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Texans, who you got?

I have been leaning towards Perry ®, I voted for him in the last election, but I am seriously considering one of the IND candidates this time around.


Now it's up to you

A message from Dean Barkley, Campaign Director


Kinky has been criss-crossing Texas for over a year and a half trying to breathe life back into Texas politics, delivering his honest, straight-talking message of hope and change. The campaign collected over three times the required signatures to get Kinky on the ballot, shocking the political establishment that doubted he would even make it onto the ballot. Kinky has been climbing steadily in the likely voter polls and has been winning every poll that does not screen for likely voters.


The political establishment is counting on most Texans sitting out this election as they did in the 2002 Governor's race. Then, only <!-- D(["mb","4.5 million of you actually cared enough to vote. Another 12.5 million voters chose not to participate. I\'ve heard every excuse for not voting. And as Kinky says, "If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates worth voting for."4.5 million of you actually cared enough to vote. Another 12.5 million voters chose not to participate. I've heard every excuse for not voting. And as Kinky says, "If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates worth voting for."


This Nov. 7, there is a candidate worth voting for. Only Kinky has given voters a reason to return to the ballot box and take back Texas.


But there's only one way he can win. It's simple math, folks. If 4.5 million people - only 29% of registered voters - show up at the polls again, your next governor will be Rick Perry. But if voter turnout approaches or reaches 40 percent, Kinky Friedman will be this state's first independent governor since Sam Houston. If only 1 million of the registered voters who stayed home last time come out to the polls, the face of Texas politics changes forever.


If you have not registered to vote, do it now. If you have moved since the last election, you need to re-register. Sign up for early voting. If you are going to be out of Texas on November 7th, order an absentee ballot.


Kinky is right when he says he isn't running against Perry, Strayhorn or Bell. He's running against apathy.


People have died to give you the right to vote. Use it. You have the power to change Texas. Use it.


Texas is worth it.


Dean Barkley

Campaign Director for Kinky Friedman



-Go Kinky!


YARD SIGNS ARE HERE! Click here for details on how you can get

yours today!
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Strayhorn is a Democrat. I don't care if she got elected as a Republican.


You have to remember, though, that Democrats in Texas are more like Republicans in the northeast, they're fairly conservative.


Perry's just an assmunch. I have always not liked him. Bell is a relative unknown, but seems to be a nice enough guy.


Then there's Kinky. He's just... Kinky.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 7, 2006 -> 11:58 AM)
Strayhorn is a Democrat. I don't care if she got elected as a Republican.


You have to remember, though, that Democrats in Texas are more like Republicans in the northeast, they're fairly conservative.


Perry's just an assmunch. I have always not liked him. Bell is a relative unknown, but seems to be a nice enough guy.


Then there's Kinky. He's just... Kinky.


Perry has been elected to office as a Dem and as a Rep. IIRC, and my Texas history is a bit rusty, Perry was one of the "pit bull" Democrats in the 1980s, and pushing for a smaller leaner government that could survive on the dwindling tax base. I believe it was around 1990 that he switched parties and claimed the Democrates has no room for him because he was a white male and the GOP offered a statewide office. How true for him as it turned out.


So you who got? I've tossed out Bell and Strayhorn. It's Perry or Kinky and I just mauy get Kinky. I actually like some of his ideas.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 07:39 AM)

Sounds great. Too bad a big chunk our National Guard is off guarding a different nation.


I really think that the Guard units ought to be controlled by the states, as they were originally intended. It should be up to the states whether or not to provide the Guard to the national military for any FOREIGN war. The only time the US government should have total control over the Guard is for a war fought on our own soil. At the very least, the base requirement should be a declared war of some kind.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 08:39 AM)


hands down, if this is true, i would vote for him if I were in TX


i say this despite his desire to legalize reefer, which i believe will cost him a lot of votes

Edited by samclemens
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Gubernatorial candidate and professional wiseacre Kinky Friedman was accused Wednesday of making another racially offensive remark _ this time in a year-old interview in which he said sexual predators should be thrown in prison and forced to "listen to a Negro talking to himself."


The independent candidate already was under fire for referring to Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Texas "crackheads and thugs." That remark was taken as a slap at black victims of the storm.




wiseacre \WY-zay-kuhr\, noun:

One who pretends to knowledge or cleverness; a would-be wise person; a smart aleck.

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Kinky Friedman Campaign Statement

Friends and neighbors,


While Rick Perry was cheerleading in college and Chris Bell was being potty trained, Kinky Friedman was picketing segregated restaurants in Austin to integrate them. Now that Kinky’s in second place and a serious threat to the two-party system, Perry and Bell have paid political assassins to dig back as far as 30 years through fictional books, comedy shows and song lyrics, desperately seeking to paint Kinky as a racist.


Republicans and Democrats have created an entire industry -- called Opposition Research -- whose sole purpose is to tarnish and destroy people’s reputations. This is why regular citizens don't run for office. If you do, and you start to threaten the system as Kinky has, you’re going to be attacked.


Kinky has overcome all of the obstacles placed before him -- getting on the ballot, raising millions of dollars, building the largest grassroots network Texas has ever seen, and breaking 20% in the polls months ago. He's a serious threat to the establishment, and when you threaten the political establishment, they use the money generated from their formidable fundraising machines to pay for "dirty tricks" tactics to manipulate the press.


It's a slimy industry that exists for the sole purpose of destroying people and -- like cockroaches -- scurries for the shadows whenever a light is shined on it.


The latest political assassination attempt takes completely out of context a controversial word that Kinky was using in a 1980 stand-up performance to lampoon racists. Playing a character on stage, Kinky was exposing bigotry through comedy and satire.


It’s pathetic that the major-party candidates have sunk to this -- trying to paint Kinky as a racist when, in fact, he was poking fun at racists. Shame on the press for being complicit. Rather than confront our opponents on their tactics and get the full story, they are allowing industries like opposition research to exist and operate outside the understanding of most voters.

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