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Catching foul balls


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QUOTE(suffering-nomore-sox fan @ Aug 15, 2006 -> 09:40 AM)
I caught Paulie's near homerun in game one of the ALDS, first inning, last year. But that's not all of the story. I failed to tell my wife that I was going--I figured it was a day game, I would be home at the normal time. Well, lo and behold, I catch the ball and what happens next? Espn puts me on for about 6 seconds holding the ball. The CEO of her company calls her into the office, and she sees my Ferris Bueller moment. Also, in a matter of 1 minute, I got 20 phone calls-- very cool.


The pic of me on my profile is the moment frozen from TIVO.


I kept the ball and gave it to my 5 year old. He has it on display in his room.


alright your the guy I mentioned in my post


in your avatar the guy in the upper right corner with the really long hair is my cousin, and I was a couple seats down from him as I tried to get the ball

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QUOTE(whitesoxin @ Aug 15, 2006 -> 12:03 AM)
So tonight I caught my first foul ball. I was in section 146 and bare handed a foul liner off the bat of Mark Teahan. It was fun high fiving everyone and letting people feel the ball. :lol: The ball was right on path to hitting my girlfriend as she assumed a fetal position and closed her eyes, so luckily I was able to reach around her and catch it. I had previously gotten a ball in Tuscon, but that was from the Rockies bullpen catcher after I told him I'd give him my smoothy if he gave me a ball.

I think she owe's you a little "thank you" (;)) for protecting her.

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I've only had one near miss in my lifetime. I was in the first row of that middle section (what's it called?), below upper deck, but above lower deck. Third base side. The ball comes off the bat and it's coming almost right at me, a bit to my right (noone was sitting there). I stand up and cup my hands, the balls dropping a bit, looks like it's coming in to me at about waist level. Just at the moment I'm anticipating impact, the ball hits the metal railing, sails over my head, and lands 2 or 3 rows behind me in some guys lap.

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QUOTE(suffering-nomore-sox fan @ Aug 15, 2006 -> 07:40 AM)
I caught Paulie's near homerun in game one of the ALDS, first inning, last year. But that's not all of the story. I failed to tell my wife that I was going--I figured it was a day game, I would be home at the normal time. Well, lo and behold, I catch the ball and what happens next? Espn puts me on for about 6 seconds holding the ball. The CEO of her company calls her into the office, and she sees my Ferris Bueller moment. Also, in a matter of 1 minute, I got 20 phone calls-- very cool.


The pic of me on my profile is the moment frozen from TIVO.


I kept the ball and gave it to my 5 year old. He has it on display in his room.




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A few years back I was in one of the skyboxes and caught a foulball barehanded (yea, that hurt). There was a 5 or 6 year old standing next to where I was sitting. i gave the ball to him. I know how much it would have ment for me if someone had given me a foul ball when i was his age. I had no real use for it. He might as well get some enjoyment out of it.

A few days later I heard this kid was just so giddy and greatful that i gave him the ball. That ment a lot to me.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Never caught a ball, and came close only one time. It was, I believe, in 2000. The game against the A's that we tied in the 9th when Singleton was balked hom, and Thomas later (10th) hit a double off the wall to score Valentin from first on an extremely close play. The ball I almost caught happened earlier in the game. Harold Baines came up with the bases loaded and two outs. He hit a shot that looked to be gone, right at me in the first row almost in right centerfield. It felt like slow motion. I got up, got ready for the ball, and imagined how much this might hurt if I don't catch it the right way. I swear that ball stayed up there for 20 minutes. Then, it was caught right at the wall. And it sucked.

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I forgot my dad had a near miss


it was my first white sox game ever (1995 or 96 I can't remember) and we were playing the twins


we were in the right-center field bleachers and robin ventura hit a 3-run homer right at us. I was completely oblivious to it all while my dad tried to catch it, but some guy pushed him down and stole the ball from him

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Never have caught one, been around quite a few. Last year at the redsox game the guy sitting directly behind me caught the ball off the bounce. It bounced on the walkway where me and a bunch of others were standing and it bounced right over my seat into his hands. I was pissed. Only 3 balls have made it to my section this year. One of them landed in the doorway. another landed in the row behind me over 2 seats, and another was a little farther down. At the home opener this year when Crede launched that ball it landed in 352, you can see me on TV standing and watching the ball go bye. I still have that game on my DVR.

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I was at the Crede game last year. You know, the one where he hit the walk-off home run against the Indians and Farmer told everyone to "get off the ledge". Our seats were about 20 rows up in relatively straighaway left field. We got there early and the friend with me asked if I ever caught a ball. Neither of us had although we had a few close calls. We both agreed it would be tough for us to get one that night being in the 20th row in left. Anyway, the game starts and wouldn't you know it, after several innings Crede hits one right at the seat in front of me. The seat was empty so I reach down, it hits me in the palm, and drops down in the seat. Before anyone could get to me, I grab it and I am a hero in my area for the rest of the game. Meanwhile, it was a fantastic game. Cleveland ties it, Uribe makes that phenomenal play in the hole to keep the Tribe from closing the gap in the division further and up steps JOE CREDE in the the 10th to end it. As noted, I was 20 rows up so his first shot was a bomb. What was amazing is his second shot also was lost way up in the crowd. This time, rather than being in front of me, it was about 4 or 5 seats to my right. I dove for it but only came away with a bruise that time. If you put the Sox Pride DVD on pause and advance the frames slowly, you can see my friend and I scrambling for the ball as it lands in the stands. Probably one of the most memorable regular season games I have ever attended for so many reasons.


P.S.: I kept the ball. I do not recall any kids being around me but I am not sure I would have given it away anyway.

Edited by Beltin'Bill
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QUOTE(Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 15, 2006 -> 02:14 PM)
I think she owe's you a little "thank you" (;)) for protecting her.

:D Don't worry I got the "thank you". I really helped my cause when some random little kid walked up to me and asked if he could have the ball, but I said no I was giving it to my girlfriend.

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After what happened in the past, I'm dying to get one someday soon. 3 years ago I went to a game, and my friend sitting next to me got a ball that richochetted off of a seat and came right to him. The next game I went to after that, I brought another friend in the same 2 seats, This time I sat in the seat that my previous friend sat in. You guessed it.............same thing happened but only on his side this time. Then I went to see SF at the Cell to try and get one from Bonds in BP. Bonds hit the diamond suites, in came down right into the hands of ANOTHER FRIEND that I brought to the game. Then Bonds hit another one out. I dived over a row of seats, put my hand on top of the ball, and before I could pick it up, a kid kicked it out of my hand. I yelled out the loudest F%@ that I ever did in my life. 3 games, 3 balls.

The final score, Friends 3 Tom 0. Aye yuy yuy yuy yuy! What do I have to do to be in the right place at the right time?

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I caught my 1st one last year, oddly enough at Wrigley. They were playing the Pirates. We were sitting about 6 rows back of the Pirates dugout. Craig Wilson caught a pop-up and it was the third out. As he was jogging back to the dugout, right before he went in, he threw it up. I reached over the row in front of me and caught it. I kept it too. The lady in front of me was saying I should give it to a kid, but I was like "hey, this is my first foul ball ever and I was a little kid once too." She understood well enough.

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Singleton has said, more than once, that if he can't get seats for his wife and kids that are covered, by the nets or fences behind the plate, that he won't let them go to a game. The dangers of being injured by a foul ball are too high. And then I think of all the games I've gone to, and how few balls have even come near me, and I think he's nuts.

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