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Age difference


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I know Demi Moore is going out with that guy that is 15 years younger or something. Does anybody here have feelings about dating somebody older. That is unusual in Demi Moore's case, because it seems common that the guy is older than the girl. My uncle is like 20 years older than his wife, and that doesn't seem weird to me. But If I were to go out with a woman that is 31 that would seem a little odd to me, unless of course I really liked her.


Who here holds the record for biggest gap in a relationship? I know HSC had her little fling with Aaron Miles and Miguel Olivo during spring training, but from what I have heard HSC is a sexy 25, so she is right in amongst them in age ;) ...Seriously though anybody go out with someone that is a great deal older, or younger?

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I'm 23(may) my girl is 18(january)...


her parents like me alot...my parents like her alot...there are times when the age thing is apparent, but for the most part the age thing just disappears after awhile.


i win:)

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I'm 23(may) my girl is 18(january)...


her parents like me alot...my parents like her alot...there are times when the age thing is apparent, but for the most part the age thing just disappears after awhile.


i win:)


When I first saw that I didn't think that was that bad, then I looked at it like this. She is a senior in highschool (or just finished being one), you are out of college now the difference seems more apparent

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20 and 19


My father is 11 years older and my uncle is 12. That generation of European women always liked their men experienced and sophisticated. American women are more superficial and youth-obcessed. Or so I heard.


AFA Demi: she is a spotlight vampire, don't base ANYTHING on her. ever.

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20 and 19


My father is 11 years older and my uncle is 12. That generation of European women always liked their men experienced and sophisticated. American women are more superficial and youth-obcessed.


Or so I heard.


How old were your parents when they got married?


Did the men like the women inexperienced?


I hope that doesn't give you any sick images of you mother and father's early relationship, but just trying to learn a little about the world.

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Oh, I think Anna Nicole Smith is married to someone whos like 70. Thats got be like a 40 year difference.


Just think about dating someone 40 years younger (maybe Smith didnt do it but Im sure someone has). Im 16 so Id have to wait like two and a half decades until my spouse is even born! Then another 18 til shes legal. I aint ever doing that. Im findin someone my own age!

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Oh, I think Anna Nicole Smith is married to someone whos like 70. Thats got be like a 40 year difference.


Just think about dating someone 40 years younger (maybe Smith didnt do it but Im sure someone has). Im 16 so Id have to wait like two and a half decades until my spouse is even born! Then another 18 til shes legal. I aint ever doing that. Im findin someone my own age!

I think he's dead already. There was a court battle over money he left her in his will if I remember correctly.

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Oh, I think Anna Nicole Smith is married to someone whos like 70. Thats got be like a 40 year difference.


Just think about dating someone 40 years younger (maybe Smith didnt do it but Im sure someone has). Im 16 so Id have to wait like two and a half decades until my spouse is even born! Then another 18 til shes legal. I aint ever doing that. Im findin someone my own age!

I think he's dead already. There was a court battle over money he left her in his will if I remember correctly.

Yeah, he's dead.


I don't think she married an old, rich guy for love.

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Oh, I think Anna Nicole Smith is married to someone whos like 70. Thats got be like a 40 year difference.


Just think about dating someone 40 years younger (maybe Smith didnt do it but Im sure someone has). Im 16 so Id have to wait like two and a half decades until my spouse is even born! Then another 18 til shes legal. I aint ever doing that. Im findin someone my own age!


The old man she married is long since dead, and I think he was in his late 80's. This was before Anna Nicole Smith found the wonders of Sara Lee too. She was damn hot before she began eating so damn much. Now she looks like a fat slut.


I won't necessarily keep to my own age, but probably withing 5 years of my own age. 40 years difference is obviously absurd

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20 and 19


My father is 11 years older and my uncle is 12. That generation of European women always liked their men experienced and sophisticated. American women are more superficial and youth-obcessed.


Or so I heard.


How old were your parents when they got married?


Did the men like the women inexperienced?


I hope that doesn't give you any sick images of you mother and father's early relationship, but just trying to learn a little about the world.

Old Europe is definately patriarchial as you may very well know, so men definately like their women young. Not that this phenomenon is unique, mind you. :)


Why would my mother bang guys her age when my father was the handsome president of the local tennis country club when they met, an excellent player, a great all around guy from a well-known "nouve riche aristocratic" family with a ton of friends and connections? Even for me it's a no brainer, she didn't have to be a golddigger to be swept off her feet ;)

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interesting way to analyze your parents relationship...

where in Europe are they from?


At least you have an interesting story to tell about the way your parents met. Mine just met in college...I'd rather not know anything more than that

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At least you have an interesting story to tell about the way your parents met. Mine just met in college...I'd rather not know anything more than that


No offense, but I would guess your parents have enough wild'n'crazy dating stories to fill a 2-pence novel. They haven't always been tired ol' squares they may seem now, you know :)

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Flint, Michigan...stupid.

A couple of the best basketball players in Iowa State history came from there...most notably Jeff Grayer.



I am sure youse meant Jeff Weaver?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

That is an EXCELLENT exchange of posts!!!

:P :D ;)










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