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Md. Rep. Fires Staffer Over Race Comment

Sep 16 11:16 PM US/Eastern



Associated Press Writer




Rep. Benjamin Cardin has fired a campaign staffer who posted racially charged comments against his opponent on the Internet, the congressman's campaign said Saturday.

The staffer's blog includes references to Oreo cookies. Cardin's opponent, Republican Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, who is black, has said people threw Oreos at him during a 2002 debate as a slight directed at his race and political views.


In a statement, Cardin, who is white, also condemned comments written by the female staffer on her blog that he considered derogatory to Jews.


"I am deeply offended and disgusted by the blog's racial and anti- Semitic overtones," the 10-term congressman said. "The staff person responsible was promptly dismissed and will have nothing to do with my campaign."


Melissa Sellers, a Steele spokeswoman, criticized the blog.


"It is deeply disturbing to learn that a staff member of 10-term Congressman Ben Cardin would keep a blog chronicling racial prejudices toward Lt. Gov. Steele and others," Sellers said. "This is the kind of attitude and gutter politics that Marylanders are sick of and why they are ready for change."


The woman was "a junior staffer" who worked for the campaign for about a month, said Cardin spokesman Oren Shur. He declined to identify her or elaborate on her duties.


Shur said the woman was fired Friday "as soon as we learned of this."


A blog posting Aug. 25 refers to a stack of Oreo cookies "looming in the back of one of the campaign pantries" and how staffers have to "surreptitiously glance around" before eating them.


"The subterfuge would be unnecessary, and snack time would be far less amusing, had an angry citizen not thrown the aforementioned delicious snack food at one of our opponents to comment on his lack of racial loyalty," the blog entry reads.


The blog also contains an entry describing Cardin's friends as "large men with strong, loud voices and Jewish noses."


Almost masterfull how they could write the whole story and not once use the word DEMOCRAT.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 03:03 AM)
It's bad journalism, and most likely an oversight honestly.


I call bulls*** on that. It is commomplaceto put the party affiliation, such as ® or (D) after the names at least the first time they appear in the story. If there was 'oversight', it got past the reporter, and copy editior.


And they were 'honest' about it? Calling her a junior staffer isn't quite true. They declined to identify her. The blog entries appeared on "Road Diaries of the Persuasionatrix," http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/pol...-home-headlines

(sorry, don't know how to make those neat, little links). Here is a link to her blog.


Quotes from her own blog. "There are definite perks to starting as senior staff. I show up and everyone listens, I don't have to do the majority of the grunt work or obnoxious calls. I have interns for that." Now, this doesn't imply that she is head of campaigns or anything, but senior staff sure sounds quite different that junior staffer.


But yes, he did the right thing and fired her.


I just read that her name is Ursula Gruber, a Chicago native who was recently hired by the Cardin campaign, although not sure on the accuracy of that.

Edited by EvilMonkey
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QUOTE(longshot7 @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 04:41 AM)
so what? How is this newsworthy?

You have a white Democrat running against a black Republican and Quasi Mfume, or however you spell that name. You have staffers making racial comments and jokes. Do you hear Jessie Jackson screaming in the background? Because if those comments came from Daley in regards to Jessie Jr., you couldn't pry him away from TV cameras with a tank. Where is the black outrage over this? The silence alone is newsworthy.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 11:28 PM)
I call bulls*** on that. It is commomplaceto put the party affiliation, such as ® or (D) after the names at least the first time they appear in the story. If there was 'oversight', it got past the reporter, and copy editior.


Actually, it's not that uncommon. There have been a number of articles I've seen in the past year detailing a certain congressman's corruption (like Duke Cunningham or Bob Ney) where their party affiliation is never brought up. So you know, it works both ways.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 12:28 AM)
I call bulls*** on that. It is commomplaceto put the party affiliation, such as ® or (D) after the names at least the first time they appear in the story. If there was 'oversight', it got past the reporter, and copy editior.


And they were 'honest' about it? Calling her a junior staffer isn't quite true. They declined to identify her. The blog entries appeared on "Road Diaries of the Persuasionatrix," http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/local/pol...-home-headlines

(sorry, don't know how to make those neat, little links). Here is a link to her blog.


