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Roman, would you date a Black girl? 



(I have never dated one, but I have dated a 'Rican...)

No. Im not attracted to black chicks. Just the same way Im not attracted to very curly hair. I hang out with black chicks but I wouldnt date one...

I thought so...what if a Black chick had her hair straighted and her skin was light- like Michael Michelle?


What would be your excuse then?

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This thread has taken a strange turn.


Who hates Psycho?  He and I are good friends, I have offered to adopt him, and I consider him to be one of the people that I am closest to in the cyber world.  He's a good kid and he grows and he learns and matures. 


The hate that has beene videnced on these boards is non existent.  Who here is a hater?


Bigotry and toleration of bigotry towards a group, any group, of people has been discussed but hate?  To talk about hate seems more like a heat shield to deflect than a discussion of anything that has happened in this thread.  People here get pissed at each other as individuals and that shows, but there is not a member of soxtalk.com that I would associate with the word "hate."

But people who dont like gays, hate. Those have been your words many times. I really doubt roman hates the gays, either. Walk the walk, bro.

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Which goes back to something I wrote earlier. We get hung up on the language not the action. We can say dislike but our actions scream hate and vice versa. When we are afraid to speak our minds things begin to get weird. Discuss the emotion in whatever words you like. Rational people can discern what the hell your talking about.

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Which goes back to something I wrote earlier. We get hung up on the language not the action. We can say dislike but our actions scream hate and vice versa. When we are afraid to speak our minds things begin to get weird. Discuss the emotion in whatever words you like. Rational people can discern what the hell your talking about.

Yeah its like ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant have an opinion that might not be politically correct. f*** that. If you dont like my opinion, thats fine, but dont accuse me of hating. I just happen to have a similar, but not as extreme, opinion as roman. I think gays can do whatever they wish. However, I think its wrong and i dont want to see it. If thats hating, then the entire world hates.

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politically correct.  f*** that

Whenever I hear the phrase "politically correct" there is always a but that follows that, and some defensive language trying to justify something.


You don't want labels and value judgments tossed at you - very fair - don't toss them at others, especially a group of people.

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i dont want to see it.

what don;t you want to see -


two guys f***ing each other -

two guys holding hands -

two guys kiss -

a guy acknowledging he is gay -

a marriage annoucnemnt for two same sex people in the paper -


and what about any of that would bother someone else? I suppose that I don't want to see cubs fans at the Cell but they exist - and their right to do whatever does not depend on whether you, or I, want to see them do their thing.


Really, why does it bother anyone?


Folks have a right to be what they are and do their thing without being stopped by others who would deny free expression to what they don't want to see.


But really, if you don't want to see gay sex, don't do it, or keep your eyes closed when you do it. Otherwise, what is there to see other than people just being themselves and wanting the same right to self expression that everyone say they want for themselves?

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Whenever I hear the phrase "politically correct" there is always a but that follows that, and some defensive language trying to justify something. 


You don't want labels and value judgments tossed at you - very fair - don't toss them at others, especially a group of people.


Do you believe people should be judged more on their actions or what's in their heart? Would it be more wrong, in this case, to believe that homosexuals are somewhat less than than human and do nothing or believe that they are the same as everyone else but scream hate and taunt just to be like a group you are hanging with?

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Whenever I hear the phrase "politically correct" there is always a but that follows that, and some defensive language trying to justify something. 


You don't want labels and value judgments tossed at you - very fair - don't toss them at others, especially a group of people.

I dont care if someone throws a label at me. I just dont like when people are hypocrites.

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Bump-bumpy tiiiime:



think it's cool and perfectly natural for one man to be banging another man rear/oral-style. If I am "allowed" by "society" (sans Bible Belt states, they'll come around eventually) to sodomize my g/f , don't you think it would be a bit hypocritical (assuming the word "fair" is even in your infantile vocabulary) for me to deny that right to someone else just because I may find male-on-male variation of it..."icky" was it? You know, freedom of others should not derive from/depend on the whims of my personal taste, preferences or philosophy...unless it directly encroaches my personal freedom or puts me in danger, which is so not the case in most of these "gay situations".


