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RadioShack lays off employees via e-mail



FORT WORTH, Texas - RadioShack Corp. followed through on its announced plans to cut about 400 jobs, but the electronics retailer has been forced on the defensive about its method of notifying laid-off employees by e-mail.


Employees at the Fort Worth headquarters received an e-mail Tuesday morning telling them they were being dismissed immediately.


"The work force reduction notification is currently in progress," the notice stated. "Unfortunately your position is one that has been eliminated."


Company officials had told employees in a series of meetings that layoff notices would be delivered electronically, spokeswoman Kay Jackson said. She said employees were invited to ask questions before Tuesday's notification on a company intranet site.


Management experts expressed surprise at RadioShack's use of electronic notification instead of face-to-face meetings with supervisors.


Derrick D'Souza, a management professor at the University of North Texas, said he had never heard of such a large number of terminated employees being notified electronically. He said it could be seen as dehumanizing to employees.


"If I put myself in their shoes, I'd say, 'Didn't they have a few minutes to tell me?'" D'Souza said.


Laid-off workers got one to three weeks pay for each year of service, up to 16 weeks for hourly employees and 36 weeks for those with base bay of at least $90,000, the company said.


The company announced Aug. 10 that it would cut 400 to 450 jobs, mostly at headquarters, to cut expenses and "improve its long-term competitive position in the marketplace."


RadioShack has also closed nearly 500 stores, consolidated distribution centers and liquidated slow-moving merchandise in an effort to shake out of a sales slump. Sales of cellular phones, a key item for RadioShack, have been disappointing.


Last month, the company hired a former Kmart executive, Julian Day, as chief executive, replacing an interim leader who stepped in when the previous CEO quit after admitting lying on his resume.


One of Day's first actions was to cancel conference calls with analysts to review RadioShack's financial results, an unusual step for public companies.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 02:50 PM)
Isn't technology grand. I think a text message would have been nicer. But I'm a sentimental fool.


I will now boycott Radio Shack, unless they have a really good sale


I already boycott Radio Shack - because everything costs twice as much as anywhere else.

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QUOTE(mreye @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 03:22 PM)
I already boycott Radio Shack - because everything costs twice as much as anywhere else.




they told them beforehand they would do it that way so i have no problem. besides i doubt a face to face firing would have made me feel any better at that moment...

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Remember on Cheers when Norm's job was to fire people . . .


Why would a company want to terminate someone in a decent manner? Perhaps to show the other employees that it is a good company to work for. That they will be treated like decent human beings. Let's also remember that these people were not being fired for cause, they were being laid off because people were not walking in the stores to buy stuff. This isn't some incompetent person who got caught having sex in the copier room (do you miss them Steff?)

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 04:48 PM)
It should be to the point, business, and professional. What's wrong with that?


If I am reading Steff's post correctly she is agreeing with you. The first line was at Radio Shack. Also, go back and read the article, this was a lay-off. If ever there was a time to show some compassion it is when someone is let go because of declining sales that they did not have a direct influence.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 04:48 PM)
It should be to the point, business, and professional. What's wrong with that?



Uhh... nothing. :unsure:


QUOTE(kapkomet @ Aug 30, 2006 -> 11:33 PM)
I may have misunderstood Steff's post.


Yea, definitely don't fire people like Radio Shack just did. I know some one who got THE email. He's pissed.



Yes, you may have. Rude! :P

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