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QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 02:39 AM)
It worked out real well last year to be honest, did my best in school since like 7th grade. :lol: Like snb said, it's basically knowing which classes you can get away with not going to. Lectures for the most part are pointless to me cause notes are on the internet a lot of times or whatever. Just cram the night before a test and you can get by.


no, like i KNOW, but i just can't...i can't bring myself to do it. I'd have too much anxiety. Been this way for a while...i still slag behind but as long as i went to class i feel like i'm invincible. It's weird. I can't explain it well.

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QUOTE(bmags @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 11:30 PM)
no, like i KNOW, but i just can't...i can't bring myself to do it. I'd have too much anxiety. Been this way for a while...i still slag behind but as long as i went to class i feel like i'm invincible. It's weird. I can't explain it well.

haha, fair enough.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 09:37 PM)
i've definitely fallen into category number 2.


My first year I went to almost every class.

Last year, not so much.


It's all about going to almost every one the first week or so, figuring out which ones you need to go to everytime and which ones you don't.


Like this semester, my nutrition class, the lectures are straight out of the book. If i just keep up with the readings, lecture is pointless.


While my econ class, I will have to go to everyday just because of the crazy material and the way the class is structured.


I've always been the kind that will learn more reading and doing problems than taking notes on a lecture, where all the same info is in the book.

Just for the record, i had nothing to do with your attendance problems last year.

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QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 11:31 PM)
Just for the record, i had nothing to do with your attendance problems last year.

this is actually correct for the most part. I can only think of a few times where you were myr eason for ditching.


QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 10:47 PM)
So, you guys would pretty much recommend skipping the lectures where you could pretty much get the info from reading the books or from internet notes?


I had two classes today. One was my English class. Mainly, my teacher -- seemed like a real cool guy -- said that a lot of the writings would be done in class. Plus, it's an 11:00 class, so its not like one of those pain-in-the-ass classes where I have to wake up real early.


The other was my history class. This one seemed like a class I could miss a lot more, but unfortunately the professor said that you can only miss a maximum of six classes per semester. Oh well, I'll be sure to use 'em all, I guess... :)

well, maybe i should have prefaced my statement saying that all of the classes that I do "regularly" skip, are the gigantic lectures. I'm talking 6-700 people, where attendance isn't mandatory and has nothing to do with your grade.



But like others have said, go to every class your first few weeks and you'll be able to figure out which classes require what amount of work and so on.


And like others have said, don't fall behind........period.

That stuff worked in high school, but in college it's just way too hard to catch up.

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QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 11:50 PM)
And like others have said, don't fall behind........period.

That stuff worked in high school, but in college it's just way too hard to catch up.

It's easy to keep up if you do one or the other, like i said earlier. I was one of those kids who, when i was home, didn't want to do more work than i needed to because i was lazy and didn't go to class. You think you'll sit down and read, but instead SnB IMs you with a new record-setting sorority girl he saw that morning and you don't get anything accomplished for an hour. Then you play video games. Then you're drunk.


So, i decided it was easier for me to go to class and keep up rather than have to do all the readings or risk falling behind big time. Besides, there's no good games on at 10 in the morning...until March. I'd rather have the night free to watch some games/play poker/drink, then have to read to catch up. Just like SnB, i would only not go to the huge lectures. My 2nd semester junior year i had 4 classes, and i think i missed 3-4 combined the entire semester. I just had classes i couldn't miss for one reason or another. That's just how it works sometimes.


PS: Don't blow smoke in people's faces in college, unlike us, they will knock your teeth out :snow

Edited by IlliniKrush
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QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 28, 2006 -> 01:31 PM)
Apartment life is so much ridiculously better than the dorms, it's not even funny.


Did not go to college, but from what I've heard/seen from my friends/gonna get my own place in 2+ months, you are 100% correct.

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My thoughts on the whole classes thing is this.


I will only go to the Lectures if it's got blank notes that you have to fill in, or if the lecturer is really good. If they just read off the Powerpoint Slides, screw going, I can revise that in my own time.


Always go to tutes and labs etc. because usually from my experience you go over a lot of questions, and your final exam may be similar to those questions, plus it's really good for discussion etc.


Of course it helps if they audiostream the lecture as well, so you can just listen to it in your own time.


Books I don't usually buy unless it's a must. At our uni, they release study guides for each subject, and they have each topic in it, and what you need to know. So I'm not spending over $100 for a book that I may use once or twice during the semester for an assignment etc. (cue the posters calling me a cheapskate). :D

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Don't they have a turn in program at college? At St Xaviar we had that where you turned in your books at the end of the semester, got some $$ back, and they were resold to incomming students. While the course changed some, the books were usually goot for 3 or 4 cycles.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 08:08 AM)
Don't they have a turn in program at college? At St Xaviar we had that where you turned in your books at the end of the semester, got some $$ back, and they were resold to incomming students. While the course changed some, the books were usually goot for 3 or 4 cycles.


It was a ripoff when I was in school. No one really did it much unless they really needed the money, as it was usually better just to waiting and sell books directly to the next class.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 08:20 AM)
It was a ripoff when I was in school. No one really did it much unless they really needed the money, as it was usually better just to waiting and sell books directly to the next class.



Gotcha. I bought 2nd year used books (nice that they already were noted in and highlighted ;) ), for less than half the new cost. I kept a few fo them for future ref, but I did sell the others back. It was easier for me.

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QUOTE(chimpy2121 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 11:23 PM)
Ughh...8:00 lecture classes=not cool :angry: Now it's time to do laundry! Even more fun :(

I suppose if you are living on campus it's not so bad. I've had 7 a.m lectures before, and it takes me a good 15-20 mins to drive to Uni, so that ain't any fun at all let me tell you. :crying

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 08:08 AM)
Don't they have a turn in program at college? At St Xaviar we had that where you turned in your books at the end of the semester, got some $$ back, and they were resold to incomming students. While the course changed some, the books were usually goot for 3 or 4 cycles.

we do have that, but it's pretty much a ripoff. You'll get like 30% back.


QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 08:45 AM)


Wait until you have to be at work that early... or earlier.

hey old man river, zip it, or i'll break your hip.



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QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:30 AM)
we do have that, but it's pretty much a ripoff. You'll get like 30% back.



I would guess the first buyer would get screwed. I was more suggesting it for those of you looking to buy used and save a few bucks.

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QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 29, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
I would guess the first buyer would get screwed. I was more suggesting it for those of you looking to buy used and save a few bucks.

yeah, buying used is the way to go If its possible. The problem is that so many new versions of these books come out, not too many classes can use alot of these used books.

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I learned the secret, you buy them online from places and htan sell them back. There were a few books that I was able to sell back for about the same price I paid for them.


Of course it took me till my final year to derive this ingenius plan. However, you alwyas get stuck with books you can't sell back because new editions are always coming out. When thats the case I stick mine up on half.com and I've had some decent luck on there.

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I was lucky enough to know someone that was in the same major and same class schedule but was about a year ahead. I bought his notes(which were as detailed as you can get and much better than I would ever do) and was able to get a big advantage in most of my classes. You would be shocked at how many of my professors were robots that would regurtitate the same exact class material year in and year out. Pretty much almost to the exact day of when they did the lecture.

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