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Lieberman: With friends like these....

Rex Kickass

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So Joe Lieberman's campaign finally has a blog. Complete with spots for comments.


Here are some comments added by the Lieberman campaign director. Poor choice of words. Now the Lieberman campaign has had to deny that Lieberman beats his wife.


The Link to the comments.


Let me get this straight. You are asking us to disprove an anonymous, single-sourced story from a magazine of questionable credibility that not one respectable news outlet has even come close to picking up on? What's next, you want us to provide evidence that Joe Lieberman doesn't beat his wife?


Seriously, folks, I am more than happy to answer legitimate questions raised on the blog, and I apologize for not doing more of it yet (been a little busy doing a few other things), but can we please have a little perspective? Thanks.

Dan Gerstein | 09.06.06 - 8:23 pm | #


Gravatar Oh, that sucks, my name was hijacked at 8:20. 8:10 is really me. If I was your blogger gal, Joe, I would be in there weeding out these egregious floutings of blogger ethics.

Darby R. | 09.06.06 - 8:25 pm | #


Why did Joe vote for the bankruptcy bill in committee and then vote against it in the Senate?

You're answering questions! YE | 09.06.06 - 8:26 pm | #


Gravatar Joe Lieberman beats his wife?

Mike | 09.06.06 - 8:28 pm | #


Gravatar Dan Gerstein at 8:23 said: "Let me get this straight. You are asking us to disprove an anonymous, single-sourced story from a magazine of questionable credibility that not one respectable news outlet has even come close to picking up on?"


What are you talking about, Dan? Waht story? Anyway welcome to this forum; I was afraid you were going to launch and then leave us in the lurch.

Darby R. | 09.06.06 - 8:29 pm | #


Why does Joe beat his wife? Is it because she's a pharmaceutical lobbyist?

BluetooththeGreat | 09.06.06 - 8:31 pm | #


Gravatar I don't know, blue... I just heard about it from Dan Gerstein himself.

Mike | 09.06.06 - 8:33 pm | #


this story came from the washinton time and they are alawys acurate because revrend moon owns it and he is a man of god and stuff like that he would never lye. dont let them get you down joe even if you took the money from reublicons its' all rite because you need lotst of money to defend yorself against lamonster because he has money out the wazoo and isnt' afrad to use it and bush is a republicon and he likes you joe so dont' lissen to the ctiticks that attak you because they are not youre' frends. vote for joe evryone and dont' vote for nedster just becase he won the primery!

i love joe! | 09.06.06 - 8:38 pm | #


Gravatar You know what I find very disconcerting?


The entire tone this blog has taken. First the name calling, then the nutpicking.


And now, I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the article that alleges the millions in campaign cash that has been funneled through third parties to Joe Lieberman's campaign, but you want us to discount it just because there is a post on this unprofessional blog?


Now, we have someone who, posting as Dan Gerstein, hopefully it is and not a namestealer, wants to tell us that it is the equivalent of "when did you quit beating your wife"?


If this is as untrue, or "conspiracy theory" as you want us to believe, why even address it at all?


Either it is true, or it is not. To address it in this manner only serves to fuel the fire that Lieberman's campaign is actually hiding a significant amount of support (maybe not financial) from the RNC.

David (Austin Tx) | Homepage | 09.06.06 - 8:39 pm | #


Gravatar What's next, you want us to provide evidence that Joe Lieberman doesn't beat his wife?


Actually, that would be great.

NTodd, Blogsatz Eliterach | Homepage | 09.06.06 - 8:40 pm | #


Be careful before you start alleging conspiracy theories. Who cares who is or isn't giving Joe money? He is no longer a worthy canditate. Nuff said.

Chuck Small | 09.06.06 - 8:47 pm | #


Are you really suggesting that if Joe took money from Republicans then he also beats his wife? Because you know it's possible that he took money from Republicans and does not beat his wife. I don't know why this Dan Gerstein is making baseless accusations like that against Joe. Doesn't Joe have enough to worry about in this campaign (his voting record, his flip-flopping, his self-righteous personality) without jerks like Dan Gerstein making false accusations?

winklife | 09.06.06 - 8:48 pm | #


Gravatar Well, if Dan's not going to talk to us, I'm signing off. Byebye.

Darby R. | 09.06.06 - 8:49 pm | #


Gravatar Dan, Dan, Dan,


It was Eric's post that brought up the Washington Times article about Republican donations to your campaign, but he offers no evidence or logic to undercut the article. Why bring it up?

Rich | 09.06.06 - 8:51 pm | #


Gravatar Dan, Dan, Dan,


It was Eric's post that brought up the Washington Times article about Republican donations to your campaign, but he offers no evidence or logic to undercut the article. Why bring it up?

Rich | 09.06.06 - 8:51 pm | #


First, Joe Lieberman does NOT beat his wife. Second, I will personally look into whether or not Joe's campaign has taken a significant amount of money from registered Republicans. I don't think so. But I can make sure. How's that for transparency?

Dan Gerstein | 09.06.06 - 8:55 pm | #

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