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Meow, meow, meow, meow...


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Ms Carasia should get a swift kick in the ass and a bill for the time of the officers, the court employees, and anyone else involved in this stupidity.





Judge to rule if 'meowing' is harassment



JEANNETTE, Pa. - Meow. A district judge has been asked to decide whether that word is a harmless taunt or grounds for misdemeanor harassment. Jeannette police charged a 14-year-old boy for "meowing" whenever he sees his neighbor, 78-year-old Alexandria Carasia.


The boy's family and Carasia do not get along. The boy's mother said the family got rid of their cat after Carasia complained to police that it used her flower garden as a litter box.


The boy testified Tuesday that he only meowed at the woman twice. Carasia testified, "Every time he sees me, he meows."


The boy's defense attorney, David Martin Jr., argued that the charge should be dismissed.


"This should never have been filed," Martin said. "This is not something that police should be wasting their time with or wasting the court's time."


Jeannette District Judge Joseph DeMarchis decided to wait 90 days before ruling. DeMarchis said his decision will be based on how the boy and his neighbor get along in the meantime.

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What the world needs now is love, sweet love

It's the only thing that there's just too little of

What the world needs now is love, sweet love,

No not just for some but for everyone.


Lord, we don't need another mountain,

There are mountains and hillsides enough to climb

There are oceans and rivers enough to cross,

Enough to last till the end of time.

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