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man i dont give a f|_|ck about what the damn expectations were for this team but all i freaking know is we are a sox win and a minny loss tonight away from 3.5 back...an offensive hot streak when we hit minnesota at the end of the year could put us in....is it probable? no. but sh*t was it probable going into the 05 season that we were gonna win the series? no. until that minny magic # hits 0 they can kiss my ass because this team still has teh capability of throwing a 11-1 stretch together. I'm sure as hell not giving up cuz i know those guys on the field and in the dugout arent, and quite frankly we should expect nothing less of the fans than we do of the guys on the field and thats to give 100% every game, every day

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  daa84 said:
I'm sure as hell not giving up cuz i know those guys on the field and in the dugout arent, and quite frankly we should expect nothing less of the fans than we do of the guys on the field and thats to give 100% every game, every day


Have you seen them? Look at them. Look in their eyes. Listen to their words. THEY'RE DONE. Btw the fans have supported this team like we haven't seen in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time and they gave us the middle finger. :angry:

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QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 04:53 PM)
(in my best Ditka voice)

Hey gang, in life, you take the good with the bad. Learn to handle some adversity without getting emotional or throwing in the towel.


Funny that you mentioned an overrated coach for a team that won one championship when they should've had a few more.

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Every team must EARN their standing ovations. The Sox earned it last year and they got plenty. They also got lots of carry-over love early in this season. They earned that too. Since the ASB, they haven't just lost; they haven't fought hard. They haven't given 100% effort. They've shown no fire, intensity or heart. THAT does not deserve a standing ovation.


This team is experiencing a big hangover from 2005. Unfortunately, many fans are too. Many fans think it was enough for the Sox to win the championship and then phone it in. Some of these fans even want us to giving the team a standing ovation even though they are sleepwalking through the second half. If they lose 100 games next year, should we give them standing ovations too? They did win it all in 2005... Let's just give them standing ovations at every game no matter how crappy they play and how little effort they give.


  RockRaines said:
Guess you never cheered from 1917 until 2005. I feel sorry for you.

Rock, apparently you'd cheer if the Sox went out and took a dump on the field. Some fans have higher standards.

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QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 06:53 PM)
Every team must EARN their standing ovations. The Sox earned it last year and they got plenty. They also got lots of carry-over love early in this season. They earned that too. Since the ASB, they haven't just lost; they haven't fought hard. They haven't given 100% effort. They've shown no fire, intensity or heart. THAT does not deserve a standing ovation.


This team is experiencing a big hangover from 2005. Unfortunately, many fans are too. Many fans think it was enough for the Sox to win the championship and then phone it in. Some of these fans even want us to giving the team a standing ovation even though they are sleepwalking through the second half. If they lose 100 games next year, should we give them standing ovations too? They did win it all in 2005... Let's just give them standing ovations at every game no matter how crappy they play and how little effort they give.

Rock, apparently you'd cheer if the Sox went out and took a dump on the field. Some fans have higher standards.


You could say that I am one of those hangover fans. I definitely consider myself a diehard, but this whole year I have had a hard time getting into it as much as I have in the past. The reason: I was just so damn content. I thought it would go away, but it hasn't.


I think it's the same way kind of with the players. My theory: There is a reason that you don't see teams repeating very often. When you win it, some of your drive goes. You just don't want it as bad. I'm not saying that they're not giving 100% percent, but everyone who has played sports ever knows that there is 100%, and there is definitely a level higher. The Sox weren't able to get to that level higher this year. While I would never think about just going and giving this team a standing Ovation, I do not think that you could say they quit. It takes a truly SPECIAL team to repeat and the Sox just weren't able to do it.

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I definitely see no need for a standing ovation.

Like Tony and the others who go to a lot of games said, it's fan appreciation day and those guys/gals

spent tons of money on the Sox this year. It's their day more than the underachievers.


f*** the standing ovation.

The team doesn't deserve one.

I agree wtih fathom that Dye should get one. why not? The guy had a tremendous year.

I think he should get a loud one when he comes to bat the final time.

We wasted his mammoth year.


Other than him ... only other possible standing Os to go Bobby, AJ, Paulie, Crede.

Polite applause to everybody else.


I wouldn't boo anybody out of respect for last year, but no group hug standing O to end the game.


It sucks baseball is about over.

Hope the winter goes by quickly.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:24 PM)
No thanks, I think one long colective boo from 38,000 Sox fans from the 1st innning through the 9th on Sunday would get the point across. This team got a big enough head after winning the World Series, acting like they could just show up and the damn thing would just be handed to them. They had the whole offseason to celebrate their championship but sadly they decided to take an extra 6 months off for celebratory reasons.

that's right, all hope is lost. boo everyone and everything, no matter if they're even in earshot. boo wins, boo losses, boo homers, boo strikeouts, boo the hot dog vendors. spare no one your booing.


