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9-11 Press For Truth


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Thought some of you may want to watch this when you get a chance...it is not a kooky movie...but a timeline of what happened...all from news sources.

The Most Important Movie of Our Time 9-11 Press For Truth



The Story


We felt the country was at risk from terrorists and from incompetenceand maybe worse. Lorie Van Auken, September 11th Widow


Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the eventincluding, to their amazement, President Bush. In 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH, six of them, including three of the famous Jersey Girls, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washingtonand won!compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.


Adapting Paul Thompsons definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision (WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception, Beyond JFK) to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.


What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families questions still unanswered?


The 9/11 Families

Although independent investigations began within weeks of both Pearl Harbor and the Kennedy assassination, the same was not true of the attacks of September 11th. Most are unaware that formation of the 9/11 Commission was strongly opposed by many in Washington, including the Bush administration. It was only due to pressure from the 9/11 families, led by a particular twelve calling themselves the Family Steering Committee, that, fourteen months after the attacks, the first hearing finally began. These twelve remained active in monitoring the Commission investigation, providing a list of hundreds of specific, well-researched questions to the Commissioners. In the end, the Final Report failed to answer seventy percent of them.


9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH: Five of the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee tell their story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why 9/11 still needs investigation.



Lorie Van Auken


One of the four famous Jersey Girls, Lorie is the widow of Kenneth Van Auken, 47, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor of WTC Tower One. She served as a member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission, and with fellow widows Mindy Kleinberg, Patty Cazassa, Kristen Breitweiser, and Monica Gabrielle runs September 11th Advocates. She continues raising her children in east New Jersey.



Mindy Kleinberg

mindy%20kleinberg.jpg Another of the famous Jersey Girls, Mindy is the widow of Alan Kleinberg, 39, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of WTC Tower One. She served as a member of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission, and with fellow widows Lorie Van Auken, Patty Cazassa, Kristen Breitweiser, and Monica Gabrielle runs September 11th Advocates. She continues raising her children in east New Jersey.



Patty Casazza

patty%20casazza.jpg A third famous Jersey Girl, Patty is the widow of John F. Casazza, who worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th floor of WTC Tower One. She was one of the twelve members of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission, and with fellow widows Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg, Kristen Breitweiser, and Monica Gabrielle serves on the board of September 11th Advocates. Originally from Colts Neck, New Jersey, she now lives in upstate New York.



Monica Gabrielle

monica%20gabrielle.jpg Jokingly referred to by the others as the fifth Jersey Girl, Monica is the widow of Richard Gabrielle, who worked for Aon in WTC Tower Two. She was one of the twelve members of the Family Steering Committee for the 9/11 Commission, and with fellow widows Lorie Van Auken, Mindy Kleinberg, Kristen Breitweiser, and Monica Gabrielle serves on the board of September 11th Advocates. She is also co-chair of the Skyscraper Safety Campaign with Sally Regenhard. She continues to reside in Manhattan.



Sally Regenhard

sally%20regenhard.jpg Sally is the mother of Christian Michael Otto Regenhard, a Red Hook probationary firefighter, Ladder 131, who went missing at the WTC. She founded the Skyscraper Safety Campaign and co-chairs it with widow Monica Gabrielle. Sally continues to reside in Bronx, New York.



Bob McIlvaine

bobmcilvane.jpg Bob is the father of Bobby McIlvaine, 26, Assistant V.P. of media relations at Merrill Lynch, who died in the attacks on the World Trade Center. A retired counselor to troubled teenagers and one-time tavern owner from Philadelphia, he was at the hospital in suburban Philadelphia where he worked with teenagers when he heard the news of the attack. Not a member of the Family Steering Committee, Bob became involved early on in the fight for an investigation, attending the families June 2002 rally at the Capitol and subsequently joining Committee members at every Commission hearing. He continues to live with his wife in Pennsylvania.






9/11: Press for Truth Home Page

Edited by IggyD
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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:27 PM)
So if anyone rebuts any of this stuff, are you going to ignore it again? It gets boring torching your sources if you won't even stand up for them.


