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Question For Mr.Bullard


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First off lemme just say its really awesome that you post on here. :P


I see that West was placed on the DL.. whats up with him? is he ok? just a precautionary move or is it more serious?


Also Heath phillips is supposed to get a spot start up in Birm... when ya see him pitch can ya let us know how he looks :P


Thanks in advance

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who is this man that you are talking about?

Hes a decent young prospect in our system and he posts here under the name, his name, Bullard. It seems that some of his teammates also share their opinions thru his name as well. Like Brian West.


Someone else can give ya his stats. I dont follow the minors...

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Mr. Bullard has seemed to have found a home in the bullpen. I don't have his numbers handy, but I do know that his ERA has consistently fallen since he moved to the pen. I heard on the radio last night that he had gone 12 of his last 13 outings without giving up a run until last night, when I believe he gave up one.


I have seen him pitch a few times out of the bullpen and he has been effective. He's not the kind of guy that comes in and blows batters away and impresses with 90's heat, but he could certainly be the type of lefty that can get people out. Paul Assenmacher, Mike Remlinger, etc.


I did notice a couple of times that he seemed to be getting squeezed when tyring to backdoor his breaking ball on a righty. I generally don't question umpires, but these looked like pretty damned good pitches and I was just behind home plate. The 2 or 3 at bats I saw where this happened ended in walks. I don't recall any runs scoring, but this just stood out to me because it looked like a pretty damned effective pitch and he wasn't getting it. I think I could see the frustration in his face once or twice as well.

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Thanks for that update Rex. I've noticed in the box scores that he's been really doing good lately out of the pen. His ERA has been dropping constantly since some rough outings early in the season.


I think he was right when he decided to move to the pen. He could really be a good swingman out of the pen or even a lefty specialist. As long as he keeps improving his control (The better the control the better his chances and he has pretty good control already) and developing his secondary pitches he's got a shot. Lefties that get guys out don't need to throw hard; neither to righties in my mind, but too many people think they do.

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Well we're spending our off day in Orlando. Purvis and I went golfing this morning and then we came back to the hotel and took a nap. We finished the first half yesterday with a 6-4 win. I think I actually vultored the win in relief. Our first half was very rocky as I think we finished 33-35. Lately the injury bug has been kicking our ass. Cotts is on the DL for a couple more days and Westy went on the DL with some imflamation in his elbow but I think he'll be alright. Malone and Ulacia were sent to Salisbury college in NC to rehab.(thats where our rehab center is this season, beause of the approximation to the majority of our affiliates) So we have had a lot of guys in and out of here the last couple of weeks.


Hankins went to AAA yesterday and I think Reed is coming here. Phillips came up here for a spot start and didnt exactly pitch good but its tough to go from low A to AA.(its a whole new ballgame up here) He was 84-89 and his offspeed was pretty good but he left a lot of stuff over the plate and paid for it. But now when he comes back here for good he'll have an idea of what it takes to be successful here. Byeong An is coming up here to take Philly's spot in the rotation so I dont have to make anymore spot starts.(thank God!!)


Right now we only have 5 guys in the pen until Neal comes off the DL so I will probably continue to have to pitch extensively for the next week or so. I have been blessed with the cleanest bill of health on the team so far this year so I have had to pick up some innings out of the pen the last couple of days.


We begin the second half with a 16 day roadtrip that covers almost 2,000 miles of travel. It begins here in Orlando and continues on to Mobile, Jacksonville and Huntsville. Basically we will be made or broke the next 2 weeks for the rest of the season. The scheduling of this trip is a freakin joke but I guess the league wanted it to be as hard a possible for us to repeat as champs.


Finally I read the the list of prospects 1-50 and I must complement the guys for how well it was put together and basically how accurate in ranking and ability it was.( except for West's bio!) And Rex thanks for the kind words and the understanding of my back door slider, that is 9 times out of 10 a strike, but for some reason the ump wont call it. Adios

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Bull, thanks for the update.


While you guys definately didn't have a great 1st half to the season, I do think the team really battled considering.


Reed seems to be a heck of a player and should be a great addition. I bet the pitchers will be excited to get another offensive player on board.


Also, you seem to be excelling in the pen :headbang


Thanks for the kind words on the top 50. The next list is right around the corner (July 15 or so) and before that were gonna have something on all the draft picks (Gonna have that up soon).


I plan on seeing the Barons win a game on August 9th when you guys are in Chatanooga :)

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