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A 2nd Chance for Thomas Bashers

Guest Ncorgbl

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i just think he's a dope based only on what i read and hear about the guy and i think he's bad for the team


Both HSC and Steff know Frank personally and they would back me up 100% on [Frank being an articulate and charming guy when not talking about his career] even though I too only base my opinion on excerpts and interviews and such.

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I'm am in total bewilderment.


The night after Frank Thomas hits a game-winning homer on a pitch that he "struggles" on, we have some people who have the nerve to say "screw Frank" and "I want Frank out."


Am I missing something?  :huh:


I can understand not liking the guy....but JFC, come on.  Show a little respect.  The guy is leading the team in average and homer, and possibly RBI too.

first ... what frank does on any given night is beside the point. would you have felt better had he struck out 4 times ... THEN i give my opinion of him?


and i, for one, am NOT saying screw frank. i would have traded him, yes. but having said that, i'm on record (somewhere) saying as long as he's here i hope he has another great year.

i just think he's a dope based only on what i read and hear about the guy and i think he's bad for the team.

Maybe I'm confused because we just had a good come from behind win last night(not saying anything about what happened today), and that we are still doing this stuff.


Also....I realize you did not say screw Frank. Abozichu did.

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Nope, being "scared" of homos is akin to being scared of going to prison-  fear of at once forceful and glorious anal violation...in addition to fear of liking it and being addicted to it, if you will.


It has nothing to do with latent homosexuality as commonplace as it might be, idseer.

says you.

yeah, lets be all 5th grade-y about it....

i do try to dip to the level of those i talk to

Oh and what do you say about the said homosexualized psycho-pathology?


Sorry but "so says you" doesn't quite cut it and neither does did your last reply...or are you one fellers who come into the room hoping to bluff his way armed only with sheer rhetorical noise and bravado? Ironically enough, thats the kind of person you yourself profess to despise...short memory much?

well do tell us all about you psych qualifications, brando. i don't profess to be a psychologist, but otoh my brother IS. i've spent many hours in discussions with him about such things, and i'm telling YOU those AFRAID of gay people are mostly concerned with their own leanings. if you don't agree, by all means explain yourself instead of simply trying to throw a few big words around in an attempt to belittle me.


please ... tell me all you know about "homosexualized psycho-pathology". i have 30 seconds or so.

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Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

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Both HSC and Steff know Frank personally and they would back me up 100%  on [Frank being an articulate and charming guy when not talking about his career] even though I too only base my opinion on excerpts and interviews and such.

big hairy deal! i know a few 'charming' people who are also dopes. forgive me if i doubt what you think about FT's intelligence. i've seen too much evidence to the contrary.

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Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

I seem to remember 19 wins he had for us last year.


I'm out...going to bed.


Later all.

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Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

Screw Frank....there I said it. :lol:


Roman....I just have to warn you....you are bordering on the old adage "pot calling the kettle black."


I think you know what I mean....if not, just let me know, and I'll explain it to you.

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Guest Ncorgbl

What morale problems? When has he not played hard?


The 'controversey', while certainly can be traced to Thomas' poor communication skills, wasn't what was reported at all, and most Sox fans know that. It had nothing to do with the contract or money, and he did honour his contract and played one of his best seasons.


Who are you watching?

what morale problems? ... the ones that were written and talked about for many years. last year it came out a little more than usual with konerko's comments.


when has he not played hard? the many times he's refused to slide in crucial situations for one thing.


poor comunication skills? let's be real. isn't this another way of saying he's stupid? just kinder and gentler?

it had nothing to do with money or his contract?????? who are YOU watching?

and of COURSE he honored the contract. he had no choice!


typical FT lover. ignore all his faults. the ones you CAN'T ignore ... make him the victim.

Again, what 'morale' problems? Valentin and Konerko being quoted that Frank 'carried the team on his back' in 200 was a problem? Konerko recanting his interview last season because he was set up is bad morale? Have you ever been in the clubhouse? Thomas has never been, and is not any kind of clubhouse problem.


