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More government legislating behavior


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On talk radio you hear the argument that Americans don’t need government to be our Big Brother or, in this case, our Big Nanny. I would argue that we do. We don’t read labels on anything, for some reason trusting big food-processing conglomerates and fast food restaurants to feed us whatever mix of chemicals they can manufacture cheaply yet still have the finished product vaguely resemble food.


I think the corporations need to be held accountable for what they serve but it is also the responsibility of the malnourished 380 lb. families to read labels about what they are putting into their bodies.


And the great thing about America...if you don't like the tax, don't buy the product.

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Big government gets bigger every year. Everybody is guilty Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives. Everyone wants the government to do their bidding, make the world in their image, build them a road to happiness or success (paid for with other peoples money of course). What's next enforced broccoli eating? This is a free country and if you want to be fat then be fat and take your chances. As far as health goes all I have to say is come down with a major life threatening illness and you'll find out how little medical science really knows and how much healing is an art rather than a science. Now I'm going to have a piece of chocolate cake before I go to bed. With no f***ing guilt whatsoever.

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Ah, but one argument for extra tax on alcohol is the increased medical costs that the system bears because of drinking.


One argument for the extra taxes on cigarettes is the increased medical costs that the system bears because of smoking.


Now what about the extra costs that the system bears - and thus me, as someone with high health insurance premiums and who pays taxes - because of all the people who eat fatty foods to excess?


I am not for or against, just pointing out the logical consistency of the proposition. It is the same justification used to mandate seat belts and motorcycle helmets and many other things - it is the rest of us who pay.

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I think the corporations need to be held accountable for what they serve but it is also the responsibility of the malnourished 380 lb. families to read labels about what they are putting into their bodies. 


And the great thing about America...if you don't like the tax, don't buy the product.

No, the great thing about America should be that you have the freedom to eat what you want.


This tax is not going to be levied on only fat, unheathy people. Even skinny people that want to gorge themselves once in a while will have to pay it.

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I think the corporations need to be held accountable for what they serve but it is also the responsibility of the malnourished 380 lb. families to read labels about what they are putting into their bodies. 


And the great thing about America...if you don't like the tax, don't buy the product.

But the thing is I shouldn't have to pay for the health care of people who can't or don't know what they are eating. If the company lies or misleads them sufficently then they should be held liable, otherwise the consumer should be liable for whatever damage they do to their body.


But with a tax on just about other "sin" the government is fining me for not living up to what they think is moral. That IMO is wrong.

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I think the corporations need to be held accountable for what they serve but it is also the responsibility of the malnourished 380 lb. families to read labels about what they are putting into their bodies. 


And the great thing about America...if you don't like the tax, don't buy the product.

No, the great thing about America should be that you have the freedom to eat what you want.


This tax is not going to be levied on only fat, unheathy people. Even skinny people that want to gorge themselves once in a while will have to pay it.

It's a 1% tax. It's not of Draconian proportions by any means.

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Can't people see where this is leading? There are no guarantees in life. Nobody is promised a tomorrow. You can take what you think is real good care of yourself and still keel over and drop dead at a relatively young age. Conversely, you can break all the rules and live into your 80's and 90's. People are losing all sense of self reliance. The government can't make everything in life fair and equitable. Any attempt to do so will result in a society that resembles a police state. I'd rather eat my hot fudge marshmellow sundae and take my chances. Remember in spite of all the "dangers" we face longevity is at an all time high. If anyone falls ill for whatever reason send them a get well card and wish them the best. Hope they do the same for you if you ever need it. Don't get all tight about "paying" for this. The alternative eventually will lead to selective genocide. Of course corporations should be held accountable when they break the law.

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I think the corporations need to be held accountable for what they serve but it is also the responsibility of the malnourished 380 lb. families to read labels about what they are putting into their bodies. 


And the great thing about America...if you don't like the tax, don't buy the product.

No, the great thing about America should be that you have the freedom to eat what you want.


This tax is not going to be levied on only fat, unheathy people. Even skinny people that want to gorge themselves once in a while will have to pay it.

It's a 1% tax. It's not of Draconian proportions by any means.

The amount is immaterial. It isn't the governments job to protect us from ourselves! That is the point.

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I don't know about you but watching the lumbering cabbages waddle down the street is very annoying. The fact that they have to make larger SUV's and stuff like that to accomodate the people on buses [university transit...i see way too many people cramped into buses and the such]


The government protects us by giving us the right to unionize, creating environmental pollution standards, OSHA, disability, workman's comp, etc. etc. etc. The government protects us from ourselves [if we get injured at work...become unemployed, etc.] all the time because people sometimes need protection. So your sarcasm that the government needs to protect us is noted however the idea that the government does need to protect us is true to an extent.

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