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Predict the date the Sox get eliminated

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QUOTE(aboz56 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:34 PM)
Quit drinking the kool aid and realize that this team just isn't going to make it.


You'll sleep a lot better at night.



If I do that I'll be sad for a couple weeks longer than I probably will be anyways. Honestly I don't believe we'll make it, but I'm still holding hope especially if we get on a role and sweep Detroit.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 11:53 AM)
Yes they will because they did it last year therefore they'll do it again this year. I mean this team has shown no consistency in the second half, have been shutdown by s***ty and good pitchers and have not been able to beat the bad teams or good teams for that matter.


It seems the Jenks is now bad atleast for the time being, MacDougal was nowhere to be found yesterday when he most definately should have been in the game so we have to think that he's hurt. Thornton is great, Cotts sucks, Riske is mediocre at best and McCarthy has been brutal of late so the Sox now have 1 reliable arm in the bullpen in Thornton.


The starting pitching has been better of late, of course Garcia still sucks and Buehrle is incredibly inconsistent so they do seem to have 3 solid starting pitchers going right now, so that's a positive.


Podsednik is possibly the worst player in baseball but continues to play nearly everyday in LF.


Iguchi looks tired though is still producing.


Jermaine has looked pretty brutal of late as well as tired.


Thome's power numbers have dipped though he's still getting on base.


Konerko is comming up with some hits but still has a knack for the clutch double play as seen last night.


Pierzynki is in all out homerun mode but at times has found himself cutting down on his swing with 2 strikes and going for a basehit instead, as for his defense, well he's been pretty disappointing this year with both pitch calling, transfering the from glove hand to throwing hand, blocking balls in the dirt and throwing out baserunners.


Crede is still awesome offensively and defense but has some major back concerns after another small flareup last night.


Rob Mackowiak, a top 3 worst defensively centerfielder continues to get starts out there despite being a lesser offensive and defensive option than his platoon mate since the break.


Juan Uribe has been just lazy in the field this year, is a pathetic baserunner and with his 0-3 night yesterday his OBP is now .259 only Angel Berroa is worse than Juan Uribe at getting on base amongst starting shortstops in all of baseball.


I'm not so sure where a lot of the optimism regarding this team is even comming from. The starting pitching comes around FINALLY so the bats and bullpen decide to suck, that does not instill much confidence.


All of us know the team is going through such a TOUGH time right now. I don't believe the constant whining, complaining and crying will do any good for the team. What good is it to be constantly negative of the team? If we win the next two games, things will look much better, and I FEEL the wins in my bones. I tell you one thing. It was one hell of a ride FOR ME last year, and it has been a good ride for me this year. The majority of the teams in the league do not have what we have right now - the race to the finish line!


Enjoy your baseball folks!

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QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:55 PM)
All of us know the team is going through such a TOUGH time right now. I don't believe the constant whining, complaining and crying will do any good for the team. What good is it to be constantly negative of the team? If we win the next two games, things will look much better, and I FEEL the wins in my bones. I tell you one thing. It was one hell of a ride FOR ME last year, and it has been a good ride for me this year. The majority of the teams in the league do not have what we have right now - the race to the finish line!

Don't even begin this bulls*** of "oh, atleast we have a pennat race," or "atleast we won last year." I'm honestly sick of hearing people say this. I'm not having the mere excitment of this playoff push, or fact we won it last year, cloud reality.


There's what, 17/18 games left?


I've seen what this baseball team is capable of for over 140 games. They're terrible inconsistent -- especially after the second half -- and no more than two divisions of the team seem to be clicking together at any given time.


Now, how am I supposed to believe they're going to overcome Minnesota/Detroit? They'll suddenly begin playing more cohesively during a tough stretch of baseball against good opponents? MY ASS. Everygame matters. Losses such as last night shouldn't occur. Sox realistically need to win roughly 80% of their remaining games. The last series against Minnesota in Minnesota worries me. If we're entering with less than a 2 1/2 game lead on either Min or Det, there's going to be trouble. Can't expect to win 2/3 there.


I shouldn't even be upset. They had their opportunity. Give it to Minnesota for actually playing better without Liriano. Could we be expected to do that if Garland suddenly were unavailable?

Edited by Flash Tizzle
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QUOTE(S720 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:55 PM)
All of us know the team is going through such a TOUGH time right now. I don't believe the constant whining, complaining and crying will do any good for the team. What good is it to be constantly negative of the team? If we win the next two games, things will look much better, and I FEEL the wins in my bones. I tell you one thing. It was one hell of a ride FOR ME last year, and it has been a good ride for me this year. The majority of the teams in the league do not have what we have right now - the race to the finish line!


Enjoy your baseball folks!

What I post on the internet is not going to have ANY EFFECT WHAT SO EVER ON THE TEAM'S PLAY. It does do good to be "constantly negative" and "constantly whining" about the team, it helps people release their frustration and just because you view it as whining doesn't mean it is. So you know what, if it really bothers you that much, then don't read it. What is more annoying? Someone b****ing about the team or someone b****ing about someone b****ing about the team?

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QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 10:20 PM)
Thread re-opened!


I'll say Sept. 30. Book it.

woo! boo Sox!


They won't be eliminated during the regular season, and if they are, I don't see the point in predicting the date. I have better things to take up my time rather than looking way too negatively about my favorite baseball team.

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K, I'm sure you're gonna throw a party when it happens too.

Let's focus on the topic of discussion, not attacking posters. Thank you. :)


You seem so proud.


You rock :headbang


Some moderator once told me that we were supposed to talk baseball here and not attack each other. Oh well.


sox hawk is a beeping beepsucker beephead

You too? I thought this board wasn't allowing personal attacks anymore. So much for that.

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I'll add a comment here.


I love it when people hide behind the policies of the site to hide their own agenda.


Two things get my dander up.


1- "freedom of speech" posts... just to be clear, "freedom" on this board is what we say it is. You don't like it? Go somewhere else.


2- When someone goes around s***ting all over the Sox, and then hides behind the "personal attack" policy when their posts get singled out. Hell yes, you deserve to get called out. Be careful, though... your POSTS deserve to be called out, not you personally. I have to make that clear.


You see, it amazes me how many "fans" we have here who run around and just piss all over these guys. Oh WAIT! Now it's the "we're no less of fans if all we do is criticize!!!!!" crap. You know what? You're not a fan that I would want if I were a player. Be critical, sure. DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY of the same s***? Get the f*** out of my kitchen, because you're not someone worthy of supporting MY team. That's pretty much my feeling on this.


It's FINE to be critical of things... but there comes a point where all you are is being a machoistic f***tard to demonstrate the same spew over and over. What the hell purpose is there of saying "oh... when are we going to be eliminated..."? There's not one. I'm as optimistic as they come, and yes, it's frustrating sometimes watching these guys, but you know what? They have my support, at least as much as I can give them being 1,000 miles away. That's the bottom line.

Edited by kapkomet
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