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I have a feeling that we will go on a good run starting tomorrow. I just do. We're only 4.5 out of the WC with 3 games left with Minny.. and as any true baseball fans know, ANYTHING is possibel that last series.. anything could happen. Maybe just maybe the sox go can make up 2.5 games by then and GO TO THE DOME and SWEEP the TWINS and then We get out magic back and ROLL thru the playoffs once agian and REPEAT!


DON"T STOP>>>BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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QUOTE(JERMAINEDYE4MVP @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:27 AM)
I have a feeling that we will go on a good run starting tomorrow. I just do. We're only 4.5 out of the WC with 3 games left with Minny.. and as any true baseball fans know, ANYTHING is possibel that last series.. anything could happen. Maybe just maybe the sox go can make up 2.5 games by then and GO TO THE DOME and SWEEP the TWINS and then We get out magic back and ROLL thru the playoffs once agian and REPEAT!


DON"T STOP>>>BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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QUOTE(JERMAINEDYE4MVP @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:27 AM)
I have a feeling that we will go on a good run starting tomorrow. I just do. We're only 4.5 out of the WC with 3 games left with Minny.. and as any true baseball fans know, ANYTHING is possibel that last series.. anything could happen. Maybe just maybe the sox go can make up 2.5 games by then and GO TO THE DOME and SWEEP the TWINS and then We get out magic back and ROLL thru the playoffs once agian and REPEAT!


DON"T STOP>>>BELIEVING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just give up hope, already.


Even IF such a scenario plays out, you think we'll defeat Santana in Minneapolis? He won't allow it. We're better off winning nine straight entering the last series than defeating Santana.

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QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:33 AM)
Just give up hope, already.


Even IF such a scenario plays out, you think we'll defeat Santana in Minneapolis? He won't allow it. We're better off winning nine straight entering the last series than defeating Santana.


In a 3 game series ANYTHING is possible... and exactly HOW much can a guy OWN one team? its not like we've enver beaten santana before. its possible. just don't stop beliving guys!!! keep the fait! it aint OVA until its OVA!

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But it is ovER. They have to 6 games to pick up with 12 remaining. That means if the Sox went 12-0 from this point forward, Minnesota would have to go 6-6. That's not gonna happen, period.


We've been waiting for this team to hit their stride for 3 months now, and they haven't found it. It's pointless for them to find it with 2 weeks left in the season, because they'll come up short.


It's over. Period. Deal with it and wait for the postseason to roll around.

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Guys, look at it THIS way...


Minny plays Red Sox starting tomorrow IN fenway! and we all know how tough the carmines play in their house.


so say the red sox win tomorrow. we win tomorrow...and the lead is *ONLY* 3.5!! Thats very good. b/c we only need to make up 1.5 games b/c we have that last series with minny. and as you know ANYTHING can happen. ANYTHING.

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QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:38 AM)
But it is ovER. They have to 6 games to pick up with 12 remaining. That means if the Sox went 12-0 from this point forward, Minnesota would have to go 6-6. That's not gonna happen, period.


We've been waiting for this team to hit their stride for 3 months now, and they haven't found it. It's pointless for them to find it with 2 weeks left in the season, because they'll come up short.


It's over. Period. Deal with it and wait for the postseason to roll around.


don't forget, we still got 4 games with SEATLE.. a team who doesn't look to take revange agisnt the sox like the other central teams. so we can easily take 3 of 4 from them. and if we could take all 4.... *DROOLS*

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QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:40 AM)
Are you the same 'JermaineDye4MVP' from the ESPN boards? Oh God. Wasn't it revealed that you were really a Cubs fan trolling when you signed into your wrong name?


Yeah. I'm not a cubs fan. they think i am b/c i made ridiculous claims like the sox were gonna win 117 games this year b/c of the strenght of the rotation and the improved offense. i really tohught that. but people over there thougth i was trying ot make the sox fans look bad my make such ourragoous claims aand that i was either tiwns or a cubs fan.

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QUOTE(JERMAINEDYE4MVP @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:35 AM)
In a 3 game series ANYTHING is possible... and exactly HOW much can a guy OWN one team? its not like we've enver beaten santana before. its possible. just don't stop beliving guys!!! keep the fait! it aint OVA until its OVA!


Mr. Rourke "Tatoo, that is JermaineDye4MVP. He has a broken heart, but never gives up on his whitesox. Even as logic slaps him in the face, he still believes. 12 games left and a almost 5 game deficit."

Tatoo "So how are we to help him"

Mr. Rourke "We are going to grant him his wish"

Tatoo "Oh no, we are going to erase the entire existance of the Twins and Tigers"

Mr. Rourke "Its the only way the sox will make it this late in the season."

Tatoo "But what if Minny gets cold and the sox go on a 11-1 run"

Mr Rourke "Tatoo, how many times must I tell you not to take acid before we greet the guests"




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QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:43 AM)
Mr. Rourke "Tatoo, that is JermaineDye4MVP. He has a broken heart, but never gives up on his whitesox. Even as logic slaps him in the face, he still believes. 12 games left and a almost 5 game deficit."

Tatoo "So how are we to help him"

Mr. Rourke "We are going to grant him his wish"

Tatoo "Oh no, we are going to erase the entire existance of the Twins and Tigers"

Mr. Rourke "Its the only way the sox will make it this late in the season."

Tatoo "But what if Minny gets cold and the sox go on a 11-1 run"

Mr Rourke "Tatoo, how many times must I tell you not to take acid before we greet the guests"



you can't look at it that way bro.


you gotta take 1 game at a time. if the sox gain just one game in the next 1 day... its possible b/c we've owned verlander all year and the twins are going to fenway.. then we're only 3.5 out with 3 games with minny left. its not over. but you can believe what ever you want. you can jump off the wagon if you'd like we won't miss you..

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QUOTE(JERMAINEDYE4MVP @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:41 AM)
don't forget, we still got 4 games with SEATLE.. a team who doesn't look to take revange agisnt the sox like the other central teams. so we can easily take 3 of 4 from them. and if we could take all 4.... *DROOLS*


if it helps you sleep better at night, i won't stop it

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The Sox are as done as a steak cooked by a 12 year on dad's grill.


We should all make our own proclamations

If the Sox make the playoffs I will ....


-- donate 1,000 bucks to my favorite charity.

I would say 1,000,000 bucks but I ain't got that much saved.

Not gonna happen as we all sadly realize.

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QUOTE(greg775 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 01:53 AM)
The Sox are as done as a steak cooked by a 12 year on dad's grill.


We should all make our own proclamations

If the Sox make the playoffs I will ....


-- donate 1,000 bucks to my favorite charity.



We'll hold ya to that! :cheers Yer money's pretty safe though.

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I really think Sox fans need to stop thinking that Jermaine Dye will get any MVP consideration, he won't. Jeter will be MVP. Don't even tease yourself thinking the most boring player in the league who went into a slump when his team needed him the most will get any consideration, he won't. Who was the last MVP to come from a 3rd place team? A-Rod? Yeah, Dye is no A-Rod, he has no shot at MVP, just give it up.




Also, in reality, the Sox have been out of the playoffs for awhile now. I think alot of you are just realizing it and alot of you are refusing to realize it, but they are done. Best 3rd place team in baseball though.

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Who needs to get hit with a big old Clue Bat??


If the Tigers go 6-6 the rest of the way, the Sox would need to win their last 12 games to tie Detroit.


If the Twins go 7-6 over their last 13 games, the Sox would need to go 11-1 to catch them for the wild-card lead.


Ain't happening.

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