I'd say treat Sunday like any other game. they got their ovation for the World Series when they raised the banner and handed out the rings. quit living in the past, man...and it's been a week since I watched a World Series DVD, by the way.

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  Wealz said:
What did this team do to deserve such venom?

They rolled over and played dead after the ASB. They had the talent to at least get to the playoffs and they had the WC lead at the ASB, and they played with no intensity, no fire, no heart. They yawned their way through the stretch run. They have their championship rings and now they are fat and happy. I want them to play hard and give 100%. All fans deserve that. Instead, they play hard every now and then, but not on a consistent basis. That's not near enough.



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Threads like this kill me. All this talk about "quitting" and "giving up" is hilarious. Many of the same people slamming the team for quitting are the same people who have been throwing players and this team under the bus for years now, yet are pissed off that the team "quit". Hell how hard is it to be a fan? You know you have to do impossibly hard things like encourage the team through rough times, and cheer when they do well, yet still couldn't handle a team that underachieved. Hell half of the sissies here quit going to games and watching games because the Sox weren't 60 games over .500 or something, and have the nerve to call the players quitters? OMG, the irony could be served up as a part of a seven course meal as delicious as that is. In another language I guess you could call it hypocracy. But hey, you all are pissed off the team quit right? Yeah, I mean they had to quit, right? Its not like a dozen of these guys are playing through injuries that would could have easily put them on the DL right? Because if they had given up, and had an easy excuse out, they totally would have taken it right? How many guys are on the DL for the Sox right now? Jeff Nelson is the ONLY guy on the DL right now for the Sox. Umm yeah, really sounds like these guys have quit to me.


Here is your injured player list again since no one cared to acknowledge it yesterday











Politte-rotator cuff



Once again, ALL of these guys are playing through this stuff. Not a one of them is on the DL, when it would be the easy way out. Don't give me this bullspiff about quitting, especially when all I hear is about how people aren't going to games or watching games anymore. Nice double standard.


And finally as I have said a million times before, many of you all totally miss the point about sports in general. It isn't supposed to be about who can get the maddest when their team loses, or the happiest when their team wins. Sports is supposed to be a release from you daily life. Its entertainment. No matter how much you love it, or hate it, its not supposed to be a life or death thing, its supposed to bring you a sense of relaxation. If it is making you mad enough where you have to go onto a message board and flip out about something you have no control over, you are probably taking this way too seriously. Relax, and get some perspective on life. In reality, if the Chicago White Sox don't win a game the rest of the year, what have you REALLY lost? Does Justin Morneau get to come kill your dog if the Twins win the division? Does Magglio get a night with your mom if the Tigers win? No? Well then why let what happens on the field affect the rest of your life, and turn you into a raving lunatic? I'll never understand that. In reality, if a game is pissing you off that badly, you need to turn it off and find a new hobby. Watching baseball is supposed to be fun, not an exercize in self-torture. Step away and get some perspective on life.

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No intensity, no heart, etc.


So what do you call the Pierzynski home run against Cleveland, bailing out the bullpen the next night, that eight inning performance by Jose Contreras against Anaheim... These are just examples in the last couple of weeks.


I saw two of the greatest games I've ever seen in my life this year, one in Wrigley on a Pierzynski home run, and one in the Cell when the White Sox pulled off the valiant effort against my Red Sox.


This team has played with heart, with desire, with intensity? Thing's just didn't go there way. As Rock said, that's baseball. I know on MVP you'll see the White Sox win the World Series, but this isn't a video game. Sometimes people get hurt, sometimes people don't perform as you'd expect them to. Sometimes teams with the most talent on paper don't perform as you'd expect them to.


This team played with all of the things many people on here are mocking. Be reasonable and not laughable. You aren't going to win the World Series every year, lose that mindset, or stop watching the White Sox altogether, because seeing them win another championship in the next ten years would be a treat that many fans of teams won't be able to see.

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The Song for the 2006 white sox; Dead Man's Party by Oingo Boingo. :headbang



I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go

Walkin' with a dead man over my shoulder


Waiting for an invitation to arrive

Goin' to a party where no one's still alive




maybe they can get Danny Elfman to hang out in the club house.

Edited by beautox
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I am proud of the White Sox no matter what, they gave me a world title and unlike 1984 when they laided down, 2006 has been a good year and still has a slim chance to make playoffs. I love the Sox and will always back them 100 % some times as in life it does not work out! :gosoxretro:

Edited by Soxfest
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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 03:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.






