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Feeling the Doom...


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This is not meant to be a sky-has-fallen thread, just some observations. Losing games or not even making the playoffs happens, but it's not the threat of that that makes this season painful, it's the way this team has been playing, acting and hinting.


Things I've read or heard from them in the past two weeks make me wonder what happened to the 2005 club that we knew--I'm not talking reliving the glory we know that's hard to repeat, I'm talking the go-go attitude and just play ball approach. Here's what just blows my mind:


-Buehrle: today we read that he's talking about how the pitching staff has not done it for the Sox this year and that's why we are where we are. Yes, but last time I checked you guys are only 1/2 game behind in the wild card race with 20+ games left? Who GIVES a toss about "so far" when you still have a chance to get in? What kind of defeatist talk is that? It sounds like we're planning to not make it.


-Then Ozzie already flashing ahead to not making it with all his blame me/blame you talk to the team. Ozzie freakin' Guillen? With 20 games to go still and this/close in the wild card? Talking about "what if" and what to say in defeat? Ozzie Guillen?


-Isn't it a little late in the season to start threatening Anderson's job, and publicly at that? You chose to stick with him (and I supported that) but with just 20 games left, NOW you're calling him out?


-With the world's worst kept secret being Freddy Garcia's outta here after this year, why was that allowed to become the world's worst kept secret? How does that help? You think that INSPIRES him to play better? I'm not saying Freddy's not responsible for being Freddy, I'm saying being public about this in a season is at the very LEAST a distraction.


-I'm going to go on a limb here. Armchair. Nobody likes an armchair manager, but so what? Here goes: yes, the starting pitching has been shaky all year. But that was apparent easily around the ASB. So we knew that far back that the offense was going to have to carry us the way the pitching did last year (think about it, it was almost the opposite last year, generally: the pitching carried the low-run offense). Continuing to ride the pitchers publicly and privately wasn't going to change the fact that our offense is, let's be honest: 2004. All over again. Feast or famine. So while we got smoked last night and a few times this week, I'm really finding it hard to get all over the pitchers when we score... one run. Or zero. Guess what? When you score that few or not at all, you could have Santana on the mound and you're still going to lose.


-To that end, yes, KW made the fateful (it appears now) decision to stick with the lineup and not get any big trade this season. Last year it was genius, this year he gets to be the goat. Everybody's calling him on it now, but as WS champion GM I believe he gets the benefit of the doubt. This year.


Here's what I'm saying, in my non-scientific opinion: we have the pieces (God I sound like Wannestadt) but IMO the clubhouse aura is what's killing us. Ozzie going off on people, Freddy sulking, Uribe in-trouble-or-isn't-he?, Ozzie calling people out in the press, the constant shifting of lineups and weird decisions like keeping the useless Pods in, the Tracey thing....


What I expected to see when Buehrle was obviously not going to have a great night last night was Ozzie rallying the team, saying stuff like "We're gonna have to back him up tonight, then!", stalking the dugout, looking like Ozzie on the 2005 DVD "Let's go boys! Don't stop! Don't slow down!" Instead, everybody was sitting there sulking.


And THAT is what's making this painful to watch. No fire, no go-till-the-end spirit. As painful as this all is, the reality is that we still have a great shot at making the playoffs, and once there, as we proved, anything goes. Seasons are forgotten. Clean slate.


Reading stuff like this in the paper today tells me we're going to lose this, if we do, because of mental and management bad vibing--not because our damn pitching staff isn't what it was in 2005.


And I'd hate to see that.


What I CERTAINLY don't remember from 2005 was all the b****ing, complaining, threatening, hinting, calling out and distraction.


IMO just STFU and play ball already. There'll be plenty of time for talking if we DON'T make it, trust me.

Edited by LVSoxFan
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This team is entirely too good to miss the playoffs. They can rip off 8-9 in a row at any time. I think they will and all this hand ringing will be for not. My only concern is that the Twins come to the post season with us and the Tigers go home. I would much rather face the Tigers than the healthy Twins in the post season. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go finish my beer.

Edited by My Dixie Normus
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I don't like how people argue Ozzie knows how to handle his players, and that's why he's tougher on guys like McCarthy and Anderson than he is Garcia and Pods. Last time I checked, Garcia and Pods are getting worse as the season goes on. This team is so tight on the field, and they just don't look like they're having any fun at all.

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Maybe I just don't get this baseball thing but I'd say with the wobbly pitching and on/off offense we've had all along and crappy play and blown games and weird errors... to have 20 games still left while 20 games over .500 and STILL right in the race?


I'd say that's when it's time to suck it up and go for broke.


This kind of talk, this week? I'd put a gag order on the team except for game-related talk until the season's over. It is right there in front of us, reach down these last 20 games and give it your all, right?


But all this other stuff... ridiculous.


QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 02:06 PM)
I don't like how people argue Ozzie knows how to handle his players, and that's why he's tougher on guys like McCarthy and Anderson than he is Garcia and Pods. Last time I checked, Garcia and Pods are getting worse as the season goes on. This team is so tight on the field, and they just don't look like they're having any fun at all.


You know what? That's a good point, too. I'm sure not having fun, but damn I can't remember the last time I saw one of them smile. Tight is a good description. Like paralyzed almost.


You're right, they look like zombies.


So here is my question: what happened to "keep it light" Ozzie from 2005? I thought that was the whole genius of him: he knows when to be serious and knows when to clown. I remember seeing Ozzie, as a coach for the Marlins, while the Marlins were losing to the Cubs in 2003. Their pitcher wound up and lost his grip and the ball sailed into the Marlin's dugout. Ozzie wouldn't let it go, calling to this guy to throw another one here, holding up his hands, during the game. Laughing.


I thought right then and there: boy does that guy know how to keep things in perspective, which is why I loved that we hired him.


Right now he looks like Jerry Manuel.

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QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 01:37 PM)
This team is entirely too good to miss the playoffs. They can rip off 8-9 in a row at any time.



And theres the rub ...................

This team should be able to reel off 9-10 in a row. Problem is they HAVNT done it at all this season,

so whats to expect them to suddenly do it in the last 2 weeks of the season? The SOX have had NUMEROUS opportunities to run away with this division, but they havnt.


Of course, now watch them finish the year on a 9game winning streak and miss the playoffs .............

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:47 PM)
And theres the rub ...................

This team should be able to reel off 9-10 in a row. Problem is they HAVNT done it at all this season,

so whats to expect them to suddenly do it in the last 2 weeks of the season? The SOX have had NUMEROUS opportunities to run away with this division, but they havnt.


Of course, now watch them finish the year on a 9game winning streak and miss the playoffs .............

didnt you say the season was over like a month ago?

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:47 PM)
And theres the rub ...................

This team should be able to reel off 9-10 in a row. Problem is they HAVNT done it at all this season,

so whats to expect them to suddenly do it in the last 2 weeks of the season? The SOX have had NUMEROUS opportunities to run away with this division, but they havnt.


Of course, now watch them finish the year on a 9game winning streak and miss the playoffs .............


I have been saying this all second half: the one thing that's been AWOL this year and why it's been so painful 2nd half is we have not gone on ANY extended winning streaks. It literally feels like we literally win/lose, win/lose, win/lose every two games. Or worse.


What has been our longest streak this second half? Like, four? Or at least it seems that way.


What's so odd is that every season a team has a hot streak and you just hope it happens when it can do some good. I don't know that I've seen anybody go this deep into the season and still not have had one. The Twins just had one, Cleveland's been kind of on a tear, Tigers are sort of in a reverse one now but were basically us this year... but for us? Nada.


Which means one of two things: we get to the end of the season and that streak just never appeared or, in the most optimistic result, it hits just at the end to propel us into the playoffs.


You know what, too? I was wrong. This has been more painful than the September slide, because this .500 stuff has been going on for months it seems.

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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:48 PM)
didnt you say the season was over like a month ago?


YES. I did say that. My basis? The SOX stumbled badly and the only way we'd win the division was a monumental collapse by the Tigers AND the Twinks in conjunction with the SOX suddenly coming to life and going on a 10 game (or so) run. The first to variables happened, sort of, but the SOX didnt hold up their end of the bargain, continueing to bumble and stumble their way thru these games. Their record since the ASBreak is awful. Too many things stacked against us at this point. Can they come back? Sure. And man I still hold out hope ........ Im just not as Frustrated when we lose (like we did last nite)

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:56 PM)
This is the major problem. It's difficult to play like a champion when your back hurts like hell every time you throw a ball or swing a bat.


Trust me, coming off a back injury that flares up about once a year, I know how crucial that is. There's nothing you do that doesn't hurt with a back injury, especially lower. I can't imagine throwing a baseball or swinging a bat.


That said, then what? Do you lose with your tired/injured starters then or go with the bench? I could be wrong on this, but our bench has gotta have probably the most playing time in the majors? I've never seen a lineup with so many versions as this year's.



QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:59 PM)
YES. I did say that. My basis? The SOX stumbled badly and the only way we'd win the division was a monumental collapse by the Tigers AND the Twinks in conjunction with the SOX suddenly coming to life and going on a 10 game (or so) run. The first to variables happened, sort of, but the SOX didnt hold up their end of the bargain, continueing to bumble and stumble their way thru these games. Their record since the ASBreak is awful. Too many things stacked against us at this point. Can they come back? Sure. And man I still hold out hope ........ Im just not as Frustrated when we lose (like we did last nite)


Hey you know what Hangar? I hear that. Last night and many nights lately I've done the unthinkable: just turned off the game. Granted not a lot to hang out waiting for when you're down 7-0 in the sixth, but... all of a sudden that L&O rerun looks pretty good by comparison.