Hey southsider2k5...Did ya watch it? I do not see anything to rebut about on this film as it is a timeline of reported facts in the MSM. If you do, I'll give my opinion....

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QUOTE(IggyD @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:53 PM)
Hey southsider2k5...Did ya watch it? I do not see anything to rebut about on this film as it is a timeline of reported facts in the MSM. If you do, I'll give my opinion....


To be honest, I wasn't going to waste my time because I haven't seen you stick around to answer anything else I have asked and mentioned in your other threads. I might check it out tonight then.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:57 PM)
I will never buy that it was a full government conspiracy, however I also will never buy that we had no idea it was coming, and it's still inexcuseable that the "greatest country ever" could let something that catastrophic happen on it's own soil.


This film put much of what happened into persective for me...sorta flatten out my tin hat...lol...it breaks it down into what you describe whitesoxfan101.

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QUOTE(whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 13, 2006 -> 12:57 PM)
I will never buy that it was a full government conspiracy, however I also will never buy that we had no idea it was coming, and it's still inexcuseable that the "greatest country ever" could let something that catastrophic happen on it's own soil.

Why is this in quotes?

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QUOTE(KipWellsFan @ Sep 15, 2006 -> 12:48 AM)
I don't know, watch the debate between the loose change kinds and the popular mechanics debunkers and it seems to me that the kids are smart but really just snots.




I think that was frustration from PM quickly descended into name-calling and innuendo that was meant to character assassinate rather than debate facts. Words like "holocaust deniers," "JFK conspiricists," were used to charge the producers of Loose Change with the old tin foil hat smear.


However, that is not the debate I want to see. I want to see this one http://www.teamliberty.net/, but so far there is only 1 taker for the Government position. Makes you wonder if their position is so solid, why they do not put this to an end already.


Also, I found this interview of Davin Coburn, Popular Mechanics editor and researcher to be far more interesting.

Edited by IggyD
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Disconnecting the conspiracy dots


Jonah Goldberg, Tribune Media Services

Published September 14, 2006



There is a virulent form of unpatriotism festering in America today. Like an algae bloom that deprives life of oxygen, it starves democracy of the air of reason. It now thrives on what we call the far left, but like a dead zone off the coast, it moves with the tides.


I am referring to the seditious dementia of conspiracy theories, the death of faith not in some mere administration or Congress but in America itself.


Haven't you heard? The U.S. government blew up the World Trade Center. Oh, sorry, that's not right. The planes did knock down those buildings, but the White House was in on it. Oh, no, sorry again, that's not what happened. It was the Jews. They razed it without leaving any fingerprints--save for the 4,000 Zionist co-conspirators who were tipped off in advance--in order to frame the peace-loving Muslims of Al Qaeda. (Those crafty Hebrews are always coming up with clever ways to make Islamic fanatics look bad, like getting blown up.) Osama Bin Laden's admission that he did it?


Well, of course. He's in on it.


Presumably, President Bush's demolition experts applied the same expertise to the levees in New Orleans. That's another theory in wide circulation today, thanks in no small part to filmmaker Spike Lee, who gave it a fair airing in an HBO documentary.


The metaphysical, ontological stupidity of all this defies rational rebuttal. It would be like proving I didn't have unicorn for dinner in late December of 1987.

Here's a question: How is a president willing--and able!--to bring down the World Trade Center, murdering nearly 3,000 Americans without inspiring a single whistle-blower or attracting a solitary eyewitness, somehow morally or logistically incapable of planting some exculpatory weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?


As for Spike & Co., what took Bush so long? Why wait for a hurricane? Oh, how he must have yearned, his men and equipment long in place, to cleanse America of the Big Easy. Oh joyous St. Katrina's Day! And yet, Bush failed to plan for the aftermath in a way that wouldn't defenestrate his poll numbers.