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QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 12:26 PM)
Threads like this kill me. All this talk about "quitting" and "giving up" is hilarious. Many of the same people slamming the team for quitting are the same people who have been throwing players and this team under the bus for years now, yet are pissed off that the team "quit". Hell how hard is it to be a fan? You know you have to do impossibly hard things like encourage the team through rough times, and cheer when they do well, yet still couldn't handle a team that underachieved. Hell half of the sissies here quit going to games and watching games because the Sox weren't 60 games over .500 or something, and have the nerve to call the players quitters? OMG, the irony could be served up as a part of a seven course meal as delicious as that is. In another language I guess you could call it hypocracy. But hey, you all are pissed off the team quit right? Yeah, I mean they had to quit, right? Its not like a dozen of these guys are playing through injuries that would could have easily put them on the DL right? Because if they had given up, and had an easy excuse out, they totally would have taken it right? How many guys are on the DL for the Sox right now? Jeff Nelson is the ONLY guy on the DL right now for the Sox. Umm yeah, really sounds like these guys have quit to me.


Here is your injured player list again since no one cared to acknowledge it yesterday











Politte-rotator cuff



Once again, ALL of these guys are playing through this stuff. Not a one of them is on the DL, when it would be the easy way out. Don't give me this bullspiff about quitting, especially when all I hear is about how people aren't going to games or watching games anymore. Nice double standard.


And finally as I have said a million times before, many of you all totally miss the point about sports in general. It isn't supposed to be about who can get the maddest when their team loses, or the happiest when their team wins. Sports is supposed to be a release from you daily life. Its entertainment. No matter how much you love it, or hate it, its not supposed to be a life or death thing, its supposed to bring you a sense of relaxation. If it is making you mad enough where you have to go onto a message board and flip out about something you have no control over, you are probably taking this way too seriously. Relax, and get some perspective on life. In reality, if the Chicago White Sox don't win a game the rest of the year, what have you REALLY lost? Does Justin Morneau get to come kill your dog if the Twins win the division? Does Magglio get a night with your mom if the Tigers win? No? Well then why let what happens on the field affect the rest of your life, and turn you into a raving lunatic? I'll never understand that. In reality, if a game is pissing you off that badly, you need to turn it off and find a new hobby. Watching baseball is supposed to be fun, not an exercize in self-torture. Step away and get some perspective on life.



Best post of the season. Bar none.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 08:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.



I couldn't have said it better! By definition a "FAN" supports his team - If you really feel you wasted your time and money don't waste any more by coming Sunday!




QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 08:51 PM)
All True.

Who said anything about pouting? I see nothing wrong with showing my displeasure about a very hyped up season, by not only the fans, but the franchise itself.

As will I. My $$$ is already in.

Point is, I will not accept failure. They won the World Series. It shows this franchise and management is very capable of putting together a Champion. Then do it. Give me a champion. They didnt do that this year. They didnt even get to the playoffs. Thats not going to cut it. I can promise you Williams would tell you this season is a failure. I dont cheer for failure.

What the heck do you want them to do! At the beginning of the season it appeared they made every move possible to make a World Series winner a better team!




QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 09:37 PM)
Lots of people who want to "define" what a "true fan" is around here.


Sorry, some people don't accept or cheer for mediocrity.


Last time I looked only 5 teams in baseball have a better record than the Sox - how do you call that mediocrity! If you want mediocrity support the team on the North side!

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QUOTE(redandwhite @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 12:30 PM)
No intensity, no heart, etc.


So what do you call the Pierzynski home run against Cleveland, bailing out the bullpen the next night, that eight inning performance by Jose Contreras against Anaheim... These are just examples in the last couple of weeks.


I saw two of the greatest games I've ever seen in my life this year, one in Wrigley on a Pierzynski home run, and one in the Cell when the White Sox pulled off the valiant effort against my Red Sox.


This team has played with heart, with desire, with intensity? Thing's just didn't go there way. As Rock said, that's baseball. I know on MVP you'll see the White Sox win the World Series, but this isn't a video game. Sometimes people get hurt, sometimes people don't perform as you'd expect them to. Sometimes teams with the most talent on paper don't perform as you'd expect them to.


This team played with all of the things many people on here are mocking. Be reasonable and not laughable. You aren't going to win the World Series every year, lose that mindset, or stop watching the White Sox altogether, because seeing them win another championship in the next ten years would be a treat that many fans of teams won't be able to see.


I agree that there's a reason some teams are better off being paper champions. However, if you watched this team play every single inning of every game, you would see some serious hustle issues which really hurt this team this season. The last straw, for me, was that 2nd Angels game when Pods didn't run all the way on his stolen base, and then AJP didn't hustle in for a double late in the game. The Sox ended up losing that game in extra innings. Also, the comments in the media by our players haven't made it seem like they've sensed any urgency to turn things around during the 2nd half of the season.

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