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In or Out?


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I agree with critic. I wish we were in, but I think we're done.


One frustrating thing: If we won our next 7 games we'd be in the playoffs.

We would pass Detroit.

One fricking week of games. 7-0 and we'd be in.

But the team is totally incapable of that 7-0.

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The problem with these threads (which have occurred frequently) is that nobody who's "in" can logically believe it... and nobody wants to say "out" cause they think it will reflect on them as a fan.


Most people registered here want to be in with their hearts. If they pull out a miracle and come back, we'll all feel great.... It will be a thrill. It would be completely unprecedented and unexpected....


But our brains say this team is out. In addition to being too far back, they haven't played the type of baseball they need to make a run since about June.


So I'll always be with the white sox. I'll root for them no matter what. So I'm always "in." But its not our year

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What critic said! I'd like to be in...but ever since the All-Star break...this team has underachieved tremendously and just seemed to go through the motions with every series it seemed like. Every single person on here has waited for them to put some sort of streak together for the past 3 months and it just hasn't happened. From Ozzies ridiculous lineups and pen handling...to the disappearance of Thome...everything has gone wrong for this team. I agree 100% with Hawk...they just weren't hungry this year. My fear now is they'll fall back to a mediocre pretender for the next 5 years. They've missed a great opportunity to vault this franchise into a power.

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I'm out, and so are the Sox. I am a diehard fan, but I'm sick of having a baseball team affect my mood. I'll just wait till next year, see if we make some changes, and life goes on. Football season will hopefully keep me occupied, but I'm a Bills fan, and Their season could be over by the end of the month, so we'll see.

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