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WHEN have you gotten new computers??

Be Good

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WHEN have you gotten new computers......AND can you list the dates in between


IM askin this because after 2 yrs my Compaq is in terribble shape


BE GOOD thanks

As soon as your new one is delivered!


When I bought mine, 333 was the fastest you could get. By the time UPS delivered it, the 400s were out. I'm too cheap to buy a new one yet, so I sit and wait for 10-15 minutes while it boots. It's a piece of crap. Can you buy me a new one?

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I recommend building your own computer. I did it first when I was a junior in HS. This is because it is much easier to upgrade. Over the past 4 years I have basically built a new computer through upgrading parts of the old one. Actually most of the old one has now been made into a second computer. If building isn't your thing, I would say that 2-3 years is the longest a computer will last a heavy user these days.

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I got a new Dell last summer. Built it myself on line and I love it. I got a whole bunch of extras on it, and didn't spend a whole lot.


Get rid of that Compaq as fast as possible and never buy another one of those pieces of s*** again. My last one was a Compaq and it never worked quite right. Plus their customer service sucked ass. Maybe HP will make it better, but it was so bad, I am not even willing to try. The next computer I buy will be a dell again.

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Buy a Mac......just ask CW.....iTunes kicks some serious ass....btw cw....do you have OS X?

lol isn't iTunes that service that costs a dollar a song? What horse s*** that is. No sane person is gonna pay that when most of the time you can buy a cd for a better cost:song ratio, never mind the existence of P2P.


I can't believe you seriously recommended a mac; maybe if he doesn't like viewing web pages correctly, running 90% of existing software, a mouse with more than one button then it's right for him... :lol:

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lol isn't iTunes that service that costs a dollar a song? What horse s*** that is. No sane person is gonna pay that when most of the time you can buy a cd for a better cost:song ratio, never mind the existence of P2P.


I can't believe you seriously recommended a mac; maybe if he doesn't like viewing web pages correctly, running 90% of existing software, a mouse with more than one button then it's right for him... :lol:

I still download music for free....it's just really good at organizing songs. I can see webpages just fine on Safari or IE, Macs can now read Word, Excel, etc., and I've never, ever seen the need for two buttons.

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I've never, ever seen the need for two buttons.

Then you haven't lived, my friend.


Anyways, back to the original topic of the thread, I used to have a beat up old laptop my dad "borrowed" from work that had to have been 4-5 years old, but my family pitched in and got me a Presario 2800 for graduation last year. It's sweet.

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Then you haven't lived, my friend.


Anyways, back to the original topic of the thread, I used to have a beat up old laptop my dad "borrowed" from work that had to have been 4-5 years old, but my family pitched in and got me a Presario 2800 for graduation last year.  It's sweet.

Really, what is the point of two buttons? Whenever I was stuck with a Windows computer, I used it sparingly. Besides, just holding down the control button when you click on a Mac does pretty much the same thing.

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I hate computers. I don't use the damn things, They're evil! All they do is sit there and stare at you. They're reading you mind, you know. They're gonna take over the world. Get out now, while you can!

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I have three 'puters laying around, they each do something very well. I have an older model for email, letters, etc. Another I use for web work, digital publishing, brochures, newsletters, etc. and the thrid is a paperweight that I should throw away.


I buy a new one when an application I just have to run will not run on the old. I also upgrade myself some of the peripherals when necessary.

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