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Terrell Owens Attempts Suicide

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QUOTE(kapkomet @ Sep 27, 2006 -> 04:00 PM)
What's even more strange is Bill Parcells saying Monday that he gets sick from his pain pills... so there could be truth to it, actually. Scary, huh?


There's no denying that people can have that kind of reaction to pain pills or w/e.


However, the interesting thing is the cops including in their transcript words about depression, suicide, pulling pills away, etc.


It's difficult to say one side is 100% believable at this point in time.

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Thats the thing. The cops swore under oath that his publicist and TO said certain things, now they are denying that they ever said those things. IN the heat of a crisis people do not think about the rammifications of a situation, now think ahead to what the press will think, they are just honest about what is going on. Now that they have had time to think, it appears to me they are changing their story.

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Im gonna have to call this a case of the media selling a story. How many people tuned into their shows because "To tried to kill himself" instead of "TO had an allergic reaction."


If TO did have a reaction, then its impossible to use his words against him. He clearly was out of it, and according to him does not even remember any of the questions that were asked. I have seen people react very poorly to hydrocodone, to the point where they were so ill that they needed to be hospitalized.


Whether or not this happened to TO, we will never know. But the fact that everyone was so quick to retract, makes me think that there were quite a few leaps to conclusion, instead of hard facts.


In the end the only people who really know are TO, and maybe his publicist. The fact TO practiced today suggests that it looks more like a mistake, then something that was truely bothering him.

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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Sep 27, 2006 -> 05:03 PM)
Im gonna have to call this a case of the media selling a story. How many people tuned into their shows because "To tried to kill himself" instead of "TO had an allergic reaction."


If TO did have a reaction, then its impossible to use his words against him. He clearly was out of it, and according to him does not even remember any of the questions that were asked. I have seen people react very poorly to hydrocodone, to the point where they were so ill that they needed to be hospitalized.


Whether or not this happened to TO, we will never know. But the fact that everyone was so quick to retract, makes me think that there were quite a few leaps to conclusion, instead of hard facts.


In the end the only people who really know are TO, and maybe his publicist. The fact TO practiced today suggests that it looks more like a mistake, then something that was truely bothering him.


What about the police report? That can't be ignored.

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Police report is hearsay.


It is so unreliable that it can not even be used in an Illinois court case.


To explain,


The report is based on different levels of hearsay. The officers ask people at the scene what happened. The officers have no personal knowledge as they were not there to witness what happened.


The fact it was so quickly edited and retracted further suggests how unreliable it is.

Edited by Soxbadger
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QUOTE(Soxbadger @ Sep 27, 2006 -> 04:18 PM)
Police report is hearsay.


It is so unreliable that it can not even be used in an Illinois court case.


To explain,


The report is based on different levels of hearsay. The officers ask people at the scene what happened. The officers have no personal knowledge as they were not there to witness what happened.


The fact it was so quickly edited and retracted further suggests how unreliable it is.

Well, the fact that the person they asked was his publicist (who called 911) and TO, I would say that isnt really heresay. Not only that but they have to take an oath about their statement. I would say that is more reliable than the public relations machine of the NFL.

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Well the TO part is unreliable. If he did OD, then any statement he made would be dazed and confused. He already stated he had no memory of the questions asked, so how reliable is his response "yes". For all we know he thought they asked "Are you the best WR in the world."


As for the publicist, once again, there is a large gap in proof.


What the police report tells, is what peoples first reactions were, not necessarily what the facts are going to report in the end. It is also very bizarre that it was termed a suicide attempt, prior to any sort of toxicology reports being released, etc.


That would be were you could find facts. How many pills were found in his stomach, was it enough to be a suicide attempt, or was it a minimal level? Were their signs of allergic reaction?


Now because this is not a criminal matter, none of these facts will ever come to the public. But if this was a real criminal matter, they would have never let that report leak.


In the end, this in my opinion is a case of the media creating a story.

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QUOTE(RockRaines @ Sep 27, 2006 -> 12:21 PM)
Make sense next time. First of all I said that he said he intended to hurt himself, secondly, 7 painkillers would not warrant a stomach pump, especially from a guy of his size.

Yes, I have seen that happen before.


Uh, Rock, read a little bit pal, I agreed with your original post, I was commenting about the people claiming him as an attention whore and doing this to get people to feel bad for him.

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My best guess is that he had a reaction or whatever, the publicist came over panicked and when the police arrived she most likely mentioned the word suicide at one point or another. Of course it goes into the police report and on from there.




So in other words it was a mix of both sides. I doubt the police lied on a report and I don't think it was a suicide attempt.

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I think actually the most likely senario is that T.O. has been going through some stuff, wasn't trying to kill himself, but his publicist thought he was trying to kill himself, and this has led to a lot of confusion. I believe T.O. when he says he wasn't trying to hurt himself, but I think his publicist (and since he was out of it, the cops as well) might have thought he was.

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Seeing that he was released so quickly from the hospital, I would have to believe that the doctors did not think it was a suicide attempt, or they would have held him for observation for a lot longer.


If I had to guess, either she overreacted in her 911 call (which I believe we should end up hearing eventually), or the local police/paramedics treat certain fact patterns as "suicide attempts" until proven otherwise, to make sure the Doctors at the hospital have an idea what they're dealing with.


If TO was using supplements with some sort of stimulant, mixing it with pain pills would likely make one pretty loopy.

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QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Sep 28, 2006 -> 08:43 AM)
Seeing that he was released so quickly from the hospital, I would have to believe that the doctors did not think it was a suicide attempt, or they would have held him for observation for a lot longer.


If I had to guess, either she overreacted in her 911 call (which I believe we should end up hearing eventually), or the local police/paramedics treat certain fact patterns as "suicide attempts" until proven otherwise, to make sure the Doctors at the hospital have an idea what they're dealing with.


If TO was using supplements with some sort of stimulant, mixing it with pain pills would likely make one pretty loopy.

This is my take on it as well. I think she overreacted when she found him out if it, called 911, etc. If anyone looks bad in this whole situation, it's her. I think she panicked when she saw the empty bottle. And TO probably did answer yes to the questions asked...but was he in a proper state to even answer questions? When this all came about, I doubted he tried killing himself. As far as his story...he may be a lot of things...arrogant, narcissistic, etc. But he's never been a liar. His problem has always been he's been too honest, and not knowing when to shut the hell up. All I know is, when the 911 tape is released, and she did say he was depressed, she should be fired on the spot.

Edited by spawn
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Article about T.O. back at practice and how pissed the police are about the commotion surrounding this matter.


I love the bold quote from the officer. I tend to agree with the police that they have to handle matters in a certain way before they can treat it in a lighter matter.

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QUOTE(spawn @ Sep 28, 2006 -> 09:00 AM)
This is my take on it as well. I think she overreacted when she found him out if it, called 911, etc. If anyone looks bad in this whole situation, it's her. I think she panicked when she saw the empty bottle. And TO probably did answer yes to the questions asked...but was he in a proper state to even answer questions? When this all came about, I doubted he tried killing himself. As far as his story...he may be a lot of things...arrogant, narcissistic, etc. But he's never been a liar. His problem has always been he's been too honest, and not knowing when to shut the hell up. All I know is, when the 911 tape is released, and she did say he was depressed, she should be fired on the spot.




Even though she didn't say it, and the leaked police report was apparently bulls***, I still think she should be fired. She's a bigger freak than he is.

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