Also, Apu, do you honestly think BMR and his ilk actually read "studies" and "psychologists" or "sociologists"? I got a solar system to sell you...Which is ironic (among other things) considering just how many references of "nature/science intended it to be so and so" or "but it's unnatural to ___!" variety they end up making to justify their ignorance, hatred and increasingly outdated worldview. Afterall not long ago, same "scientific/nature-related" things were said about women, blacks, jews...hell, some still think masturbation is really, really bad for you


I also couldn't care less what some book of fictional stories says is morally right or wrong. I ain't sheep.


As far as procreaction "arguement" goes, I think with global population of 6+ billion and relatively scant resources (more than third of the world is liteally starving, homeless, sick-n-abandoned, etc), we could actually use less people (I am tempted to say "like BMR"...)...and with abundance of fertility banks, the future of the human race is pretty much safe. (I think terrorism, nuclear warfare, some unknown virus or a good ol' asteroid will be the fall of mankind, not "gay revolution" )


Not that anal sex with a woman has anything to do with procreation mind you, and yet it's considered to be like the sexual feat...better still if it's accompanied by the said chick making out with another chick.....In other words, more hypocrisy exposed.


Remember that " I Wish Those Damn Homos Would Stop Sucking My Cock" piece? Nothing like Onion to shine some light on human prejudice and insecurity...LOL

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Do you believe people should be judged more on their actions or what's in their heart? Would it be more wrong, in this case, to believe that homosexuals are somewhat less than than human and do nothing or believe that they are the same as everyone else but scream hate and taunt just to be like a group you are hanging with?

What a question to toss at a minister - I could be typing here all day! :lol:


Short answer - judgment is really to be avoided. The moral dimensions of whatever goes on inside a person is something that no one knows. But acts and thoughts are not that far apart. The act of killing Jews in gas chambers could only be acceptable in a society where antiSemitism reigned, and polite antiSemitism is just as much guilty as overt. The moral difference between loading people in the umschlagplatz for the trip to Auschwitz and saying nothing as the trains roll by is not discerned by the victims of Holocaust.


It really is not ours to judge - but important to lift up a voice against judging. Even the same action can have totally different meanings when done by different people.


Of course we make judgments every moment. But separating the ones that must be made - for example in a court of law - what else - it is tough.


And how does one do that - I have no solutions that will change the world, but not judging people by groups - not even judging individuals any more than we have to - and that includes judging ourselves... and see now this sounds like so much bulls***.


It really gets very Christ-centered for me and I don't eman that in a way to get all religious or even to be Christian-centric because I don't claima n exclsuive truth for Christianity - it is the way that I know God but may not be the way that another knows God so who is to judge faith (or lack of faith) one over the other? - but in every person I am compelled to see by the words that I believe to see the fullness of the God I confess in others.


So I teach my grandson as I taught my children - we do not avoid saying derogatory words about others - such as n***** for example, or f*****, or s***, or chink or whatever - because that is politcally incorrect. That is the worst of reasons (and I am with bmr on this...). We don't say it because we reject the implications that any one person or group is less human than any other person or group. We don't say it because we embrace the belief that all people (individuals and groups) are inherently equal and as Jesus said - even to insult another is the same as an act of violence against that person. And that means that whenever sides are taken our place is on the side of the one(s) threatened, put down, insulted, debased, attacked. Passivity is not an option either for that just allows s*** to happen.


I tried hard not to sound too hokey with this. But in the Sermion on the Mount (Matthew 5-8) Jesus makes very clear that word and thought and action are intimately related for good or for that which is harmful.

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Whenever I hear the phrase "politically correct" there is always a but that follows that, and some defensive language trying to justify something. 


You don't want labels and value judgments tossed at you - very fair - don't toss them at others, especially a group of people.

I dont care if someone throws a label at me. I just dont like when people are hypocrites.

my own thought recognizing my own inherent flaws -


as I said elsewhere, politcal correctness is a phrase that I hear used to justify a lot of things that are hateful at worst and negative/not helpful at best - and I agree with you that when certain wording is used just to be what you call politically correct that that don't mean s*** either.


You are, if I may observe and I am going and you can blast me if you want - a very contentious and defensive person who would be a hell of a lot more likable if you were not telling us always what you don't like about others. I think you have a lot to offer that is not seen because you have too often defensive. I can tell you a lot about how much you have done warfare with mods at WSI and posters you have fought with on boards across the internet and yet I know very little about the rest of you - so being contentious is the only way you have given me to know you.

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Whenever I hear the phrase "politically correct" there is always a but that follows that, and some defensive language trying to justify something. 


