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1549 - not just what happened on election day in counting votes cast was amiss but far more, the blocking off roads and denying voters the right to vote at the polls, and before that, the puyrge of African Am,erican voters from the voting rolls, many illegally but oops what can you on election day - 60,000 some votes, probably amongst voters who would go 95-5 for Gore, were prevented from voting.  That is the most basic theft of the Florida election, not just the counting of the votes cast.


Read Mike Royko on Daley (the book is Boss)  and the 60 election - it is not what legend says.  Anyway, even if Illinois had gone for Nixon, JFK still wins.  Just because the vote was late in being announced - downstate Republicans stealing votes right and left to try and steal the election was why the Illinois vote was late, Chicago reported early that evening - doesn't mean Illinois won it for JFK. He could have lost Illinois and he still would have won.


Besides, given the family'c close ties with Chicago (Joe Kennedy owning the Merchandise Mart, JFK brother in law being president of the Chicago School Board) and the Irish and Catholic makeup of Chicago in 1960, as a republican child who lived then, let me tell you that JFK swept that ciity like no one ever had.  (I since gave up my republican child ways... did that by 68.)


I agree with you on pearl harbor.  Everyone knew an attack was coming but no one expected it at Pearl Harbor for logistical reasons - the Japanese navy had no clue they really could pull it off - so that was the one place not on alert.  Gordon Prange's At Dawn We Slept is definitive here for me, a historian with no bais in the matter.

I thought Royko passed away :huh:


Anyway, I no that JFK still won the election, that is why it is not as big of a deal. But the Kennedy family including JFK were very corrupt and stole the Illinois election. Now taking what you said in mind, they may have won Illinois even if they had not cheated. The only thing you mentioned that doesn't really help them all that much is being Irish. Don't Eastern Europeans have a natural resentment towards Western Europeans? Not sure about that, but I think they do...so that would hurt the Kennedy family in Chicago. Of course being catholic helps, because Eastern Europeans are catholic (or are they orthadox?)

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Of course being catholic helps, because Eastern Europeans are catholic (or are they orthadox?)


Is the sky purple or blue?


And Gore, no matter what you tihnk of him as a politician, most certainly got cheated out of Prezidensee; the fact that you have to resort to "but many elections rigged"-type excuses only reinforces it's factual validity.

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Is the sky purple or blue?


And Gore, no matter what you tihnk of him as a politician, most certainly got cheated out of Prezidensee; the fact that you have to resort to "but many elections rigged"-type excuses only reinforces it's factual validity.

No, I don't think he was cheated out of an election. The Florida thing went through the state legislature, the Supreme Court, the highest court in this country made a ruling. Bush won Florida, and the fact that the high courts in this nation and the state of Florida ruled in his favor mean he won the election.


I also hate it when people bring up the popular vote, Gore never cried about that, because he knows how the system is set up.

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JFK was extraordinarily popular in Chicago in 1960


And Sinatra and Dean Martin were extraordinarily popular among the Italian-Americans....LMAO


(CWSOX, when you are not talking about Valentin, you are truly one of the brightest and most knowledgable posters on Soxnet, no doubt about that.)

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No, I don't think he was cheated out of an election. The Florida thing went through the state legislature, the Supreme Court, the highest court in this country made a ruling. Bush won Florida, and the fact that the high courts in this nation and the state of Florida ruled in his favor mean he won the election


ROTFLMAO...In light of the documented evidence presented by many sources, including those mentioned by cwsox and apu, I am giving you a chance to rethink the above paragraph, the logical chain contained therein.

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Oh, and according to the Supreme Court, the recount was stopped because "it would do irrepairable damage to petitioner Bush" not because Bush actually won. And the SC was Bush Sr.'s golfing buddies.


Exactly, meaning that they ruled in his favor...they said no recounts

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Exactly, meaning that they ruled in his favor...they said no recounts

Exactly, meaning that they ruled in his favor...they said no recounts




At best, it's a huge, democracy-betraying malfunction of the higher justice system


At worst, it's Nixon-esque corruption with a capital 'C'.

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Exactly, meaning that they ruled in his favor...they said no recounts

Recounts? Count the votes and see what the people of the state actually want? Isn't that democracy?


The fact that thousands of voters were purged from the rolls shows that the Rethuglicans f***ed with Florida.


And the exact meaning was that if they did the recount, Bush would have LOST and they would have had to deal with the thousands of voters taken off the rolls when they are not criminals 95-5% Gore voters. They knew if they did that, it would cause "irrepairable damage to petitioner Bush"

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All I can say is have you ever counted a million things? Cuz I haven't. But I can guess if you counted many millions of votes by hand a thousand times you might get a thousand different results. If the difference is so small I don't think we will ever know who won the election.

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And Sinatra and Dean Martin were extraordinarily popular among the Italian-Americans....LMAO


(CWSOX, when you are not talking about Valentin, you are truly one of the brightest and most knowledgable posters on Soxnet, no doubt about that.)


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