looking for a person to blame and the coaches/management is the 1st place to look even though they don't have anything to do with how the players play. The defense and running game has been middle of the pack through most of KW's years.


3) You put together a very good offense, middle of the pack defense, bullpen, and running game to go with an improved starting staff(with the addition of Colon) and thats a team talented enough to win a weak Central division. And thats the GM's job, to put enough talent on the field to make the playoffs, so put the blame where it should be placed, the players. The funny thing is that if the Sox turn it around and somehow make the playoffs I guarantee that most posters will give the players all of the credit. Funny how that works, if the team suceeds its because of the players, but if they struggle its the coaches/managements fault. Thats all the use I have for you Yasny. Thanks for playing :D

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1) Most of the offense was in place before KW became GM. Thomas, Konerko, Durham(until this year), Valentin, Lee, Maggs. It is not as if this is the offense that KW wanted or put together himself. Same can be said about the defense and running game considering most of these guys make up both.


2) Why change something that isn't broken? The Sox ranked 1st in runs scored in 2000, 6th in 2001, and 3rd last year. I didn't hear people complaining about the offense then, but everyone desides to go into a season long slump and perform under expectations and that is KW's fault? Give me a break Yasny. You are just looking for a person to blame and the coaches/management is the 1st place to look even though they don't have anything to do with how the players play. The defense and running game has been middle of the pack through most of KW's years.


3) You put together a very good offense, middle of the pack defense, bullpen, and running game to go with an improved starting staff(with the addition of Colon) and thats a team talented enough to win a weak Central division. And thats the GM's job, to put enough talent on the field to make the playoffs, so put the blame where it should be placed, the players. The funny thing is that if the Sox turn it around and somehow make the playoffs I guarantee that most posters will give the players all of the credit. Funny how that works, if the team suceeds its because of the players, but if they struggle its the coaches/managements fault. Thats all the use I have for you Yasny. Thanks for playing :D

LOL ... Good post. You make some good points in there. All I'm going to say is that since the 2000 playoffs I have been screaming for the need to acquire a good left-handed hitter. I know KW inherited all those guys, but he's had almost 3 years to fix what to me was a glaring problem. Though he has tried (attempts to acquire Giles and Erstad) he still hasn't gotten the job done.

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What blows my mind is when Manuel The Moron sticks Rowand in left field for "defensive purposes." WHAT? If Carlos Lee wins the "Iron Glove" award, then Rowand should win the "Cement Glove" award. At least Lee has played in LF for his career - Rowand hasn't. Rowand scares me ANYTIME he's in the outfield. He sucks as a defensive player. And he sucks as an offensive player as well.


He's not part of the future - sorry folks, but he's not. He's mediocre at best - and I'm being nice when I say that.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
You haven't a clue what real men are like.


im sure that some of the REAL MEN here apreciate that comment..........if you had any clue how to be a real man then you wouldnt be following me around the message boards like a little puppy dog....... have a nice day ........asshole......... :D

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