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If I were going to the game Sun (I'll be up in Minny rooting the Bears on), I'd give a standing O to Dye, Thome, Konerko, Crede and Pods. You say why Pods? Well, we all know that'll be his last AB wearing a Sox uniform and he gave me the greatest thrill I ever experienced at a baseball game when he ended Gm 2 of the '05 World Series. I know he's a poster boy for this yr's failures but it still doesn't mean we can't give him props for what he did for the White Sox :cheers

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I am extremely appalled by the negative reaction to our Chicago White Sox team on my favorite White Sox message board. We won the World Series last year, and even if we can not repeat, so what? Not all teams will win it all every year. What make it even worse is the negative reaction is coming from quite a few of our veteran posters! What or who are we?


I feel like I am reading BANDWAGONING FANS' posts. Man, I certainly can not believe what I'm reading on this thread!

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 01:43 PM)
the team you love. Its frustrating to have a dissapointing season, especially when we should have played better than we did. But thats baseball. Its why its the greatest game in the land. When this season is over, we can look forward to next year, and another possible run at it. We have a great core, great management, and a franchise that looks to be dedicated to winning for once. This is not the time to turn your back on your team, nor to act like a spoiled little baby who needs to pout about something that didnt go your way. These reactions are why it was so easy for me to get season tickets when I did, and why I was always one of the only people who went to every game. Why my section was half empty for several years, and yet at the beginning of every season there was always hope. If you all want to act like babies and cry and whine about how our team just couldnt win enough games, then so be it. I love this team, my life revolved around the White Sox, and I wouldnt be the same without the experiences that I have had with this team. When this season ends, I will be dissapointed, but we cant win the WS every year. Next year is a new year, filled with new hope, and a new schedule, and the Sox will be right back in it. And I will be in my seat as always, cheering for them.


Well said Rock........ :)


I haven't turned my back on the Sox for the last 43 seasons, and i'm certainly not going to start now. I'll instead thank them for the World Series Championship they gave to us fans last year, and defended this year, something i thought would never happen in my lifetime........ :cheers




Until they are officially eliminated from the race, they're still in it, it ain't over yet......... :bringit


:gosox2: :gosox1: :gosox3:

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QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 12:30 PM)
Worst idea ever..........................


I've cheered enough for this team. It's Fan appreciation day on Sunday, and what have they done for ME lately beside lose? :P

Uhm - they won us a World Championship last year for the first time in our lifes and still will probably win 90 games although they most likely won't make the playoffs..


This year disappointing - yes? But YOU DON'T BOO A TEAM THAT DID WHAT THEY DID LAST YEAR - I'm sorry..


A little spoiled we have all become? :gosox1:

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I wouldn't boo them based on last year. After all.. that was last year. I suppose I just don't take it serious enough to exert myself. Life is too short, and baseball is so insignificant in the grand scheme of things. It's an entertaining habit for me. Albeit an expensive one that I'm sure my husband would love if I eased up a bit on… but it's a love and a passion. And it's unconditional. Just me, but I can't be so vile to something I have no control over. Celebrate the good, hope to improve on the bad. The circle of life.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Sep 19, 2006 -> 11:24 AM)
No thanks, I think one long colective boo from 38,000 Sox fans from the 1st innning through the 9th on Sunday would get the point across. This team got a big enough head after winning the World Series, acting like they could just show up and the damn thing would just be handed to them. They had the whole offseason to celebrate their championship but sadly they decided to take an extra 6 months off for celebratory reasons.




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QUOTE(Princess Dye @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 11:59 AM)
booing at the end of this season is silly. we amassed a lot of wins, it wasnt enough in a division packed with talent.


these guys were trying their hardest, and any attempt to say otherwise is just a way of soothing our own anger.


and booing that last day would not 'send a message' of any sort.


I also think booing would be a pathetic thing to do. As far as the guys trying their hardest, I certainly hope so but at times it hasn't looked like it. What it comes down to is I think this team just plain wasn't prepared this season.

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QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 04:59 PM)
Say what you want, but I only see one side here name calling.

Ok, Mr. Admin. /rolly


He didn't single anyone out, yet you b**** the loudest. I wonder why? Get over yourself.


(now, just because, you'll have to say something else snarky to have the last word, just like always).

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QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 12:01 PM)
I also think booing would be a pathetic thing to do. As far as the guys trying their hardest, I certainly hope so but at times it hasn't looked like it.

Why is it a pathetic thing to boo if our players havent been trying their hardest?

Edited by Rowand44
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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Sep 20, 2006 -> 01:54 PM)
Yeah I think booing is a grand idea.


The White Sox ownership finally opens it pockets tries to bring back to back championships (see Marlins for how a team could react to a WS title) and the fans are going to boo them.


I see this going over real well.


I hope you can sense the sarcasm.

No one is booing ownership, the player's on the other hand deserve such treatment. It's great what JR has done this year and I don't think anyone blaims him for the colossal failure that is the 2006 season. Comming into the Oak and Det series the Sox seemingly had to win atleast 4 of 6 games to remain in the hunt. They however, went out with a wimper losing the first 4 games of the most crucial stretch of the season. The entire second half of the season has been this way all they had to do was play around .500 ball post allstar break and the Sox would easily win the division and they couldn't even do that.

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Great post by southsider.

Wow. Great stuff.


Calling the players quitters is pretty weak.

How do we know anybody quit?

To boo a team that has won this many games would really be weak.

There were a lot of great moments this season.

Obviously we underachieved but I think most should agree we would have been

fine had Detroit simply not played out of its ass for 2 months or whatever it was.

We stayed close for the longest time, then we had a bad week and they continued

to win 7 of 8 or something and we were toast.

This though from Southsider was the quote of the year IMO:


" In reality, if a game is pissing you off that badly, you need to turn it off and find a new hobby. Watching baseball is supposed to be fun, not an exercize in self-torture. Step away and get some perspective on life."

How can anybody argue with that???

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So how are you going to get across that you are just booing the lack of play, not booing the ownership/etc?


That is the problem, it will leave a sour taste in everyones mouth.


You might as well just cheer as loud as possible, because maybe some of those players/coaches will feel guilty for the performance they gave to the fans.


Where as if you boo them, they might just be like "who the f*** cares."


Some times the better team just does not make the playoffs, and the Sox have beat the Tigers straight up.


The problem is that the manager has laid so many eggs this season.


You want to boo some one, boo Guillen for disrespecting Frank and then watching him sink the Sox.

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