Last year I remember during the swoon actually skipping two Angels games here to which I had tix because I just didn't want to deal.


That said, as I posted originally and even though the thread has the gloomy title: we are not out of it until we're out of it. We are ONLY 1/2 game behind in the wild cared. So I have NOT given up on the season.


What prompted this thread was it seems like some of the players/management have.

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QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:57 PM)
This has been more painful than the September slide, because this .500 stuff has been going on for months it seems.



Yeah, this hasnt really been a fun season at all. its weird, because were 20 games over .500, but in a much tougher league. SOX fans expected a lot more from this team and the pitching staff. Yeah, were 20 games over .500, but at this point, thats not good enough. Heck, the other team 8 miles north CELEBRATES losing, and here we are, gnashing our teeth because were only 20 games over .500, heh heh


QUOTE(LVSoxFan @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 04:03 PM)
Hey you know what Hangar? I hear that.


Last night and many nights lately I've done the unthinkable: just turned off the game.


That game against Boston on Monday, when the RedSox tied the game in the 9th off of Jenks, after the inning finished, I quietly turned the game off and did something else, completely unconfident that our bullpen would hold the lead for our offense to win it in extra innings.


Say, that reminds me, I meant to post something about that particular inning. With 2 outs in the bot of the 9th, a RedSox player pops up behind the plate, and AJ goes over and makes a close catch to the stands for the 3rd out. The BoSOX fans over by the dugout next to him, all clamor for the ball, at which AJ goes to his glove, sticks the ball out, a few fans reach for it, and he PULLS IT BACK AND HEADS FOR THE DUGOUT! I LAUGHED MY BUTT OFF, I thought that was hilarious. Anyone else catch that?

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QUOTE(WCSox @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 08:56 PM)
This is the major problem. It's difficult to play like a champion when your back hurts like hell every time you throw a ball or swing a bat.


I just don't buy into the injury excuse right now. We've had great luck avoiding injuries this year, and I guarantee Mark Buehrle and Jose Contreras aren't the only players with sore backs after 140 games into the season.


Here's a question I have for people: what's with posters saying they turn the game off, especially in a close game like the Boston series? I'm just as pissed off as anyone else about how the game is progressing, but if you're going to invest 3 hours watching the game, why not just finish watching it and hope for the best?

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YES! I did see that LOL. He likes to mess with them Boston fans obviously.


QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 04:17 PM)
I just don't buy into the injury excuse right now. We've had great luck avoiding injuries this year, and I guarantee Mark Buehrle and Jose Contreras aren't the only players with sore backs after 140 games into the season.


Here's a question I have for people: what's with posters saying they turn the game off, especially in a close game like the Boston series? I'm just as pissed off as anyone else about how the game is progressing, but if you're going to invest 3 hours watching the game, why not just finish watching it and hope for the best?


Not close games, dude. Blowouts or 3, 4 run leads we can't even get on base.


Of course if it's close I'm there to the bitter end.

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This is not a fun season for me and I base that solely on our subpar performance after the all-star break. I thin at the break we were 3 games behind the Tigers, but we were winning and I was thinking this was going to be a heckuva a race.


The good news is we can still take the Wild Card, but we need to start playing like winners.

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QUOTE(fathom @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 02:17 PM)
I just don't buy into the injury excuse right now. We've had great luck avoiding injuries this year,


We haven't had great luck in avoiding injuries this season. It only appears that way because they haven't been severe enough to warrant long stints on the DL. Buehrle, Contreras, and Dye have all been fighting through back injuries. Thome has been battling hamstring and other nagging injuries and CLEARLY isn't the same guy who hit 30 dingers before the All-Star break. Garcia isn't "injured" per se, but his arm strength is only at about 80% of what it was last season.


and I guarantee Mark Buehrle and Jose Contreras aren't the only players with sore backs after 140 games into the season.


So, do these other players lose 5 mph off of their fastball (Buehrle) or have to alter their delivery (Contreras) when they experience back pain as well?

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QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 03:47 PM)
And theres the rub ...................

This team should be able to reel off 9-10 in a row. Problem is they HAVNT done it at all this season,

so whats to expect them to suddenly do it in the last 2 weeks of the season? The SOX have had NUMEROUS opportunities to run away with this division, but they havnt.


Of course, now watch them finish the year on a 9game winning streak and miss the playoffs .............


I don't think that would be possible because unless that streak started tonight, Detroit or MN would be among the victims of that 9 game streak. One of them would suffer and fall out of contention.

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We're not the only team to have players with sore backs after 140 some game. Even if we don't win the division we can still repeat as champions all we have to do is get the wild card. Then play like we're capable of playing.


Don't throw in the towel on the season still 20 some games to play yet.



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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 8, 2006 -> 02:50 PM)
I would like to point out that Brian Anderson has raised his batting average 60 points in the last two months, and although he is currently in a 3-16 slump, he has been hitting .285 over the last ten games.


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