Thomas 'refused' to slide? Never happened. He didn't slide last season, coming off tricept surgery. I don't blame him, and anyone who would is just not thinking. Why would you risk a surgucally repaired arm sliding at the end of the season when the team was out of it?


Thomas is hardly stupid. That's spoken like a person with a paper asshole.


Thomas had no intent on not honouring his contract. He was bushwacked by a reporter on the ARod thing, and it blew up, all unfairly, and he ran to JR, his friend and only advisor at the time. He didn't ask for more money, he asked for help.


But that is typical for those who would bash a guy who gives his all. I've never understood fans like you, and hope I never do. If the majority were like you no one would want to play here. You don't deserve the Sox, nor do you deserve a HOF caliber player. If the franchise had been sold to me, I'd move it in a moment's notice.

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Nope, being "scared" of homos is akin to being scared of going to prison-  fear of at once forceful and glorious anal violation...in addition to fear of liking it and being addicted to it, if you will.


It has nothing to do with latent homosexuality as commonplace as it might be, idseer.

says you.

yeah, lets be all 5th grade-y about it....

i do try to dip to the level of those i talk to

Oh and what do you say about the said homosexualized psycho-pathology?


Sorry but "so says you" doesn't quite cut it and neither does did your last reply...or are you one fellers who come into the room hoping to bluff his way armed only with sheer rhetorical noise and bravado? Ironically enough, thats the kind of person you yourself profess to despise...short memory much?

well do tell us all about you psych qualifications, brando. i don't profess to be a psychologist, but otoh my brother IS. i've spent many hours in discussions with him about such things, and i'm telling YOU those AFRAID of gay people are mostly concerned with their own leanings. if you don't agree, by all means explain yourself instead of simply trying to throw a few big words around in an attempt to belittle me.


please ... tell me all you know about "homosexualized psycho-pathology". i have 30 seconds or so.

Methinks the burden of explanation rests entirely on you in this case since I pretty explained my POV albeit briefly...."so says you" was all you could muster


HPP might not be in medical books per se, but it's sufficiently self-explanatory when paired with my other post for you not to be bugging me about my "credentials". If I don't have a HS diploma, I sure as hell won't be a licensed psychiatrist, tho I do know a thing or two about the real world. Pops.


Show me where I said "latent homosexuality" is not a legitimate issue...However, it's woefully simplistic to think it's the only defining factor in what's generalized as 'homophobia'

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And that, idseer, is why Im not a homophobe. Im not scared of being gay, because I know Im not. And if you read my posts, you know the only thing I care about is what I think. If someone else thinks Im gay, fine, I know Im not gay so I do NOT care. A girlfriend of mine dumped me once because this anorexic whore friend of hers thought I was gay. But I thought they were both ugly annd I knew Im not gay so I didnt freakin care. But back to my main point. Im not scared of homos. Never have been, never will be. If homophobia meant disgusted by homos I would be the king of homophobes. But it doesnt, so Im not the king of homophobes...

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Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

Screw Frank....there I said it. :lol:


Roman....I just have to warn you....you are bordering on the old adage "pot calling the kettle black."


I think you know what I mean....if not, just let me know, and I'll explain it to you.

I dont really know what that means. I kinda get it (both are black yada yada yada) but how does it apply to this situation?

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Honestly. How can a true Sox fan say screw Frank? He has done so much for this team. Abozichiu hates Frank yet loves Buehrle. MB has done nothing but whine about the boos (which are logical cuz he sucks!) and how he doesnt want to be here.


But abozichiu, I congratulate you for sticking with the man even tho hes proved how truly crappy he is. Id do the same for Frank but just about no one else...

Screw Frank....there I said it. :lol:


Roman....I just have to warn you....you are bordering on the old adage "pot calling the kettle black."


I think you know what I mean....if not, just let me know, and I'll explain it to you.

