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when the thread goes on and on with hate and violence...


remember it is real 

4+ years and we have learned nothing

Who the hell is Matthew Shepard?

I can't believe I am saying it again.. but just when I think you can't be any more ignorant...

Im ignorant because I dont know who someone is? Whats up with that? And like bmr said, Shepards no more important than any other person who was ever murdered. He was murdered and thats sad but so is every other murder. Just because he was murdered because he was gay doesnt mean he should be anymore recognized than any other murder victim...

It was the manner in which he was murdered, ass.

Sorry, but you shouldnt "rank" murders. They are all equally awful, with the same result.


I didn't "rank" anything.


The manner, the REASONING behind that murder was unbelieveable! And yes.. the reason a crack addict kills someone for $5 to get their next fix is just as bad.. but to kill someone because you just don't like them or what they do behind closed doors? And to tourture them? To kick, punch, and gouge at their bodies. To inflict so much pain that they are no longer concious.. then hit them some more? You don't think that's a bit more "disturbing" then just popping a cap in someone's ass (no pun intended...).


The murder of ANYONE is horrible.


There are not words to describe what the murder of Matthew was. And all because he was "different".

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To denounce the Bible as totally as you do is to accept the definitions of what it is givcen by people that you most disagree with. And bashing the Bible, bashing people who believe in the Bible is like bashing gays, or African Americans, or Moslems, or any other whole group of people.


by book of fictional stories, I meant "Harry Potter". Nice try, I am not an atheist....but I'll leave the whole self-aggrandizement thing to others.



f*** war, let's dance!

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by book of fictional stories, I meant "Harry Potter". Nice try, I am not an atheist....but I'll leave the whole self-aggrandizement thing to others.



f*** war, let's dance!

I thought voodoo was an athiest?

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And non-marital sex is illegal in almsot or in all of the 50 states and I would love to see someone here advoctate the arrest and imprisonment of every person on these boards who has had any kind of sexual activity with another person outside of marriage.

cw.. I did a yahoo search and found no such law on the books in any of the 50 states...?? :huh:

depends on the search terms used and the wording of the statutes


most states - all of them i believe - have statutes that define illegal activity such as sodomy (which in a legal definition is oral sex too), two unmarried people living together, a man seducing any woman, etc., unmarried people doing it, teens doing it, on and on and on. All remnants of another era - but then again, Texas has not been alone in prosecuting two men for having sex which is why that is before the Supreme Court. For some reason, two women getting it it on is not illegal most places, mostly because the legislatures never thought about it.


If you check the sex offenders registry and what statutes in each state define a crime by statute worthy of internet placement, it is far more than the usual suspects such as child porn, child molestation, etc.


Most guys do not realize that if they are a minor by law they can and will be prosecuted in the right circumstances. All you need is a bunch of drunk teens, a keg, and someone's parent who gets pissed and a prosecutor who wants to get elected judge or state rep. Michigan has had a number of prosecutions for that this past year. Don't matter he is 16 and she is 15... And every prom/graduation/open house season is a new occasion for some prosecutions somewhere.


I never knew how my son avoided prosecution for that other than that his father had friends in the prosecutors office... any prosecutor (in illinois, states attorney) who wants to score some points has merely to check the birth certificates in their county and do the math.

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when the thread goes on and on with hate and violence...


remember it is real 

4+ years and we have learned nothing

Who the hell is Matthew Shepard?

I can't believe I am saying it again.. but just when I think you can't be any more ignorant...

Im ignorant because I dont know who someone is? Whats up with that? And like bmr said, Shepards no more important than any other person who was ever murdered. He was murdered and thats sad but so is every other murder. Just because he was murdered because he was gay doesnt mean he should be anymore recognized than any other murder victim...

It was the manner in which he was murdered, ass.

His murder was tragic. It truly was, and this is coming from the one anti-gay person here. But do you think hes the only one who ever got beaten to death? No. People are beaten into oblivion every year. And like bmr said, it doesnt matter how he was killed, all that matters is that he was killed. If I took one minute to shoot you in the head, it would be the same as if I took five hours and dissected you alive, biology style. The punishment might be worse if if I did the latter, but both would be equally tragic. And really, if you beat me to death, and then mutate my body, I really wouldnt care. Id already be already dead! I wouldnt matter to me. I hope youd have the common decency to leave me in one piece, but if you dont, oh well...