Quotes from her own blog. "There are definite perks to starting as senior staff. I show up and everyone listens, I don't have to do the majority of the grunt work or obnoxious calls. I have interns for that." Now, this doesn't imply that she is head of campaigns or anything, but senior staff sure sounds quite different that junior staffer.


But yes, he did the right thing and fired her.


I just read that her name is Ursula Gruber, a Chicago native who was recently hired by the Cardin campaign, although not sure on the accuracy of that.


Just because she said she was senior staff doesn't mean she was. People make stuff up on the Internet all the time. I can say this being the true Sausage King of Chicago.


But seriously, so what? I've given up on the media argument because its fake outrage. For every example of media bias on the left, I can give you plenty on the right as well. From the same sources. Media isn't intentionally biased here, they're just damn lazy.

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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 07:11 AM)
Oh that is too funny on so many levels :lolhitting


And so many of those levels would lead to a suspension. :ph34r:


BTW, this has come up before, people b**** when party is mentioned, people b**** when it isn't. So some conservative reporter and copy editor declined to give credit to a Dem cadidate for doing the right thing and firing the staffer. I don't think the Dem party should get credit for doing the right thing.


The woman was "a junior staffer" who worked for the campaign for about a month, said Cardin spokesman Oren Shur. He declined to identify her or elaborate on her duties.


So I could start a blog, write a bunch of b.s. and have it represent all of BSA because I am a "junior staffer"? Come on Evil, certainly you aren't making a big deal about someone who was hired, and then dismissed when this was discovered? I can't see throwing a parade for the congressman.

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QUOTE(Damen @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 05:15 AM)
Actually, it's not that uncommon. There have been a number of articles I've seen in the past year detailing a certain congressman's corruption (like Duke Cunningham or Bob Ney) where their party affiliation is never brought up. So you know, it works both ways.

Yes, it can, and has, worked both ways. But I don't reacall anytime hearing about Ney and not hearing the word 'Republican" shortly afterwards.


Google Bob Ney


http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5101701918.html 2nd paragrapgh mentions ®

http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/15/ney...ship/index.html second paragraph says 'Republican'

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/14/...in2012370.shtml 2nd paragraph has ®

http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,213927,00.html Even Fox news has it in the second paragraph

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...6080700078.html Opening words ®

http://www.timesreporter.com/index.php?ID=58497&r=0 second paragraph

http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/09/15/ney...tion/index.html again, opening line.


I tried to stay away from blogs, these were just the news stories on the first 3 pages of google.


And Rex, there is no fake outrage here (at least by me), just disgust at politics in general, and this one in specific.

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When mentioning any Congressional member at the federal or state level, I think they should cite the party. They do most of the time anyway. The times they don't, either way, it looks fishy. This one smells like week-old Cod.


If it was an oversight, then its a significant one, and I'd hope the editors would watch for it more carefully in the future. If it wasn't an oversight, then its obnixious and unprofessional.

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  • 3 weeks later...
QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 05:38 PM)


Foley was identified as a Dem on Fox, the AP. What say you? Error or conspiracy? It didn't take long, did it? :-)

Probably an error. When a Dem is in trouble, they usually omit the (D) entirely.

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QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 10:03 PM)
It's bad journalism, and most likely an oversight honestly.



highly unlikely.


QUOTE(longshot7 @ Sep 17, 2006 -> 11:41 PM)
so what? How is this newsworthy?



i'm sure you thought "macaca gate" was worth all the attention it got


QUOTE(Rex Kicka** @ Sep 18, 2006 -> 12:38 AM)
Media isn't intentionally biased here, they're just damn lazy.



they are lazy. they are, in most cases, unintentionally biased. for example, if your news room is 85% democrats they will honestly think a news story that paints a Republican in a bad light is more important than one that does a Democrat. This happens, IMO, because of their immediate trust of a Democrats best intentions and distrust of a Republicans.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Oct 4, 2006 -> 07:59 PM)
Probably an error. When a Dem is in trouble, they usually omit the (D) entirely.


Isn't switching parties a bigger error than forgetting the party? Do you believe one was a plot and one was an honest mistake?

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