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And, besides, the hitters aren't fireable. :)



It's much easier to get rid of 1 coach (or even a whole coaching staff in some cases) than it is to get rid of a full 25-man roster.


Coaches get too much praise when things are going well, and too much blame when they are going poorly.


Coaches = the #1 scapegoat in sports.


Where's the players' accountability? :huh:

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Where's the players' accountability? 


Where were you when I was sounding the Bells of Worry first series of the year because I recognized something (a lot of things to be precise) wasn't quite right? That's right- you were still riding your precious "everything is alright" bandwagon...Humbling isn't it?


Where were you when I was ripping everyone (read: the very players you purport I unfairly let off the hook), but DJ and Loaiza and Marte, to shreds in April-May? I didn;t even bring up the hitting coach issue until this month, for crying out loud...Short memory much?


You do know that hitting is extremely individual, high-maintanence thing, and that young fastball hitters are especially susceptable? What do you think the role of a good hitting coach is as far as the team like the Sox is concerned?


Again judging by the huge chasm in 2003 and pre-2003 production, one can only wonder what the hell is really going on....and since I want playoffs and I want them this minute, I am willing for Walker--and any number of personel--to be sacrifized in an experiment. I do not want to see Berkett throw 6 perfect innings against us with his C stuff ever again.




(Gee, can you guys be any more wrong about me, what with your meta detours and whatnot....but, let me guess, it's your opinions and I should respect them for better or for worse, right? Giant whatever...)

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Where you when I was sounding the Bells of Worry first series of the year because I recognized something (a lot of things to be precise) wasn't quite right?  That's right-  you were still riding your precious "everything is alright" bandwagon...


Where were you when I was ripping everyone (read: the very players you purport I unfairly let off the hook), but DJ and Loaiza and Marte, to shreds in April-May? I didn;t even bring up the hitting coach issue until this month, for crying out loud.


You do know that hitting is extremely individual, high-maintanence thing, and that young fastball itters are especially susceptable?  What do you think the role of a good hitting coach is as far as the team like the Sox is concerned? 




(Gee, can you guys be any more wrong about me....but, let me guess, it's your opinions and I should respect them for better or for worse, right? Giant whatever...)

:lol: ;)

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It causes more responses and its fun to him. He doesnt believe half the s*** he says, hes just saying s*** to get a reaction



Can you be more specific? Suspecting the worst of people again, I see?



Lest you forget, please remind yourself just who it was that came with an olive branch first? It sure as hell wasnt you....So much for being rejuvenated :lol:


I still love you, B, you can't change that!

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Can you be more specific?  Suspecting the worst of people again, I see?



Lest you forget, please remind yourself just who it was that came with an olive branch first?  It sure as hell wasnt you....So much for being rejuvenated  :lol:


I still love you, B, you can't change that!

Lol dude im not f***ing with ya, its just the truth. I WAS doing the same thing for months. I know it when i see it.

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There is no point in arguing with you.  You won't change your opinion even if there is proof in front of your face that you are wrong, so I will not waste my time.

Now people are attempting to change others opinions..? :huh:



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Meanwhile Konerko hasn't had an extra base hit in a MONTH.




I would have to say the Paul Konerko thing is what bothers me the most. Are you sure though it's only been a month without an extra base hit? I can't remember the last homer hit by PK. Maybe rather than DH the guy we should just let Daubach play.

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