Stupidity isn't the right word for these dark imaginings, because some of these conspiracy theorists are very smart people. Nor is it fair to say they are all left-wingers. Indeed, two prominent Sept. 11 conspiracy theorists--Morgan Reynolds and Paul Craig Roberts--worked in Republican administrations and have strong conservative credentials. And let us not forget that in the 1990s, sweaty fingers pointed right-to-left. Under President Bill Clinton, it was the United Nations--with its satellite office at the Rose Law Firm--that imposed order with its fleet of black helicopters.


"Conspiracy theorist" isn't quite right either. These are priests of the Church of Conspiracy, a heresy of Gnostic heresy which holds that man is the ruler of history, the demiurge of all events that befall us. Powerful and unseen forces lurk in the shadows. The conspiracy theorists know they're out there, even as the enemy's name changes almost daily: Big Oil, capitalists, Republicans, or perhaps those eternal pullers of mankind's puppet strings, the Jews.


The masons of dementia build upon a bedrock of one absolute truth: Bad things happen, and someone must be responsible. Upon this bedrock they pile convenient and selective facts like bricks. Contradictory facts are clever lies. When Popular Mechanics debunked Sept. 11 hokum, the immediate response from conspiratorialists was "cover-up!" and "CIA front!" because in this perverted faith, denying the ultimate truth must be proof of a lie.


This rough beast slouches toward sedition because it assumes not that our leaders are knaves or even mere criminals, but that they are murderous Supermen with no loyalty to nation, decency or law. Our Constitution is a fraud, a charade for the rubes some of us naively call citizens. If you disagree, you're either fool or "in on it."


In his 1964 essay "The Paranoid Style in American Politics," Richard Hofstadter demonstrated that this fever of the mind is as old as America itself and its outbreaks flare up across the ideological landscape. What is so sad and frightening is that this diseased thinking is reaching epidemic proportions. More than a third of Americans believe the U.S. government was likely to have been involved in Sept. 11.


In the past, when these outbreaks occurred on the political right, liberal hand-wringers fretted about incipient fascism and rising McCarthyism. Today, the best we get from them is a bemused and sterile chuckle.




Jonah Goldberg is an editor at National Review. E-mail: [email protected]



And this one is just more interesting than anything. It doesn't really fall under the whole conspiracy umbrella, but it is more of a thought provoking editorial than anything...




Terrorism's other casualty: Truth


Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow and historian at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University: Tribune Media Services

Published September 15, 2006



In speeches leading up to the fifth anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, President Bush focused on the dangers of Islamic fascism and the efforts, both at home and abroad, to combat them. In response, his election-year rivals fired back that we are no safer than we were five years ago. According to them, we are mired in Afghanistan and Iraq and have sacrificed our civil liberties while exaggerating the global terrorist threat.


Al Qaeda is not so conflicted. While American politicians tore into each other, Al Jazeera calmly released a video of Osama bin Laden from before Sept. 11. Given the timing of the tape's release, you could call it bin Laden's alternative commemoration of the mass murder of nearly 3,000 Americans.


The film reveals bin Laden strutting through his Afghanistan terrorist camp--and blessing those who were preparing the Sept. 11 suicide attacks. Other top men in Al Qaeda appear, and at least two of the hijackers boast of their planned jihad in Manhattan.


There is a lot to re-learn from the footage that we have apparently forgotten in these last five years.


Let's start with what actually prompted Sept. 11. Today, according to a Scripps Howard poll, more than a third of Americans suspect the attacks were an inside job (with federal officials either helping the hijackers or at least knowing about them in advance). Meanwhile, a majority of our Canadian neighbors believe U.S. policies were a primary cause of the attack.


But what does the newly released tape tell us? Was Sept. 11 a result of American support for Israel? Or the presence of our troops in Saudi Arabia, or the UN embargo of Iraq--the grievances that bin Laden himself in 1998 cited as grounds for murdering Americans?


