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I just dont think some of these people get it. So what theyre telling me is, hating someone because they are gay is worse than hating someone because you dont like their views. Hmm interesting. Umm isnt it the same thing?

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring. I like speaking to people from different backgrounds, with different opinions, who make me think. Shallow comments without any substanance are generally a waste of time.


I don't believe we are born to hate another group but it develops in our life. Perhaps through trauma, or a bad experience, or something as random as trying to get into a girls pants. (I professed to liking Barry Manilow music once just to get laid. Hey it was a nice concert)

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring. I like speaking to people from different backgrounds, with different opinions, who make me think. Shallow comments without any substanance are generally a waste of time.


I don't believe we are born to hate another group but it develops in our life. Perhaps through trauma, or a bad experience, or something as random as trying to get into a girls pants. (I professed to liking Barry Manilow music once just to get laid. Hey it was a nice concert)

Besides, Roman is what 16? He needs to grow as a person. He isnt gonna do that following or trying to make others happy. Every great lesson I have learned, is through a mistake of my own.

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring. I like speaking to people from different backgrounds, with different opinions, who make me think. Shallow comments without any substanance are generally a waste of time.


I don't believe we are born to hate another group but it develops in our life. Perhaps through trauma, or a bad experience, or something as random as trying to get into a girls pants. (I professed to liking Barry Manilow music once just to get laid. Hey it was a nice concert)

Besides, Roman is what 16? He needs to grow as a person. He isnt gonna do that following or trying to make others happy. Every great lesson I have learned, is through a mistake of my own.

He is going to do a lot of learning them ;) :lol:

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring. I like speaking to people from different backgrounds, with different opinions, who make me think. Shallow comments without any substanance are generally a waste of time.


I don't believe we are born to hate another group but it develops in our life. Perhaps through trauma, or a bad experience, or something as random as trying to get into a girls pants. (I professed to liking Barry Manilow music once just to get laid. Hey it was a nice concert)

Besides, Roman is what 16? He needs to grow as a person. He isnt gonna do that following or trying to make others happy. Every great lesson I have learned, is through a mistake of my own.

He is going to do a lot of learning them ;) :lol:

Some more than others, give him a chance. The problem is, most people who are screaming and yelling about "hate", are hating others too.

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring. I like speaking to people from different backgrounds, with different opinions, who make me think. Shallow comments without any substanance are generally a waste of time.


I don't believe we are born to hate another group but it develops in our life. Perhaps through trauma, or a bad experience, or something as random as trying to get into a girls pants. (I professed to liking Barry Manilow music once just to get laid. Hey it was a nice concert)

Besides, Roman is what 16? He needs to grow as a person. He isnt gonna do that following or trying to make others happy. Every great lesson I have learned, is through a mistake of my own.

I thought he was older. At 16 humans are so screwed up, especialy males. It is so easy to take a black and white view of the world and hate this or that. Then you get that job with a boss not like you or move into a house next door to someone not like you. After you get to know them you realize they are a lot like you.

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We can't hate anyone anymore. We sanitize the language. Worry about self esteem issues. We don't inflict our believes, opinions, or descriptions and accounts of the game on others. All very boring



How f***ing deep, yo...


We get it...people in the past knew how to live their lives to the fullest and "for real". We kids are just a bunch of pussy- (or is it PC-)fied, uneducated, homogenized, spine-less zombies with no spice or soul or personality....



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So what theyre telling me is, hating someone because they are gay is worse than hating someone because you dont like their views



Did I mention just how much I adore gays if only because they confuse and piss off unevolved pissants like Roman big time? :lol:




So rawk on, gay people, you fabulous little creatures! Sox4lifePA, you go girl!

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How f***ing deep, yo...


We get it...people in the past knew how to live their lives to the fullest and "for real"; we kids are just a bunch of pussy- (or is it PC-)fied, uneducated, homogenized zombies with no spice or soul or personality....