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If I took one minute to shoot you in the head, it would be the same as if I took five hours and dissected you alive, biology style.

You really think so?


Given the chocie of being popped in the head because you were, say, a gangster...


and being beaten and and tortured and tied to a fence and left to die, suffering for hours, just because of hatred,


which fate would you choose?


And when you define yourself as anti-gay, do you not understand that you are defining yourself as against people?


Instead of labeling yourself as anti-people, and you are better than that my friend, why not just say that as a human being you find the taking of human life abhorent?

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You really think so?


Given the chocie of being popped in the head because you were, say, a gangster...


and being beaten and and tortured and tied to a fence and left to die, suffering for hours, just because of hatred,


which fate would you choose?


And when you define yourself as anti-gay, do you not understand that you are defining yourself as against people?


Instead of labeling yourself as anti-people, and you are better than that my friend, why not just say that as a human being you find the taking of human life abhorent?

You miss the point. Both killings are evil. Each murderer is evil. Each victim is dead. I may feel worse for the person who suffered, but why does that make his death more important? It doesnt.

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Exactly. Theyre both dead. And do you think getting shot in the heads going to feel very nice? The only thing that makes it better is that youre only alive to feel the pain for like a second, probably not even. And really, being dead to escape the pain isnt a good thing in my book.

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You miss the point.  Both killings are evil.  Each murderer is evil. Each victim is dead.  I may feel worse for the person who suffered, but why does that make his death more important?  It doesnt.

I doubt I miss the point at all, but I'd lay odds on you doing so.


I also doubt that all killing is equal. If one had a chance to kill Hitler, that may be a different moral level than the torture-murders of Mathew Shephard, or the Richard Speck victims, or the John Gacy victims. I doubt that a member of the armed services on the front lines is of the same moral category of Charles Whitman.


And under the law, there are different types of killing from negligent homicde and manslaughter and lesser degrees of murder than 1st.


Nothing is simply cut and dried.


The victims may all be just as dead. But then, G W Bush ordered the invasion of a country knowing it wqould esult in civilian casualties and friedly fire. Had he not given the order to invade, those people would be alive today. How much killing is he guilty of? The moment you say, that doesn't apply to Bush so he is not a bigger mass murderer than Gacy, you make my point.

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You miss the point.  Both killings are evil.  Each murderer is evil. Each victim is dead.  I may feel worse for the person who suffered, but why does that make his death more important?  It doesnt.

I doubt I miss the point at all, but I'd lay odds on you doing so.


I also doubt that all killing is equal. If one had a chance to kill Hitler, that may be a different moral level than the torture-murders of Mathew Shephard, or the Richard Speck victims, or the John Gacy victims. I doubt that a member of the armed services on the front lines is of the same moral category of Charles Whitman.


And under the law, there are different types of killing from negligent homicde and manslaughter and lesser degrees of murder than 1st.


Nothing is simply cut and dried.


The victims may all be just as dead. But then, G W Bush ordered the invasion of a country knowing it wqould esult in civilian casualties and friedly fire. Had he not given the order to invade, those people would be alive today. How much killing is he guilty of? The moment you say, that doesn't apply to Bush so he is not a bigger mass murderer than Gacy, you make my point.

LOL WOW. I wont judge but it seems very curious when you say youre a "minister". I would think you would know that we should not judge people, or levels of good and evil. I have no idea what killing is worse, because its impossible. Only God knows the thoughts, circumstances, and intentions. It isnt for us to judge who is more evil, who is better, who is worse. I would like to think he would see the difference between gacy gettin jollies off of little boys and then killing them, and bush trying to defend...........but thats his job, not mine, not yours.

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You really think so?


Given the chocie of being popped in the head because you were, say, a gangster...


and being beaten and and tortured and tied to a fence and left to die, suffering for hours, just because of hatred,


which fate would you choose?


And when you define yourself as anti-gay, do you not understand that you are defining yourself as against people?


Instead of labeling yourself as anti-people, and you are better than that my friend, why not just say that as a human being you find the taking of human life abhorent?

You miss the point. Both killings are evil. Each murderer is evil. Each victim is dead. I may feel worse for the person who suffered, but why does that make his death more important? It doesnt.

Who said anything about one being more important? Don't put words in people's mouths. I said the manner in which he died. Not that he died.

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