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Army Deserter to face the music.


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I have to agree with Nuke on this one. We can't have soldiers picking and choosing which battles to face. When you enlist, you aren't being drafted, you are volunteering. I wouldn't agree with a long tax payer supported stay, but a reasonable sentence and a less than honorable discharge would be appropriate.


I find Nuke's final comment ammusing. A schoolyard insult, that should be left in childhood, extends into our military to describe someone, seems so silly in a life or death situation.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 24, 2006 -> 12:54 PM)
I have to agree with Nuke on this one. We can't have soldiers picking and choosing which battles to face. When you enlist, you aren't being drafted, you are volunteering. I wouldn't agree with a long tax payer supported stay, but a reasonable sentence and a less than honorable discharge would be appropriate.


I find Nuke's final comment ammusing. A schoolyard insult, that should be left in childhood, extends into our military to describe someone, seems so silly in a life or death situation.



That was most generous compared to some other comments Ive heard about deserters. It's because of the fact that he ran away from such a situation that he warrants such comtempt.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 24, 2006 -> 03:27 PM)
That was most generous compared to some other comments Ive heard about deserters. It's because of the fact that he ran away from such a situation that he warrants such comtempt.


That climate must be preserved, it makes perfect sense, you can't have soldiers picking battles. I just think back on Middle School arguments calling some a pussy and find it funny to think of grown men calling people names like that.

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QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ Sep 24, 2006 -> 10:19 PM)
In my opinion the purple heart buys him a little leeway, but not much. Jail time needs to be served, then cut loose.


The Purple Heart is a b.s. award that means nothing in my mind. Guys just make up crap to get them.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 06:19 AM)
The Purple Heart is a b.s. award that means nothing in my mind. Guys just make up crap to get them.



Whatever dude. That may happen in a very rare instance but 99.999999999999999% of the time the soldier earned it.



You want a B.S. award you need look no farther than the bronze star. I had to stand in a ceremony in July of 2003 where a platoon sergeant got one for his service in Iraq. This same platoon sergeant took off and hauled ass the very first time he came under fire. Unless that Bronze Star has a valor device attached to it I dont even want to hear about it.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 07:34 AM)
Whatever dude. That may happen in a very rare instance but 99.999999999999999% of the time the soldier earned it.



You want a B.S. award you need look no farther than the bronze star. I had to stand in a ceremony in July of 2003 where a platoon sergeant got one for his service in Iraq. This same platoon sergeant took off and hauled ass the very first time he came under fire. Unless that Bronze Star has a valor device attached to it I dont even want to hear about it.


And that .0000000000000001% time just happened to be a guy running for President? Wow, what are the odds? This pussy got one, how tough can it be.


BTW, during the last election cycle you claimed a lot more of those are faked. Flip Flopper

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 06:43 AM)
And that .0000000000000001% time just happened to be a guy running for President? Wow, what are the odds?



I never laid question to whether Kerry's war wounds were fake or not. My biggest problem with him is his legislative record and most of all, his conduct immediately after the war.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 07:45 AM)
I never laid question to whether Kerry's war wounds were fake or not. My biggest problem with him is his legislative record and most of all, his conduct immediately after the war.


The whole Swift Boat thing left me with a very tainted view of these. When even Veterans don't have a problem ripping on the awards, I guess John Q. Public shouldn't have that great of a view.


You should have a problem with his legiative record, politically y'all are 180% apart. His actions after the war are a bit more complex. I remember my Dad, a Vet of Korea and a conservative, saying the only anti-War protesters he respected where the guys who got shot at and earned the right to protest. That had an affect on me. I believe Kerry earned his free speech rights, while others have them given to him.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 06:57 AM)
The whole Swift Boat thing left me with a very tainted view of these. When even Veterans don't have a problem ripping on the awards, I guess John Q. Public shouldn't have that great of a view.


You should have a problem with his legiative record, politically y'all are 180% apart. His actions after the war are a bit more complex. I remember my Dad, a Vet of Korea and a conservative, saying the only anti-War protesters he respected where the guys who got shot at and earned the right to protest. That had an affect on me. I believe Kerry earned his free speech rights, while others have them given to him.



I agree that if you've been shot at then you deserve a voice protesting the war. My issue with him is that he lied about what went on over there ( read about the Winter Soldier testimony given to Congress in 1971 ) and disgraced those he served with.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 05:57 AM)
The whole Swift Boat thing left me with a very tainted view of these. When even Veterans don't have a problem ripping on the awards, I guess John Q. Public shouldn't have that great of a view.

Personally, I think that if you let the Swift Boat liars convince you of anything other than the fact that they were willing to do anything and say anything to keep Mr. Kerry from getting into office, you're learning the wrong message from them. Kerry could have won 7 Congressional Medals of Honor and they'd have said that that medal had no meaning. He could have been nothing but a torso and they'd have said his wounds were faked.

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QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 11:43 AM)
Personally, I think that if you let the Swift Boat liars convince you of anything other than the fact that they were willing to do anything and say anything to keep Mr. Kerry from getting into office, you're learning the wrong message from them. Kerry could have won 7 Congressional Medals of Honor and they'd have said that that medal had no meaning. He could have been nothing but a torso and they'd have said his wounds were faked.


true, kerry and those guys have been duking it out ever since kerry ratted (no other word for it) on his fellow soldiers in 'nam. they have always hated him, and will do anything to destroy him, because, lets face it, his ratting was a big contributor to the animosity towards vets when they came home.


it never mattered to me whether or not kerry was telling the truth. he crossed the line when he ratted his fellow soldiers out for political clout and fame. in a way, he kind of reaped what he sowed. maybe it wouldnt have been such a monumental issue if he hadnt brought up his service in 'nam every other word he spoke during his campaign.


on a side note, had anyone ever seen the debate that occurred in the early '70s between john kerry and the head of the vietnam vet association (cant remember his name)? its a fascinating debate, im sure theres a link for it somewhere on the net but i dont have time to find it. can anyone help with that?

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QUOTE(samclemens @ Sep 25, 2006 -> 08:51 AM)
true, kerry and those guys have been duking it out ever since kerry ratted (no other word for it) on his fellow soldiers in 'nam. they have always hated him, and will do anything to destroy him, because, lets face it, his ratting was a big contributor to the animosity towards vets when they came home.


it never mattered to me whether or not kerry was telling the truth. he crossed the line when he ratted his fellow soldiers out for political clout and fame. in a way, he kind of reaped what he sowed. maybe it wouldnt have been such a monumental issue if he hadnt brought up his service in 'nam every other word he spoke during his campaign.


on a side note, had anyone ever seen the debate that occurred in the early '70s between john kerry and the head of the vietnam vet association (cant remember his name)? its a fascinating debate, im sure theres a link for it somewhere on the net but i dont have time to find it. can anyone help with that?

It was Kerry Vs. John O'Neil, another Swift Boat captain, who just happened to be paid by the Nixon Admin. to go out and Smear Kerry at all costs, who also just happened to be the head of the Swift Boat Vets for truth.


I think this link should work for you.

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