Not saying that it was better then, but I do notice we have more ways of communicating and say less. Actually I see the under 25 crowd with more imagination and guts than the 35 to 60 crowd. We avoid conflict, smooth things over.


The under 25 crowd will sow what they reap in another 15 years. Your stuck with what your parents started.


As far as living lives to the fullest I think each generation has done better. I know I do more than my grandparents or parents and my kids are doing more than me. Education is definately better in a lot of ways. Each generation builds on the previous and the foundation that is being left to the current crop of 20 somethings is too polished, too phony.


But in defense of my generation we didn't invent light beer, Zima, or wine coolers. :lol:

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I know I do more than my grandparents or parents and my kids are doing more than me



Ah, so it's the other way around...well, I can only say I hope to God I am lucky enough to live anything close to great lives both my grandparents have lived.


And enough with the generational cliches, ok? People 2000 years ago were much closer to you in every respect than you will ever know.

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Ah, so it's the other way around...well, I can only say I hope to God I am lucky enough to live anything close to great lives both my grandparents have lived.


And enough with the generational cliches, ok?  People 2000 years ago were much closer to you in every respect than you will ever know.

Not trying to sound like a troll, please don't take it that way but . . . What made your grandparents lives so much better than yours?


My grandparents had the Depression and WW2. My Dad served in Korea, there was the cold war, etc. Housing is better today. Life is easier. Better health care. I'm trying to think of any Quality of life issue than is worse now. Nostalgia is for boring people living boring lives and Sox fans remembering our last pennant.

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And enough with the generational cliches, ok?  People 2000 years ago were much closer to you in every respect than you will ever know.

2000 years ago the people were very similar but their lives are very different. They would live their entire life (30 or so years) in the same area surounded by similar people with similar ideas. They worked much longer hours for a lower standard of living. A simple disease like the flu or diareha diahareera diahrea oh hell the s***s could kill them.


On the human emotion side they loved their kids, enjoyed a good joke, were entertained by other people in plays, sports, etc. So we ahve been very similar in that regard for thousands of years.

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Why can't you just let him be who he is.  Would you make fun of a kid because he was born retared, cause now they believe people are born gay.  If thats true, then how are the two any different since they have no control of it.


Don't you think a lot of the people who are gay, would like to be so called normal so they could fit into society.  I'm guessing they would, simply because they wouldn't have to go through all the crap they have to in life.  I may be one person, but I'll do my best to make anyone thats nice feel welcome, no matter who they like and who they love.

No, I wouldnt make fun of mentally ill people. I feel sorry for them actually. They get one life and it happened that they were retarded. I leave them be because they dont have a choice. f**s have a choice and they made it. They chose to be gay. Thats fine but nothing says I have to respect him for that choice...

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Thank you Jason. 


None uf us should ever accept the way things are.  We are here to change things, or at least try, to make something better for someone else whenever we can.

Hmmm so roman is an asshole cuz hes standing up for what he believes in and you just dont happen to agree with it? :rolleyes:

No way. I dont agree with him but Vince is my friend and I respect his opinion...

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Thank you Jason. 


None uf us should ever accept the way things are.  We are here to change things, or at least try, to make something better for someone else whenever we can.

Hmmm so roman is an asshole cuz hes standing up for what he believes in and you just dont happen to agree with it? :rolleyes:

No way. I dont agree with him but Vince is my friend and I respect his opinion...

How dare you use his real name, ungrateful bastard!

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God help Roman when he realizes that the whole world isn't made up of Anglo-American Straight Males.  Living in that much ignorance is just sad.  That is what it all boils down to.  I honestly feel sorry for him.

I know there are other types of people on the planet. And in terms of race/ skin color, I have nothing against any of them. I love blacks, I hang out with Latinos, and I date Asians. Skin color doesnt matter to me. Because skin color doesnt make the persons mentality different, might mean they have a different culture, but they dont think differently. Homos do. I dont care if youre homo but if you are, just stay the heck away from me...