I dont really know what that means. I kinda get it (both are black yada yada yada) but how does it apply to this situation?

You're saying Buehrle sucks and Thomas is doing very well, yet you only have to look back to last year at about this time to see Mark with a 9-5 record and a good ERA and Thomas hitting .230-.240 with bad power numbers(for Frank).


Pot, meet kettle. It'd be like a Thomas fan(such as yourself) saying a Konerko fan has no talking rights.

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. A girlfriend of mine dumped me once because this anorexic whore friend of hers thought I was gay. But I thought they were both ugly annd I knew Im not gay so I didnt freakin care


:lol: :D :lolhitting :D :lolhitting :lol: :D :lolhitting :lol: :D :lolhitting :lol: :D :lolhitting


Roman is the greatest poster ever....you can't fake that kind of gut-busting s***, lololol

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Again, what 'morale' problems? Valentin and Konerko being quoted that Frank 'carried the team on his back' in 200 was a problem? Konerko recanting his interview last season because he was set up is bad morale? Have you ever been in the clubhouse? Thomas has never been, and is not any kind of clubhouse problem.


Thomas 'refused' to slide? Never happened. He didn't slide last season, coming off tricept surgery. I don't blame him, and anyone who would is just not thinking. Why would you risk a surgucally repaired arm sliding at the end of the season when the team was out of it?


Thomas is hardly stupid. That's spoken like a person with a paper asshole.


Thomas had no intent on not honouring his contract. He was bushwacked by a reporter on the ARod thing, and it blew up, all unfairly, and he ran to JR, his friend and only advisor at the time. He didn't ask for more money, he asked for help.


But that is typical for those who would bash a guy who gives his all. I've never understood fans like you, and  hope I never do. If the majority were like you no one would want to play here. You don't deserve the Sox, nor do you deserve a HOF caliber player. If the franchise had been sold to me, I'd move it in a moment's notice.

like most people here, i base my opinions on what i read or hear (tv). and i have read on several occasions that FT is not so much interested in the teams success, but his own. i've seen for myself the times he's popped up on an 0-3 count because he feels HE wants to 'be the man'. your excuse for him not sliding is just that ... an excuse. he wasn't protecting an injured wrist. his wrist was healed! otherwise he's not out there. the previous wrist injury IS an excuse for not hitting ... but just a bulls*** reason for not sliding when a game is on the line.


i also prefaced my comments concerning his intelligence saying from all i've seen and read of him. i have no first hand knowledge of his intelligence away from the ballgame. BUT! ... in that arena he has been STUPID!


and he ran to jr for help? that's why he threatened to not show? that's the advice his good buddy jr gave him? excuse my guffaw!


as you yourself said, you don't understand fans like me because you don't want to. who has the closed mind here?


"If the franchise had been sold to me, I'd move it in a moment's notice."

be careful what you wish for.

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Both HSC and Steff know Frank personally and they would back me up 100%  on [Frank being an articulate and charming guy when not talking about his career] even though I too only base my opinion on excerpts and interviews and such.

big hairy deal! i know a few 'charming' people who are also dopes. forgive me if i doubt what you think about FT's intelligence. i've seen too much evidence to the contrary.

Why are you so dismissive and disrespectful toward two of the best posters SN or any board has ever seen?


If you can't see the difference between a "stupid" person and the one who is an occasional "whiner-egomaniac", it's too late for you to learn.


It's not like we are arguing such touchy subjects as team leadership (I know you don't believe in it) here, just eloquence and charm.

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Hey shut up brando. And Im kinda glad that girl dumped me. She was ugly as hell. I told other guys I dated her and common responses were "ugly!", "wheres your stash man?" and "you dated that?" Her friend was even uglier. That friend was mean too! I still joke my ex about how shes anorexic. And then she goes "shes eats a ton but cant gain weight!" and I say "ok then, shes bulimic". Then she says "she doesnt puke it up". And I respond "well idiot, you think shes gonna call ya and say 'hey gurl! ya wanna come see me barf up that spinach I ate earlier? Heck no!'


