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Valponick asks for your prayers


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First things first, this probably doesn't belong in PHT so MODS move accordingly...


My wife and I have been members of Soxtalk for awhile now. It's been the most difficult month of our lives...I feel kind of silly posting about it on a message board but putting things into words has helped me cope so far and I've established relationships with some of you whether it be talking about the Sox, buying/selling tickets, politics or whatever.


On July 17th my first son Dominic was born, I thought it was going to be the start of great times but then 3 days later I had to have an emergency appendectomy. Not only did I not get to see my son in his first days but I was laid up for about two weeks doped up on painkillers (luckily I missed a brutal two weeks by the Sox, lol). Well I thought things coudln't get worse than that but just last week my little brother of 21 years passed away, he was in a car crash. He was a Cubs fan, but other than that he was a great person :) I don't really know why I'm posting this here, it's been an incredibly difficult time for myself and my family and I guess I'm just trying to find anyway possible to cope. When you all think about how depressing or frustrating it might be to watch our Sox play lately just take comfort in that it really is only a game and that feeling will go away.


If it is your thing, please pray for me and my family.


Thanks Soxtalk.

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Can't even put into words of the sorrow for your loss my friend. We all love ya and are pulling and praying for you big guy. May God bring to you all the comfort that you seek and need during this tragic time. Sharing your grief, tears, love, and hugs with other family members are some of the best things that you can do at this time in your life. We all hope that all goes as smooth and as best as possible for you and your family in the upcoming days.

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My thoughts are with you, Nick.

It's terrible to go through what you've been through lately, and all I can say is that things are bound to get better, and just try to get through it by remembering the good times you had with your brother. I'm sure he'd want you to be happy and move forward with your life. Focus on your little guy, and enjoy all the little miracles he's going to provide for you.

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Nick, prayers are definitely with you and your family. Last year was a hard one for our family and the support from many here was amazing and very helpful. Many of us spend a lot of time here, so it's only natural to want to share things - good and bad. Take care and hang in there. Steff

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You are in my thoughts, and the hearts of lots of SoxTalkers. I almost lost my kid brother in a terrible car wreck last year (he's still pretty messed up), so I have at least a bit of an idea of what you and your family are going through.


It's hardly worth saying that your son is the silver lining and the sunshine that will help through the dark and gray, but I'll say it anyway. Love and cherish each other.

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Nick... know that my prayers are with you and your family. You are so right when you say things like this (the good and the bad) make us realize that baseball is just a game. Take Care bro.


Nick... know that my prayers are with you and your family. You are so right when you say things like this (the good and the bad) make us realize that baseball is just a game. Take Care bro.

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