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Sometime during the 9th inning Sunday, the crowd should stand as one and cheer the Sox for their championship year coming to an end. No matter what happens between now and then, that will be the last day Sox fans get to see their team until next April. So let's cheer them off and for a few minutes forget how they pissed this thing away.

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No thanks, I think one long colective boo from 38,000 Sox fans from the 1st innning through the 9th on Sunday would get the point across. This team got a big enough head after winning the World Series, acting like they could just show up and the damn thing would just be handed to them. They had the whole offseason to celebrate their championship but sadly they decided to take an extra 6 months off for celebratory reasons.

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QUOTE(retro1983hat @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 11:05 AM)
Sometime during the 9th inning Sunday, the crowd should stand as one and cheer the Sox for their championship year coming to an end. No matter what happens between now and then, that will be the last day Sox fans get to see their team until next April. So let's cheer them off and for a few minutes forget how they pissed this thing away.


Worst idea ever..........................


I've cheered enough for this team. It's Fan appreciation day on Sunday, and what have they done for ME lately beside lose? :P

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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:14 PM)
I will in attendance both Saturday and Sunday(If I find something better to do Saturday, no go) and unless they win on some sort of walk off, or have a Dodger-esc finish, there will be no standing O from me.


I spent ALOT of time, and alot of money on the club this year. What I am cheering for? Them being able to tee off a few weeks early?




Thank you, I could not have said it better myself. I have been to over 30 games this year because of my weekend package and random tickets. I too have spent a TON of money on this team this year, when there are other things I could have spent it on. I can deal with losing *IF* they are getting beat. But this lazy, poorly coached, complacent, no-urgency feeling, bunch of zombies does not make me feel good about my investment at all. Its all of that that makes me angry as hell....


So no, they DO NOT deserve a standing ovation on Sunday....they deserve a swift kick in the junk...all of them. (Except Gload, he is the only one that doesn't get one)

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Yeah, what's wrong with them, going 20 games over .500, bastards. It sucked lately, but if you really remember corpseball and a real bad pitching staff (hell, it wasn't long ago, unless some of you are bandwagoners? :fight ) ughh, we were just spoiled (though rightfully so, payroll went up, [though the Sox were one of the teams that prices went up the least :) ]etc). BUT IT'S NOT EASY. The same way you criticize the team for just 'showing up' and expecting it to be handed it to them, I criticize you for expecting it to be that easy. Teams get better, there is competition, other teams are allowed to be better. Players don't set out to lose, though effort can be controlled, you somehow think it can be measured by the stats or results, it can't. You thought they gave up last year during this time as well, and then in a snap of a finger it was a love fest. YOU'RE MAKING IT OUT TO BE TOO EASY THEN IT REALLY IS. You don't just say 'uhhhh, we'll try now'. The #1 thing in this game, country, world, etc is Money. Believe all you want, it's about the money, they all want to do well and cash in, to think otherwise is absurd.



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QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:39 PM)
Rock, what should I cheer for on Sunday?

the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 08:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.

Good post.


I can't support them like that because I don't live there. But they're my baseball team, win or lose. Some people in here sound like Bahston Bandwagon fans.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.


:notworthy That was phukin' beautiful Rock.

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  RockRaines said:
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.


There's only so many times you can be slapped in the face before you grab that wrist. And one "i'm sorry" doesn't fully cut it.

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:47 PM)
Good post.


I can't support them like that because I don't live there. But they're my baseball team, win or lose. Some people in here sound like Bahston Bandwagon fans.


(in my best Ditka voice)

Hey gang, in life, you take the good with the bad. Learn to handle some adversity without getting emotional or throwing in the towel.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.


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QUOTE(WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 04:02 PM)
This is 2006, not 2005. They got plenty of ovations last year.


you're insane. this team deserve a standing ovation even if they fell short.


most of them were key members of the 2005 season, and if you can forget that, then what are you doing here?

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 04:41 PM)
Guess you never cheered from 1917 until 2005. I feel sorry for you.



I cheered my heart out in '23 damnit!


Expectations were VERY high coming into this year. They fell flat on their face. Watching this team in the second half has been nothing but painful. Sorry, they don't deserve to be cheered for playing sub-.500 ball for half a season.

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QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 04:27 PM)
There is nothing more enjoyable to me than being called a 'fan' on this board....I'm not going to boo, but I sure as heck won't give them a standing ovation either.



Agreed, that's exactly where this team sits, somewhere between a boo and a standing O. Maybe a slow clap. Either way, they've atleast been in it since day 1, atleast we had a reason to pay attention.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:24 PM)
No thanks, I think one long colective boo from 38,000 Sox fans from the 1st innning through the 9th on Sunday would get the point across. This team got a big enough head after winning the World Series, acting like they could just show up and the damn thing would just be handed to them. They had the whole offseason to celebrate their championship but sadly they decided to take an extra 6 months off for celebratory reasons.




I think its partly the marketing department's fault too because they tried to milk out the championship for all it was worth, but the players did absolutely nothing to deserve an ovation on sunday (barring some miracle surge to contention)


QUOTE(Steve9347 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 04:05 PM)
you're insane. this team deserve a standing ovation even if they fell short.


most of them were key members of the 2005 season, and if you can forget that, then what are you doing here?


2005 was great, 2006 is a new year


we won't forget 2005, but its no excuse for underachieving

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