Me and my ex have such a wonderful relationship... :lol:

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Hey shut up brando. And Im kinda glad that girl dumped me. She was ugly as hell. I told other guys I dated her and common responses were "ugly!", "wheres your stash man?" and "you dated that?" Her friend was even uglier. That friend was mean too! I still joke my ex about how shes anorexic. And then she goes "shes eats a ton but cant gain weight!" and I say "ok then, shes bulimic". Then she says "she doesnt puke it up". And I respond "well idiot, you think shes gonna call ya and say 'hey gurl! ya wanna come see my barf up that spinach I ate earlier? Heck no!' 


Me and my ex have such a wonderful relationship... :lol:

I'd rather see VisiGoths overrrun this countrey than to see you or your f***ed up ilk in any kind of position of power.


Well, you can be a great comedian- sorta like the male version of Anna Nicole Smith, delighting everyone with your unaffected, totally self-conscious-free life...you're HI-lariousssssssss, I swear.

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Methinks the burden of explanation rests entirely on you in this case since I pretty explained my POV albeit briefly...."so says you" was all you could muster


HPP might not be in medical books per se, but it's sufficiently self-explanatory when paired with my other post for you not to be bugging me about my "credentials". If I don't have a HS diploma, I sure as hell won't be a licensed psychiatrist, tho I do know a thing or two about the real world.  Pops.


Show me where I said "latent homosexuality" is not a legitimate issue...However, it's woefully simplistic to think it's the only defining factor in what's generalized as 'homophobia'

you thinks wrongly.


'so says you' was all you deserve.


as to


"Show me where I said "latent homosexuality" is not a legitimate issue...However, it's woefully simplistic to think it's the only defining factor in what's generalized as 'homophobia'"


what you said was ...


"Nope, being "scared" of homos is akin to being scared of going to prison- fear of at once forceful and glorious anal violation...in addition to fear of liking it and being addicted to it, if you will."


sounds to me like you were saying i was wrong. then you go on to actually include it as part of your definition. the fear of liking it.


it looks like you're arguing just to argue. big surprise huh?


the fact is it's generally considered the number one reason. i didn't say it was the one and ONLY reason. but your reason was really stupid. the fear is brought on by being afraid of going to prison and being forced! that's hilarious brandofan.


i won't continue this dumb argument. the discussion is ft. let's keep it there.

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you thinks wrongly.


'so says you' was all you deserve.


Nah, I'd still go with "all you could muster" theory....to get the benefit of the doubt you'd have to earn it first.


fear is brought on by being afraid of going to prison and being forced!


The key word is "akin"....Another almost as key is "'t'was a jokey-joke", albeit not without a fair amount of truth in it. Bear in mind.

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Anna Nicole Smith was a former Playboy playmate who married a rich guy and got all his money after he died.  Now she's a cow with her own show on "E" showing what a remarkable human she is.

So wait. Why am I the male version of her? Im not a playmate and I dont ever plan on that, and she doesnt seem to be a comedian, so why would brando compare me to her? Brando? Im just curious man... :huh:

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Why are you so dismissive and disrespectful toward two of the best posters SN or any board has ever seen? 


If you can't see the difference between a "stupid" person and the one who is an occasional "whiner-egomaniac", it's too late for you to learn.


It's not like we are arguing such touchy subjects as team leadership (I know you don't believe in it) here, just eloquence and charm.

just who are you refering to here? yourself and ncorqbl?


i don't think i've been any more disrespectful to ncorqbl than he (she)'s been to me.


as for you. please don't make me laugh. you've earned no respect at all. maybe you should go back and look at all your replies to me when i'cve posted. tell me how respectful you've been.


the reason i say thomas is stupid (one of the reasons) is continuing doing the same stupid foot-in-mouth trick over and over. so you see, his whining is bad enough. his not learning from the reactions to his whining is what i call STUPID!

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