You don't want labels and value judgments tossed at you - very fair - don't toss them at others, especially a group of people.

I dont care if someone throws a label at me. I just dont like when people are hypocrites.

my own thought recognizing my own inherent flaws -


as I said elsewhere, politcal correctness is a phrase that I hear used to justify a lot of things that are hateful at worst and negative/not helpful at best - and I agree with you that when certain wording is used just to be what you call politically correct that that don't mean s*** either.


You are, if I may observe and I am going and you can blast me if you want - a very contentious and defensive person who would be a hell of a lot more likable if you were not telling us always what you don't like about others. I think you have a lot to offer that is not seen because you have too often defensive. I can tell you a lot about how much you have done warfare with mods at WSI and posters you have fought with on boards across the internet and yet I know very little about the rest of you - so being contentious is the only way you have given me to know you.

Many people have an "internet personality". You know nothing about the real me. I can tell you without a doubt, that Jesus thinks I am a great human being, who is very loving, caring, and giving. Thats the only opinion of me that i care about.

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Bump-bumpy tiiiime:



think it's cool and perfectly natural for one man to be banging another man rear/oral-style. If I am "allowed" by "society" (sans Bible Belt states, they'll come around eventually) to sodomize my g/f , don't you think it would be a bit hypocritical (assuming the word "fair" is even in your infantile vocabulary) for me to deny that right to someone else just because I may find male-on-male variation of it..."icky" was it? You know, freedom of others should not derive from/depend on the whims of my personal taste, preferences or philosophy...unless it directly encroaches my personal freedom or puts me in danger, which is so not the case in most of these "gay situations".


Also, Apu, do you honestly think BMR and his ilk actually read "studies" and "psychologists" or "sociologists"? I got a solar system to sell you...Which is ironic (among other things) considering just how many references of "nature/science intended it to be so and so" or "but it's unnatural to ___!" variety they end up making to justify their ignorance, hatred and increasingly outdated worldview. Afterall not long ago, same "scientific/nature-related" things were said about women, blacks, jews...hell, some still think masturbation is really, really bad for you


I also couldn't care less what some book of fictional stories says is morally right or wrong. I ain't sheep.


As far as procreaction "arguement" goes, I think with global population of 6+ billion and relatively scant resources (more than third of the world is liteally starving, homeless, sick-n-abandoned, etc), we could actually use less people (I am tempted to say "like BMR"...)...and with abundance of fertility banks, the future of the human race is pretty much safe. (I think terrorism, nuclear warfare, some unknown virus or a good ol' asteroid will be the fall of mankind, not "gay revolution" )


Not that anal sex with a woman has anything to do with procreation mind you, and yet it's considered to be like the sexual feat...better still if it's accompanied by the said chick making out with another chick.....In other words, more hypocrisy exposed.


Remember that " I Wish Those Damn Homos Would Stop Sucking My Cock" piece? Nothing like Onion to shine some light on human prejudice and insecurity...LOL

I also couldn't care less what some book of fictional stories says is morally right or wrong. I ain't sheep.


If you were sheep, avoid lonely shepherds.


I know you mean the Bible when you refer to a "book of fictional stories" and sometimes that gets to me. The Scriptures are central to my life. What the "bible belters" say the Bible is, is not what I confess that it is. It should not surprise you that I reject far more vehemently than you the interpretations put out by some who purport to have all truth about the Scriptures. I am everything opposite a fundamentalist as can be and I don't accept hardly anything about what they claim the Bible says.


But I also suggest kindly that you are reacting to people who hate who clothe themselves in the Bible with what the Scriptures actually say. The Bible does not teach that being gay is a sin. The Bible does not teach that one should a narrow minded anti-evolutionist. The Bible does not say 90% of what I hear Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell says it says.


The Bible does say a lot of - indeed all of - what Martin Luther King said it says. And it says a lot of what the Confessing Church in Nazi Germany said it says, the sole voice of public oipposition to the Nazis, says it says.


To denounce the Bible as totally as you do is to accept the definitions of what it is givcen by people that you most disagree with. And bashing the Bible, bashing people who believe in the Bible is like bashing gays, or African Americans, or Moslems, or any other whole group of people.


