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Age difference


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My dad is 3 years older than my mom.

I dated a 9 year old when I was 13. just kidding.

You deserve to have your tiny testicles squashed by an industrial hammer, you sick f***!

Whats the difference? Neither had hit puberty yet, Im sure. :huh:

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Flint, Michigan...stupid.

A couple of the best basketball players in Iowa State history came from there...most notably Jeff Grayer.



I am sure youse meant Jeff Weaver?


:lol: :lol: :lol:

That is an EXCELLENT exchange of posts!!!

:P :D ;)










I'm still confused.

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I'm 23(may) my girl is 18(january)...


her parents like me alot...my parents like her alot...there are times when the age thing is apparent, but for the most part the age thing just disappears after awhile.


i win:)

I'm 23(may) my girl is 18(january


SIGH!!!!!!!!! You sick bastard!!!!!!! Somebody trace is ip address and call the cops...right away!!!!



My girlfriend is 20 years old, I being 23...

Never dated anyone older then me, just same age...When i was 17, my girlfriend was 17...

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Guest hotsoxchick1
As long as both people are of legal age, it is not anyones business but their own.  Date who makes you happy.

i agree with you bmr....what ever floats your boat who cares and its no ones business anyhow..........now if you asked me which i prefer then thats a different story............being 40 i prefer to date with in the ages of 35 to 45ish.....it just gives me a bigger variety of guys to pick from......... :lol:

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Last year at 44 years old, I dated a 32 year old lady. Recently, I dated a very pretty lady that I thought was 52, but it turns out she was 59. *rme* ..... And this weekend, I have a date with a 27 year old lady.


So that's 14 years older and soon to be 18 years younger.

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