Not according to two of the captioned "Martyrs of the Manhattan Raid," who spoke freely in this newly released tape. Saudi nationals Hamza Alghamdi (who helped crash Flight 175 into the South Tower of the World Trade Center) and Wail Alshehri (who joined Mohammed Atta on Flight 11 to topple the North Tower) mostly voiced anger over Western violence against Muslims in Chechnya and Bosnia (as well as citing furor about Kashmir and the Philippines).


Never mind that the U.S., almost alone among Western countries, criticized Russian tactics in Grozny and bombed a European Christian country for several weeks to save Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo.


Instead of having any precise claim against America, these killers showed that their hurt arose from their own sense of envy and collective failure--as the now all too familiar references to "being humiliated" and lost honor in the tape attest.


There is no doubt who Alghamdi and Alshehri were--or what they were planning to do. Yet polls since Sept. 11 consistently reveal that most Muslims in the Middle East do not believe that Al Qaeda, much less any Arab Muslims at all, carried out the attacks. Instead, Israel or the CIA is blamed. So the tape is also a chilling reminder that in this war evidence means nothing--superstition, bias and delusion everything.


It's also important to note that bin Laden acknowledges the murder plot and prays for the hijackers ("ask God ... to aim their shots well"). Yet some delude themselves that bin Laden, albeit misguided and dangerous, is still a resistance fighter driven by notions of Islamic purity. In the past, bin Laden has even denied his involvement in planning Sept. 11. Here, though, he clearly takes credit for it. The Arab Street should be reminded that its icon is not only a killer and a thug but a pathological liar as well.


And let's not forget what has become of these odious jihadists since this creepy pre-Sept. 11 video was made, since their various fates might offer some barometer of our success or failure in this present period of domestic recriminations.


The Afghanistan camp in the tape has been obliterated by the U.S. military. Bin Laden is hiding--most likely protected by the friendly Islamist tribes inside a nuclear Pakistan.


The two murderous Sept. 11 hijackers are in hell. Another terrorist in the tape, Mohammed Atef, one of bin Laden's top lieutenants, was killed by an American air strike in Afghanistan. And Ramzi Binalshibh, who probably helped plan the Sept. 11 killings but failed to gain entry into the U.S., is in a cell in Guantanamo Bay.


In short, most of our enemies who appear in this latest film are dead, scattered or in captivity--and by the very policies of military retaliation and incarceration so criticized around the world.


The tape of this now-extinct terrorist camp reminds us not to impute our own notions about motives to these jihadists. Instead, why not just watch and listen to what they themselves really do and say? The truth may shock us.




E-mail: [email protected]

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 01:19 PM)
There IS NO 9-11 CONSPIRACY!!!!




That is all. Why is it so hard for some people to accept these facts?


I do not see where either you or the post above you addressed my post. It is evident that neither of you watched the movie in the post. It is a strict timeline of what was said, when it was said and evidence of knowledge to refute the administrations denial of said knowledge.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 01:19 PM)
There IS NO 9-11 CONSPIRACY!!!!




That is all. Why is it so hard for some people to accept these facts?

Do you know for sure? Nobody on this board really knows. We only know what we are told.

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You have GOTTA love how there are certain circles who say the Bush Administration is the biggest bunch of boobs ever to inhabit the White House, how they were so totally clueless when it came to dealing with Katrina, yet they allegedly pulled off the grandest conspiracy in world history by "perpetrating" 9-11. You have to laugh at the irony there.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 23, 2006 -> 06:12 PM)
You have GOTTA love how there are certain circles who say the Bush Administration is the biggest bunch of boobs ever to inhabit the White House, how they were so totally clueless when it came to dealing with Katrina, yet they allegedly pulled off the grandest conspiracy in world history by "perpetrating" 9-11. You have to laugh at the irony there.



There is NO WAY that they could have pulled this off, because there would be WAAAAAAAAAY too many people who were "in" on the deal.

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QUOTE(jasonxctf @ Sep 22, 2006 -> 06:29 PM)
20 mins into this video, I can say its a very good watch.


You seem to be the only one...as all the others are talking about Conspiracy...this is a timeline...all main stream media.


Some people do not want to be informed..oh well

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