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umm no its not me... if i were gay i would have to be a guy... i like .... uhh never mind your too young for me to go there.... anyhow.... just remember that there are those who are on here and it would be a nice jesture if you would just keep treating them as you do... youll never know who they are unless they tell ya anyhow ....sorry i brought it up.......

I was speaking to all posters...

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when the thread goes on and on with hate and violence...


remember it is real 

4+ years and we have learned nothing

Who the hell is Matthew Shepard?

I can't believe I am saying it again.. but just when I think you can't be any more ignorant...

Im ignorant because I dont know who someone is? Whats up with that? And like bmr said, Shepards no more important than any other person who was ever murdered. He was murdered and thats sad but so is every other murder. Just because he was murdered because he was gay doesnt mean he should be anymore recognized than any other murder victim...

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Thank you Jason. 


None uf us should ever accept the way things are.  We are here to change things, or at least try, to make something better for someone else whenever we can.

Hmmm so roman is an asshole cuz hes standing up for what he believes in and you just dont happen to agree with it? :rolleyes:

No Bmr.. I think the point of the discussion is that everyone has the right to be who they are WITHOUT prejudice or discrimination. WITHOUT harrassment or fear. WITHOUT hate or violence. Of course there are idiots like Roman who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives then to make it a point to make those "different" uncomfortable. Too bad for him. He might want to change that attitude before heading into the Marines..... :ph34r:

ACtually they dont have that "right" because its not illegal to dislike someone because they gay. It may be wrong in your view but ROMAN has that right.

Exactly, I have done nothing against gay people but I just think its wrong to be gay. Thats in my rights. And in Virginia, its illegal to have non marital sex. Since gay marriages arent allowed, gayness is technically illegal in Virginia. And God created woman for man. To break that bond would be immoral...

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This thread has taken a strange turn.


Who hates Psycho? He and I are good friends, I have offered to adopt him, and I consider him to be one of the people that I am closest to in the cyber world. He's a good kid and he grows and he learns and matures.


The hate that has beene videnced on these boards is non existent. Who here is a hater?


Bigotry and toleration of bigotry towards a group, any group, of people has been discussed but hate? To talk about hate seems more like a heat shield to deflect than a discussion of anything that has happened in this thread. People here get pissed at each other as individuals and that shows, but there is not a member of soxtalk.com that I would associate with the word "hate."

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For those of you who think Im some a terrible hate monger, you truly have no idea. I have friends who would support a gay holocaust. I have friends who dont even think of gays as human beings. One gay kid at our school is a drama freak. I give him tons of crap, everyone does, but Im one of the few to congratulate him when he does something well. I ignore him almost always but I do treat him with respect when I talk to him, except for a few occasions when I first met him...

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Exactly, I have done nothing against gay people but I just think its wrong to be gay. Thats in my rights. And in Virginia, its illegal to have non marital sex. Since gay marriages arent allowed, gayness is technically illegal in Virginia. And God created woman for man. To break that bond would be immoral...

Ther theology (and comment on morality) I disagree with, totally, my friend.


And non-marital sex is illegal in almsot or in all of the 50 states and I would love to see someone here advoctate the arrest and imprisonment of every person on these boards who has had any kind of sexual activity with another person outside of marriage.


Who here would be left, gay or straight?


And who has the arrogance to say that "my" type of sex is ok and "your" type of sex is wrong? To prison with all of you f***ers.


Judge not lest one be judged... and don't ask for judgment on others unless you want it back on yourself - whether it be this issue or any other.


Oh, and as a minister, I do gay commitment servies or marriages or whatever one wants to call them.

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there is not a member of soxtalk.com that I would associate with the word "hate."


You have clearly never seen me breaking the TV when Augie Ojeda barely beat out the would-be bases loaded DP for a game winning run at Comiskey, with Sox failing to sweep the Cubbies....Or each time Jim Parque took the mound....




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Judge not lest one be judged... and don't ask for judgment on others unless you want it back on yourself - whether it be this issue or any other.


Bad people deserve to be judged and in some cases punished.



(the trick is in discerning who is bad and who isn't in this often contradictory, unpredicable and fallible world)

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