The Scriptures are actually very silent on a lot of things that people yell about whiel they are very concerned with justice issues. I have no problems with people of other faith or no faith because that is just the way it is. I'd be uncomfortable with anyone stomping on that which is central to Hinduism, or Buddhism, or Islam, or atheism, or any set of relgious/non religious beliefs.


God has as little problem with orientation issues as you do, even less. God is very concerned that people treat each other with justice. That is what the Scriptures are about.

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Many people have an "internet personality".  You know nothing about the real me.  I can tell you without a doubt, that Jesus thinks I am a great human being, who  is very loving, caring, and giving.  Thats the only opinion of me that i care about.

Of course Jesus feels that way.


Just that you have either created or revealed another personality that leaves Jesus alone in that opinion no matter how much people try to share it.


Why so hostile when someone says give me something positive here...

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it I


Thank you Jason. 


None uf us should ever accept the way things are.  We are here to change things, or at least try, to make something better for someone else whenever we can.

Hmmm so roman is an asshole cuz hes standing up for what he believes in and you just dont happen to agree with it? :rolleyes:

No Bmr.. I think the point of the discussion is that everyone has the right to be who they are WITHOUT prejudice or discrimination. WITHOUT harrassment or fear. WITHOUT hate or violence. Of course there are idiots like Roman who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives then to make it a point to make those "different" uncomfortable. Too bad for him. He might want to change that attitude before heading into the Marines..... :ph34r:

ACtually they dont have that "right" because its not illegal to dislike someone because they gay. It may be wrong in your view but ROMAN has that right.

Actually.. it IS against the law to be discriminated against, it IS against the law to be harrassed, it IS against the law to have a hate crime or a violent crime commited against you - hateful words IS verbal assult, a crime.


I'm not saying he can't feel that way.. but he's said over and over again that he would initiate a confrontation with someone gay. Why not just leave them alone and not be a dick about it? Oh.. I know why, cause he's an immature child who has a LOT of growing up yet to do.

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Many people have an "internet personality".  You know nothing about the real me.  I can tell you without a doubt, that Jesus thinks I am a great human being, who  is very loving, caring, and giving.  Thats the only opinion of me that i care about.

Of course Jesus feels that way.


Just that you have either created or revealed another personality that leaves Jesus alone in that opinion no matter how much people try to share it.


Why so hostile when someone says give me something positive here...

I dont think i have been hostile at all lately. I think that i used to use these sites as a therapy. I would vent my anger out here, so that i didnt do it to the people in my life. Also, for years i was trying to live up to a reputation that others had created for me. In a way i didnt want to let them down. There are several people who find "bmr"( internet personality) very entertaining. Ive tried to shake that tag. Its people like you who keep bringning it back. Beyond all that. On a daily basis, I am trying to improve myself. I know my flaws. All i can promise Jesus, and myself, is that i will keep improving with each day. I know this is hard to believe but i am an extremely nice, and forgiving person. In fact, Im too nice, forgiving and loyal. People tend to take advantage of that. Like i said, you would be amazed if you met me in person. trust me.

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when the thread goes on and on with hate and violence...


remember it is real 

4+ years and we have learned nothing

Who the hell is Matthew Shepard?

I can't believe I am saying it again.. but just when I think you can't be any more ignorant...

Im ignorant because I dont know who someone is? Whats up with that? And like bmr said, Shepards no more important than any other person who was ever murdered. He was murdered and thats sad but so is every other murder. Just because he was murdered because he was gay doesnt mean he should be anymore recognized than any other murder victim...

It was the manner in which he was murdered, ass.

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when the thread goes on and on with hate and violence...


remember it is real 

4+ years and we have learned nothing

Who the hell is Matthew Shepard?

I can't believe I am saying it again.. but just when I think you can't be any more ignorant...

Im ignorant because I dont know who someone is? Whats up with that? And like bmr said, Shepards no more important than any other person who was ever murdered. He was murdered and thats sad but so is every other murder. Just because he was murdered because he was gay doesnt mean he should be anymore recognized than any other murder victim...

It was the manner in which he was murdered, ass.

Sorry, but you shouldnt "rank" murders. They are all equally awful, with the same result.

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And non-marital sex is illegal in almsot or in all of the 50 states and I would love to see someone here advoctate the arrest and imprisonment of every person on these boards who has had any kind of sexual activity with another person outside of marriage.

cw.. I did a yahoo search and found no such law on the books in any of the 50 states...?? :huh:

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